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help with cleaning hardwood foors! hope we didn't ruin them...

15 years ago

So last night our 15 year old dog had a bit of an accident on our rug & floors (poor pup is gettin' old!). Needless to say my DH tried cleaning it up using paper towels first, then he took out the swiffer wet (multi-purpose cleaner) jet just to clean it up. I think the wetjet left a residue and I'm not sure how/what to use to get it off! I really hope we didn't ruin the finish!! When we walked on it this morning with our socks, it was a bit "rough"...any thoughts/help as to what to try now would be appreciated!

I've heard of squeaky cleaner - I know our floors have a Street Shoe finish on them...I really hope we didn't ruin it with the wetjet!!

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