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15 Minute Jobs?

I'm making a list of jobs, tasks, activities that can be done in 15 minutes and wondered if anyone here has had success trying to get in the habit of squeezing in small 15 minute jobs throughout the week? And what kind of jobs have you found easy to do in 15 minutes?

I've been looking at lists online and some suggestions seem un-doable to me. For instance, vacuuming ONE room. Yes, that is do-able, but if I'm going to pull out the vacuum, I'm going to get a significant amount done. And not do one room and have to drag it out 8 times in a week. Someone suggested giving a dog a bath in 15 minutes and I was just picturing the mess after I was done that would take another 15 minutes.

I'm thinking....

Clean out a drawer

Wash the glass on the storm door

Wash one double hung window

Take a walk

Clean out my email box for 15 mins

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