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Does anyone peri have this weird head feeling?

17 years ago

I am 44. I have the regular peri symptoms; hot flashes, memory loss/forgetfulness, mood swings, etc, etc. But, I have been having this feeling that scares me to death. My head feels "funny". I can't describe it. I am not dizzy, not really light headed. My best description that I can come up with is feeling off balance. I don't ever fall or anything, but this feeling can happen when I am sitting, driving, standing, walking, anytime. I just feel a weird feeling in my head.

Please, someone, tell me you know what I am talking about and what you call it!

Comments (318)

  • 7 years ago
    last modified: 7 years ago

    I'm 51 and must be entering menopoause because the lack of sleep and anxiety have taken over. I've always been a light sleeper but never experienced anxiety of this nature before. But they are two sides of the same coin for me. The lack of sleep led to an episode of sleep paralysis (Imagine waking up to find you can't move a muscle. It's dark, but you're sure you feel a presence in the room, hovering near your bed — or perhaps sitting on your chest, crushing the breath out of you.) right out of Tales from the Crypt and now, after several sleep doctor visits, expensive acupuncture and somatic therapy I am still convinced my house is haunted. All this because of raging hormones!!?? I used to be so rational!

    I still can't sleep well without drugs or at least homeopathic remedies, get bouts of anxiety all related to the sleep paralysis episode and get two periods a month.

    Yea, this is swell. Menopause really is a curse.

  • 7 years ago
    last modified: 7 years ago

    I can only suggest the following:
    - MMJ (VERY small doses only, and vape only). Small doses and more often. It's called Micro Dosing. I was doing it and had no idea there was a term for it. Mostly people doing MMJ for medical do this. Trust me that the effects even from a tiny amount can be incredibly effective and felt.

    - Antihistamines before bed. A bit of Benadryl or Zyrtec. I'm still thinking there is a connection between menopause and high histamine as someone on the internet discovered and wrote about. You have NO idea what all comes with high histamine. Unfortunately, I do. Everything from sleep apnea from low blood oxygen levels, massive anxiety, and nightmares. Check out this chart to see what it all entails. You may be surprised.

    High Histamine Chart (the purple one)

    (Oh, this is "SunshineInMyHair".. don't know why it signed me into a diff account)..

