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Is your decorating sense similar to your fashion sense?

11 years ago

I have spent a good part of today ironing (yes, I still do that), and when I was putting the ironed clothing back in our closet, I was thinking about that question.

I don't decorate so much in colors that I wear; for example we have yellow/gold paint in our LR & DR & I would never pick that for clothing for me. I also have quite a bit of green in accents, etc. and I don't wear green, unless it's a jade tone. I do have some red accents in several rooms, and I do wear a lot of red, or shades of red & coral. I also love to decorate in aquas/teals & do like to wear those colors. Plus, I wear a lot of black & grey, but other than some accent pieces, don't decorate with these colors.

As far as style, the two blend a little more. Probably pretty classic, with some bling here & there, and some whimsey here & there, but more to the classics...not really traditional, just classic. I don't know WHAT that means about the gaudy red valentine wreath I picked up at JoAnne's yesterday...quite sparkly! I think my DH is worried it says "brothel"!!

Anyway, how about you??

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