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    Hi Linda, Sorry for your problem. Dizziness is awful. Do you think you need a second opinion? Did you fall and hit your head before the dizziness started? Is there an ear-dizziness expert in your area? the doc I went to specialized in dizziness. Sometimes, it can be a problem with the otoliths in your inner ear. They are little pieces of gravel that help keep our balance. If they have gotten shaken out of place, you can remain dizzy. They are able to manipulate your head to get them back into place. I had sooooo much dizziness during perimenopause. It did seem to be related to my sinuses. I've heard alot of women going through perimenopause complain about their sinuses. I had a dizziness work up a couple years ago too. It started up after I had a colonoscopy. Long story short, it seemed to be caused by my GI tract losing all the good bacteria during the clean-out. After a couple months on a probiotic, the dizziness went away. I have since realized that when I abuse my GI tract, I get dizzy. Go figure. Anyhow......if I were you, I would get a second opinion. I can't make any promises, but I would be encouraged if I were you, that this might all correct itself, as you finish with perimenopause and stop having big fluctuations in your hormones. Good luck Linda!
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    My boss said she experienced that right when she was in the middle of menopause where it felt she couldn't breathe good. She is extremely healthy, and slender. It went away for her after menopause. I have had that heavy feeling before also where it is hard to breathe in my 40's occasionally and my heart was checked out by stress test, echo and EKG, I was told my heart was perfect. I think menopause can cause a lot of symptoms and it is irritating when someone says that something is NOT a symptom of menopause. I have nocturnal panic attacks and they started at 46 years old and only now at 50 starting to decline a bit, but online a lot of reputable medical specialists will say this has nothing to do with menopause, all the while they will say "anxiety" does. So if multiple women are saying, HEY I HAVE THIS AND I AM IN PERIMENOPAUSE, it could be something to it and be due to menopausal symptoms whether Doctors want to believe it or not. Right now, there is not enough research done to rule OUT any symptoms of menopause, and most Doctors are themselves men, or women Doctors who just happened to NOT go through a particularly symptom, but don't discredit it just because you yourself did not experience it, or because you did not learn that as a menopausal symptom. It makes women go crazy when people say, NO that is not menopause. I mean, you don't really know.
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    Comments (9)
    First, I want to point out that not only men experience what you are going through. plenty of women wish they had taken the opportunity to have multiple sex partners. If I hadn't done so, I know I would have wished I had. This leads to the possibility that your wife may be feeling the same way. Second, I'm not sure porn is the issue. It may be, I'm not ruling it out. But just because it's an obvious culprit doesn't mean it is the actual one. If you really want to try and make your marriage work, then you certainly need to test it and turn the porn off for several months and see if that helps. Personally, I think what you are going through is very legitimate and honest. It is clear that you have no desire to hurt your wife, but that you are having strong feelings that I think many people have in your situation. It's clear to me that your feelings are very strong and that you need to do something about this before you just have an affair as a response to undealt-with feelings. Realistically, what are your options? The big question is, do you have kids? Whether or not you do entirely changes your options. If you have kids, you owe it to them to do everything possible to make your marriage work. It just may be that you are someone who will only have two sexual partners in his life. If you have kids you may just need to accept that, greive, and let it go. You and your wife need to get into therapy and work this out. If you don't have kids, innocent bystanders deeply affected by your choices, then you have more choices. You need to be brutally honest about your options. Can you imagine your life without your wife? Completely without? There is a distinctly possible outcome in which she hates you, never talks to you again, and looks at you with venom and hurt any time she happens to see you. How will that feel? Presumably, you married your wife because you liked her. If anyone I liked came to hate me, that would really hurt. It sounds horrible to do something to someone that would hurt them so much. But if you end up feeling like you are stuck in a marriage you don't want, then that is hurtful toward her too. Having a reluctant spouse that is not sexually attracted to you (she knows whether you have told her or not) is no way to live life either. If your desire to have some sexual freedom is strong enough that it will poison your marriage, then it might be best for both of you to get out of it. Be ready to pay the consequences. What's most important in this thing the you are going through, from my perspective, is that you deal with these feelings so that you can make choices with your head and heart (not your penis). You need to be an adult and evaluate your choices and their consequences with compassion and respect for both you and your wife. And you need to do it before something "just happens" because that will make things ever more complicated and painful.
    ...See More
  • 7 years ago

    Thank you I will check out the Histamine link.

    I wouldn't be surprised to find a link. As humans we have extended our lives way beyond what nature intended; by the time we are 50, heck 40, we shold be dead. Seriously. Evolution will take millenia to catch up to longer lifespans and give us poor females a break!

  • 7 years ago
    last modified: 7 years ago

    So glad to read up on all this - anyone else feel like your skin is more sensitive and feel a weird sense like your skin isn't thick enough? I don't know how to explain it - but have had a lot of weird symptoms and just starting bio identical s, sigh aging....

  • 7 years ago
    last modified: 7 years ago

    Thin skin is VERY common for menopause. Try Biotin pills! They should also help with thinning hair and brittle nails.

  • 7 years ago

    Sunshine or CC are you on facebook..i feel like i made a link of someone mihht be feeling yhings i am experiencing and maybe im not sinking into dementia or alzheimer. My head is driving me crazy. Yur discussions make me feel maybe like in not crazy. My email is maddiejj@yahoo.com if you could talk to me. With the way my mind is im afraid if i close this window i might not find my way back to it. Ty

  • 7 years ago

    Testing... let's see if you get an e-mail alert when this is posted like it should.

    Breathe slowly and deeply, Maddie. Migraines are a huge part of my meno. SILENT migraines. That means no head pain, but my brain feels like alzheimers and like I'm going crazy. Drink water. Meditate if you can. Breathe.

  • 6 years ago

    im relieved to have found this thread. My life has been on hold 2 years with these symptoms. Im housebound but generally not bed bound. My worst symptom is a 'weird head thing' the best way i can describe it is its an unpleasant 'excitory' feeling in my head/brain mostly at the back of my head, like being tickled beyond what you enjoy, its like a kind of adrenal surge in the head except it lasts about an hour and i have to lay on the floor feeling like I'm dying, and the pressure/excitement in my head will explode, i feel like it will send me insane. It passes eventually leaving me feeling limp and sick. Generally, it just feels like a pressure at the back of my skull, heavy and unpleasant. I have a feeling its estrogen surging, and i have found a supplement called DIM seems to help alleviate the time of acute suffering, but its bad. Really bad, like when its happening i feel like i want to die to make it stop. The last episode was yesterday at the end of my period, but my period tends to now go straight into ovulation, so it may be the estrogen building. i dont know what it is, but its awful.

  • 6 years ago

    It *might* be high histamine and you are getting adrenaline surges to purge the histamine. When my histamine is high I feel almost insane: moody, depressed, "off", off balance, heavy headed, manic, hyper, exhausted, etc. If you can exercise, do so... adrenaline purges histamine. You can also consider cutting out some really high histamine foods like wine, cheese, avocado, tuna, chocolate, etc.

  • 6 years ago

    thankyou CC, my allergies are off the charts at the moment im sure its all related that estrogen/hitsamine connection. I'll cut back on the dark chocolate and also i had a lot of berries yesterday bad for my COMT issues. Im gluten free dairy free, sugar free and yesterday i had cake, so maybe that exacerbated it. I have to keep my diet very bland.

  • 6 years ago
    last modified: 6 years ago

    Also, may I suggest seeing a chiropractor to see if your neck is out of joint? Also, it wouldn't hurt to try this:

    That little "wing" muscle that is between your neck and shoulders can get VERY tight. When it does, it can cause nerves to be pinched which in turn affects the brain. I'm talking huge emotions, exhaustion, dizziness/off balance, wanting to cry, feeling like you are going crazy (lots of similarities to the high histamine). Grab that muscle between your fingers and give it a good pinch/massage up and down it. As much as you can take within reason. You might feel a pain shoot up to the side of your head and on up to your eye.. it's all connected. If THIS is the reason for your misery, you will feel relief within a minute once you let go. It never ceases to amaze the heck out of me when this works. Especially the emotional connection.. seems so nutty, doesn't it??

  • 6 years ago

    Omg I felt like I was going crazy or something was very wrong with me. Daily functioning is very hard. I have the weird head sensation too. Like a pressure or something..like zaps..feeling unsteady but not being unsteady...no pain just weird feeling. Among my emotions...anxiety, crying all the time. Can't eat...i get a nervous stomach...

  • 6 years ago
    I’m so sorry Susan....just know you will be ok. It sounds so similar to everyone’s symptoms...the weird head feeling and feeling exactly as you said, “off balance but not..” I have it, too, and I have been looking into histamine intolerance (as a result of our hormones slowly decreasing) as I read that 80% of middle aged women have it and can cause VERY similar symptoms. Hang in there. Breathe deeply! It will get better!
  • 6 years ago

    Wow!!! Here I am in the same boat as all you beautiful women. Has anyone had a diagnosis? Please tell there is hope. I have been experiencing these symptoms since August 2017 hoping for healing ❤️

  • 6 years ago

    Just throwing this out there...
    I work with the public, and so I talk to people. I have never heard the word "vertigo" as much as I have in the last 2 years. Women.. men... older... young. I'm starting to think the environment is changing/to blame, or maybe there is some sort of shift happening in our universe. yeah, I sound like a hippy. But seriously!

  • 6 years ago

    Whats with the vertigo in peri?? I have never really experienced much lightheadedness in my life but the last few months I have. It was so bad while driving home from work the other day thought I was going to have to pull off the road. Luckily I was close to home and in heavy slow moving traffic. I just dont understand the evoliutionary necessity of this nonsense. Who do human females have to put up with so much crap from declining hormones but males don't go through anything even close???

  • 6 years ago

    Because God is obviously a man ;)

  • 6 years ago
    Oh my gosh! I have never felt off balance or slightly dizzy at all until last year. (Will be 46 in a few months)I just had it today! I have it around the same time almost everyday in the early evening. And it is worse when the weather changes all the time :(
  • 6 years ago

    Hello Ladies, I’ve been suffering this head feeling for a few Weekes now and useless to tell they scare the hell out of me. I’ve had every test known to man and nothing was found. After researching and reading everything I could I do thing these weird head feelings are brain zaps. It is indeed listed in most homepages on Perimenopause and even if it is not the most common symptom of this wonderful stage of life, many women experience it. It is a mix of hormones and anxiety. Many people with anxiety disorder experience it. I ask many doctors and they all told me it is very frequent among women in Perimenopause or patients with anxiety disorder. I know about doctors who label everything they don’t know as anxiety. But I experience when I’m dont care about it and do yoga and relaxation techniques, it does go away.

  • 6 years ago
    last modified: 6 years ago

    I am glad to find out I was not the only one who felt like this and still does some times. I got some brain fog moments every now and then and felt kinda empty. I would do stuff and work as usual but had a funny feeling that I am not concentrating probably or not into the work and lightheaded all the time even though I would finish whatever I was doing like before. I had some mood issues as well because of menopause. I do yoga and breathing for concentration and started taking ashwagandha and shatavari herbs combination for menopause and mood. It is helping me to sleep well which improve my alertness in presence and has reduced my anxiety.

  • 6 years ago
    last modified: 6 years ago

    5HTP 25 mg helps clear my head when I have the stuffy head feeling. Also a good book is The Mood Cure by Julia Ross is a fantastic book on natural remedies that do help. I am 49 and this just started for me with the heavy head and foggy thinking but progesterone and the 5HTP and vitamins do help ease the feelings.

  • 6 years ago

    For me, it seems to be a mix of silent migraines as well as atmospheric pressure, and lack of vitamins and minerals which keep my neck muscles in a permanent state of stiffness and spasming. I finally got my results for my hair analysis (blood tests at Kaiser show I am "Great! Keep up the good work!" even as of a month ago) but no, I *know* I am lacking something.

    Sure enough, tests show very messed up levels of almost everything. I started taking magnesium/calcium/hydrating products to raise my sodium and potassium, as well as other mineral supplements, and I have to say my stamina has improved in a few short weeks. And mind you, we are having a 100*+ heatwave here in CA. I was able to walk aggressively in the heat for almost 3 hours, then came home and still chopped down a huge shrub. The only days lately where I have the heavy headed woozies ("on a boat") is when we have atmospheric pressure and, although my sinuses are very clear, the upper part of my sinus is plugged (when I go to pop my ears, air gets stuck way up in my sinus and makes a squeaky whine as it slowly comes back out, make sense?). It's happening right now, and sure enough, my Migraine X app alerted me last night that there would be a big atmospheric change today. Every morning I've been putting my head over steam with Vicks (BE CAREFUL AS IT CAN EASILY SPLATTER AND VICKS ADVISES TO NOT DO THIS).

    A reminder to look into SCM and Scalene muscle trigger points by your collarbone and side of your neck. HUGE HUGE triggers for this heavy head thing. I can go from blurry vision, being totally off balance, and being emotionally losing it to feeling almost perfectly normal in a moment if I pressure point these areas and it releases. A lot of this is also from typing on computers, cell phones, etc. It's the head down, arms out position. Triggers the muscles. My job as a server has me with my arms out and head down, so my muscles are wrecked.

    Don't give up! I TRULY feel better after taking supplements. Let's see how today goes. It's a BAD atmospheric pressure day and I'm already feeling like my head is swollen.

    P.S. Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate. But don't just drink water. You need to make sure you are actually processing your hydration with enough sodium/potassium, etc. Pink salty added to your water helps. Research it :)

  • 6 years ago
    last modified: 6 years ago

    Ok. Interesting things happening past week. Taking 5+ different things and not sure which one is the one helping, maybe it's all together, but I will hone in and report back when I have more definitive answers with which one made me feel like my old self again, even if for a day yesterday!! It felt miraculous!!! I highly suspect it was the molybdenum & zinc, but I need more detective work. BTW, the detox of these 2 on my system is horrendous.. look up Copper Detox...

    And yes, the MJ/CBD still helps! Still taking tiny doses.

    I will tell you that it involves Magnesium, Calcium, Molybdenum, Zinc, Malic Acid (sour candies with Malic Acid!), Black Radish Root, and a multi-liquid vitamin called Buiced (been taking this daily for a while so it's not my ah-ha moment I had yesterday, but I do believe it's helping with energy overall).

    I've had about 5 separate days where I had all the symptoms of a migraine approaching, but the migraine never fully developed. That's an absolute first for me! The heavy head thing we are all discussing has greatly improved, and we are dealing with 90* temps with HIGH humidity every single day.

    In a nutshell, I very much believe this has to do with tight SCM and Scalene muscles, and muscles in general, which are loosened with the above vitamins and minerals. Malic Acid gets rid of Aluminum, and the Molybdenum & Zinc get rid of Copper (look up symptoms of high Copper!).

    To be continued...

  • 6 years ago

    I also have this and it is driving me crazy! I also take BP meds and the last time i had this a few years back they switched my meds and it went away. It is back again so i am stumped but would really like an answer?

  • 6 years ago
    last modified: 6 years ago

    I have been reading this entire forum and feel the head symptoms SPOT ON. The only thing is that I'm 27 years old and have not had any kids yet. Currently waiting thyroid lab test results from my Doctor, but everything else has checked out fine according to them. I was even going to a functional medicine Chiropracter who gave me specific adjustments that helped and they would go awhile for awhile, then come back.

    Did anyone ever find more detailed answers from their doctors or did they all say it was because of perimenopause? I ask cause I know I am no where near that and am so tired I just want answers :(

  • 6 years ago
    last modified: 6 years ago

    I am 46 and started suffering with this funny weird head feeling back in the summer. It was so bad couldnt find the right words when speaking and suffered with my short term memory, which was noticed by my friend. Felt really scared and anxious. Went to the doctor in tears, but unfortunately got little advice. My friend suggested taking a vitamin b complex. As soon as i took it felt the heaviness lift straight away and i could think clearly again. Take this half way through my cycle until my period has finished and seems to work for me. Rub lavender oil on my wrists, inhale take deep breaths to ease anxiety. Hope this helps some of you too. Shame there are so many other symptoms we have to deal with too.

  • 6 years ago

    I hate the funny head feeling, can't explain it but it's awful. Ruins your life.

  • 6 years ago

    Always important to share anything our of the ordinary with your doctor. Perimenopause can be confusing as so many things are listed as possible symptoms. I had some hot flashes and I was waking up in the mornings feeling a bit nauseous - chalked it up to perimenopause based on my readings. Then one day I got a shock to my face - really it felt like an electrical shock - followed by more shocks that were triggered by the slightest movement in the air. Long story short it turned out I had a brain tumor aka meningioma. This is not to scare anyone, but do pay attention to your body signals.

  • 6 years ago

    Also look into Copper overload. Get a hair analysis test for $80 online. Be proactive to figure out what is going on. I'm taking Molybdenum and Zinc for only 1 week and the fog is lifting (dramatically) and the foundation of my energy is coming back. Stress kills Zinc. Low Zinc lets Copper overload. You'll also never get rid of Candida if you have high Copper. I'm learning so much lately again.

  • 5 years ago
    last modified: 5 years ago

    I am feeling better and better. When I hit a detox day I feel HORRIBLE and itchy and dizzy and weepy, but the next day I'm good again. Part of "feeling horrible" is getting downright Dyslexic, forgetting words and names to a terrifying degree, feeling like I am in true Alzheimer's fog. It. Is. Terrifying. It is also classic Copper overload symptoms.

    I am gaining my foundation again. I'll have a typical moment where I usually get stressed and then get dizzy and stiff and off balance and feel like "I'm on a ship", but today when i waited for it, it didn't happen. My strength held like the old days. No doubt in my mind that vitamins and minerals are a HUGE factor, as is MACROdosing medical MJ. I can't stress the MACRO enough. Let me reiterate: 1/2 of a pencil eraser is more than enough for me and works wonders. Takes away the neck and shoulder tension that pulls on your head that makes you off balance and emotional.

    I'm back on taking the BUICED vitamin drink again and within days my strength got even better. I just wish there was zero Copper in it, but most multi's have it in there. Calcium Carbonate is imperative, as are Epsom Salt foot baths. I keep repeating myself in posts because I'm wanting you guys to at least try to see if it helps you as much as it has me.

    Now I'm adding BORON into my diet via foods (raisins, prunes, Almonds) due to Boron helping things like calcium etc function properly. it's all such a delicate system, and most of us abuse it through bad diet, depleted soils and foods, and that good old vitamin and mineral killer STRESSSSSSSSSSSS.

  • 5 years ago

    Hello.....yes yes I know exactly what your talking about seems like it puts you n a whole different universe for a couple of secs/ mins u never know when it’s coming then realize o u again lol ... thyroid symptoms are different but yet the same if u know what I mean I do meds for it and blood wrk shows that it’s on a good level ... it’s just weird to me sometimes. Hmmmm tell me what u think!!

  • 5 years ago

    Lately, these feelings have returned to me. Just making me feel woozy and my ears did a weird thing. The sounds around me became amplified suddenly while in a restaurant and it made me feel very weird.

  • 5 years ago

    I know these threads are old but they have been a lifesaver for me. I have had all this and much more since 38-39 yrs old and I am now almost 45. The only symptom that has virtually disappeared are the palpitations but I still get racing heart episodes with an anxiety feeling out of the blue which seems to happen most often around 4-6am followed by intense heat and often sweating. The latest thing which I havent read about is I can hear a clicking in my right I walk briskly. its not pain or anything else just a sound clicking sound or there is a loose bone knocking around in there. Dont know if its coming from my neck, jaw or ear. If I move my head a certain way I can often make it stop. Does anyone have this?

  • 5 years ago

    I experienced the same thing. It lasted for about 8 months.

  • 5 years ago

    Also try this.. just humor me.. find a pole like from a light broom. Put it on your shoulders then let it fall so it's resting at the top of your back so that you can hold the pole with either your hands or your wrists or forearms. This will probably hurt from pulling tense and frozen muscles, so be careful and gentle and do this for maybe 5-10 seconds at first. Don't underestimate this. Just try it. Everyone has a broom or some sort of long handle/pole somewhere.

    I've been wearing a shoulder harness I bought off Amazon for $25 for 4 days straight now and found huge relief in my neck and shoulders that was making me so dizzy and woozy like on a ship and made me feel great anxiety being so off balance. It worked wonders. My Chiropractor did the shoulder/pole thing and that helped tremendously and immediately for me. Just did it now again at home because my anxiety and tension was growing rapidly and it worked immediately.

    Let me know what you feel afterwards!

  • PRO
    5 years ago

    I could cry reading these. Finally found other women with the same crap I'm going through. It seems when I'm under stress it hits more. I can't shop in malls, stores. As I get that off balance head feeling. Keep thinking I'm going to stroke out. Then panicky sets in. Then I have to go sit in my car. Ugh. This feels like a realy bad joke

  • 5 years ago

    I've been thinking... better than using the pole for what I described above, it's MUCH better to just lock your fingers together and put behind your head.. then pull your elbows back, while pushing your chest out. You should feel quite a tightness across your shoulders and parts of your back. If you do this exercise, it WILL loosen up, and I promise you you will feel some relief all around, but also in your shoulders/neck/anxiety levels.

  • 5 years ago

    @ CC-Just rubbing the back of your neck and giving it a good squeeze helps.

  • 5 years ago

    Yes, I agree. A good, deep pinch in the "wing" of the neck/shoulder area. What I describe above works far more muscles though, and is also physical therapy to make it stay looser. Re-trains muscles to do that they are supposed to. That exercise works neck/shoulders/back/arms. In 1 week I can't believe the progress in my looser muscles that have been a solid rock for 2 decades.

  • 5 years ago

    And you guys, I echo the sentiment strongly that Vitamin B Complex, and other vitamins and MINERALS, are imperative. If you are stressing this badly, I can almost guarantee you your Zinc and Magnesium levels are low. That in itself will make your muscles stiffen and spasm and not supple, and will also make your nervous system short circuit. Make sure you take at least a little Calcium a well as at least 5,000IU of Vit D3 +K so it all gets absorbed and utilized properly. A great all around thing to take is this stuff called Buiced I get off Amazon. People hate the red one and I hate the green citrus one, go figure. Plug your nose and take it if you need to, lol.

    Right now, because I believe I have issues with Salicylates AND high Copper levels, I have been added the following and things have improved dramatically for me in the past couple of months (even my weird eczema bumps are shrinking after 25 years and my skin has completely changed texture back to when I was young):

    Molybdenum, Zinc, and I just added Potassium Chloride and Activated Charcoal to help more with the Salicylates and detoxing of my organs. This mix alone makes me feel that "tired"/heavier/content feeling again within an hour. I have been so wired that my insomnia has been insane; I was feeling 100% wide awake until 2-3am and then had to do alcohol shots and MJ to even feel remotely tired, and then it was a restless sleep. Just awful.

    TL;DR - Take your minerals as well as your vitamins!! Imperative!!

  • 5 years ago

    Technique to at least loosen up a muscle that affects balance, mood, etc.


  • 5 years ago

    I'm going to be 46 in September,I'm also experiencing the head pressure,rush type head feelings. Happening more and more.doesnt last long but gives me anxiety because it's a scary feeling.seems to happen more often at work after I sit for a few minutes.

  • 5 years ago

    i started having these same issues in January this year. have had hypothyroidism for a few years but with levo always felt fine . symptoms lasted about 6 weeks and everything stopped one day in February and felt like myself again. Until June when they started back up and still going strong now. I’m 47 and my gyno tested and confirmed with blood test I’m peri. i have an iud so havent had a period in 4 years. Some days i have a huge headache and then others I have the Foggy head feeling that is so bad to describe. gyno would not talk about hrt without me seeing a neurologist which he says Im not having migraines and okd hrt. Odd thing is one day when my ear started to hurt took an Allegrad and it took away the head fog within an hour. Unfortunately that didn’t last. I did for about a month but still had headache. Now the Allegra isnt helping with anything. I’m waiting to see an ent because I feel like my sinuses are so full been an antibiotic for a few days and dI want seem to help either. I’m sure the ent will not have anything to say. Ive had a nurse practitioner mention AD which I’m not really for but will as a last ditch effort. Husband doesn’t really get it and that makes me feel more alone which just makes me cry more. going to ent and if nothing there going to try hrt and AD. scared to death of something serious to but nerologist didnt see any need for ct scans or mri.

    i also get these weird eye/head feeling on occasion when watching fast moving things or really shaky scenes when the camera is moving. I’m not dizzy and can’t explain how I feel other than I have to shut my eyes to focus. So scary!! I think if I could just come to grips it’s peri symptoms I’d be able to deal. Oh been very stressed at work for about two years but that is lessening as I finally have help. Was hoping with help and less stress I’d be better but no such luck. Thanks for listening. brings me some comfort that others deal with the same symptoms

  • 5 years ago

    @ HU-84997141 I know what you mean with the weird head feelings. Recently, I watched a video that had a shaky camera that kept switching back and forth and I got so nauseated it wasn't funny! I get all kinds of weird things that are hard to explain too. Today, part of my tongue went numb and it flipped me out!

    Here is a site that lists a LOT more issues that we can have with Peri-menopause. I have nearly everything on that list or have experienced it at one time or other. If nothing happens I will be 49 in September and I have been going through this since my 30s.


  • 5 years ago

    All I have to say about that list of symptoms is WOW. There was a lot on there I have that I didn’t even attribute to menopause. My gp told me that too many things get blamed on menopaus. I want to ask him to tell me why I have always been healthy with not issue and since January I’m falling apart then? Looking for a female obgyn to go to. my husband does try to understand but we both have been fortunate not to have had any med issues so this is challenging to say the least. Oh had to get rid of my contacts I’ve worn for 20 plus years because i can’t stand to wear them anymore and had to get progressive lense. This helps with my dizziness for sure

  • 5 years ago

    @HU-84997141 Doctors have no idea what goes on in our bodies, especially male doctors. Most of these issues are hormonal. You should also check out Dr. Christiane Northup.


  • 5 years ago

    I think I know EXACTLY what you're talking about! I'm 46 and in the peri stage with night sweats and irregular cycles then last Sept. I started to have some other strange symptoms...constantly tired, moody, anxiety out of nowhere, even had a panic attack (never had one before). I was also having this strange head feeling...not a headache, not really dizzy, but a weird buzzing sensation..almost like my brain felt itchy and I needed so scratch it. It's like those buzzers restaurants give you as you wait for a table...feels like my entire brain is one of those. So, I went to my dr. who ran a full blood panel, gave me an ekg, even blood tests to check my adrenal function....all fine and within range. My bp was high so she put me on a mild med for that in Oct. Within 2 weeks, I started to feel so much better and did not have those weird head issues for about 6 weeks. Then in middle of Dec. I started to have the weird head again (all other symptoms gone), and one Sunday in church before Christmas, it felt like my brain was on fire for about 2-3 minutes. It hasn't happened since but some days I'll get the buzzing sensation different times throughout the day and some days I'll be like my old normal self and have no head issues whatsoever. I do have a thyroid condition that I keep checked with my Endo. doc, and my TSH level was within range but I gotta believe this head thing is hormone related somehow. I'm starting to worry it's something more serious. I'm glad I found this thread to learn of other women having bizarre symptoms....I was starting to think I was losing my mind! Please tell me this is temporary.....

  • 5 years ago

    I started with this funny head and lots of other symptoms when I was 44. I'm now 52 and still get them all but not as bad. My periods are less now, last one was 8 months ago. So hopefully I'll be coming out of the other side soon. Hope you don't suffer as long as I have, I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy. Good luck to you.

  • 5 years ago

    I'm still here, guys. So, here's my latest finding:

    I hate to say the docs are right, but it seems to be stress. BUT... For myself, it's more than just "stress".

    I have been through a lot in my life and my nervous system is shot. My "fight or flight" has been stuck for over a decade. I wake up literally "buzzing" and shaking. The moment I wake up. i'm lucky to have gotten any sleep to begin with.

    4 days ago I started taking GABA. It's an amino acid. Within 15 minutes I felt a dramatic calming of my whole nervous system. It felt like the wonderful calm marijuana gives you, but lasts for hours vs. 30 minutes. It was the "Waiting to Exhale" moment I have been searching for. I started with a very lose dosage of 1/32 of a tsp. You read that right. I take powder form off of Amazon. It's the white package with the red stickman figure looking thing on the front. It is a diuretic, so drink lots of water (both my mom and I experienced weird cramping-pressure-pain in our uh.. rears... but it doesn't happen every time and I think staying hydrated should do the trick).

    Because this keeps my system calm, loosens my muscles (especially in my sinus and neck and shoulders!!), I haven't had those adrenaline rushes at work that make me woozy and all the other stuff we discuss here. And I'm dealing with a crazy lunch rush every day. I have stayed calm and collected. It's been unbelievable this past week on this stuff. Sometimes I wake up a little too calm and tired, but a small cup of coffee and a shower takes care of that and I stay calm and grounded for the rest of the day. Please, read up on GABA to see all the benefits. It's remarkable and I'm glad I finally started taking it.

    The search isn't over until it's over, but this sure has incredibly promising results already.

  • 5 years ago

    Still so far so good for the most part. I got off balance today at work again, but I hadn't really taken enough GABA, and I think part of it was not having any caffeine.

    Let me make clear that it's not "stress" just for stress's sake.. it's lifelong stress that has destroyed the nervous system so that it cannot handle ANY stress anymore. GABA is supposed to calm and FIX nerves. It most certainly calms mine, like crazy, so hopefully the other claims are as effective.

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