Does anyone peri have this weird head feeling?
17 years ago
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- 7 years agolast modified: 7 years ago
- 7 years agolast modified: 7 years ago
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Does anyone else ever feel completely clueless?
Comments (4)I think everyone experiences this feeling at some point or another. I went through the "just when I think I have figured outs" so many times it was crazy. It is a learning experience every day. But most importantly it is a getting to know your worms. I have 3 large mega populated bins. (yes it is time to split the bins again) and each bin is different. Those worms may "LOOK" alike but they all don't necessarily act alike. I have a bin that loves to stay around the bottom. I have a bin that is fast as greased lightening to get to the food. I have a bin of pure food pigs. Stop trying to second guess yourself. For everything you do right then there will be worms that just kick up a fuss anyway. Some things you will do wrong and the worms will still survive. Enjoy the learning curve and just go with the flow. Stay tuned to this site. Trust me all you could EVER need or want to know is here. This became my "go to" site everytime I had a question or doubt. Don't feel like you have to have a worm cam going on them. They will be ok, trust me. You will KNOW when things aren't good in wormville. They will pack their bags and head for the great out of bin. Have fun. That's why we all do this....See Moreperimeopause and vertigo???
Comments (13)Hi Linda, Sorry for your problem. Dizziness is awful. Do you think you need a second opinion? Did you fall and hit your head before the dizziness started? Is there an ear-dizziness expert in your area? the doc I went to specialized in dizziness. Sometimes, it can be a problem with the otoliths in your inner ear. They are little pieces of gravel that help keep our balance. If they have gotten shaken out of place, you can remain dizzy. They are able to manipulate your head to get them back into place. I had sooooo much dizziness during perimenopause. It did seem to be related to my sinuses. I've heard alot of women going through perimenopause complain about their sinuses. I had a dizziness work up a couple years ago too. It started up after I had a colonoscopy. Long story short, it seemed to be caused by my GI tract losing all the good bacteria during the clean-out. After a couple months on a probiotic, the dizziness went away. I have since realized that when I abuse my GI tract, I get dizzy. Go figure. Anyhow......if I were you, I would get a second opinion. I can't make any promises, but I would be encouraged if I were you, that this might all correct itself, as you finish with perimenopause and stop having big fluctuations in your hormones. Good luck Linda!...See Moreinto peri- menopause. anyone with shortness of breathe
Comments (10)My boss said she experienced that right when she was in the middle of menopause where it felt she couldn't breathe good. She is extremely healthy, and slender. It went away for her after menopause. I have had that heavy feeling before also where it is hard to breathe in my 40's occasionally and my heart was checked out by stress test, echo and EKG, I was told my heart was perfect. I think menopause can cause a lot of symptoms and it is irritating when someone says that something is NOT a symptom of menopause. I have nocturnal panic attacks and they started at 46 years old and only now at 50 starting to decline a bit, but online a lot of reputable medical specialists will say this has nothing to do with menopause, all the while they will say "anxiety" does. So if multiple women are saying, HEY I HAVE THIS AND I AM IN PERIMENOPAUSE, it could be something to it and be due to menopausal symptoms whether Doctors want to believe it or not. Right now, there is not enough research done to rule OUT any symptoms of menopause, and most Doctors are themselves men, or women Doctors who just happened to NOT go through a particularly symptom, but don't discredit it just because you yourself did not experience it, or because you did not learn that as a menopausal symptom. It makes women go crazy when people say, NO that is not menopause. I mean, you don't really know....See MoreDoes anyone else feels this way?
Comments (9)First, I want to point out that not only men experience what you are going through. plenty of women wish they had taken the opportunity to have multiple sex partners. If I hadn't done so, I know I would have wished I had. This leads to the possibility that your wife may be feeling the same way. Second, I'm not sure porn is the issue. It may be, I'm not ruling it out. But just because it's an obvious culprit doesn't mean it is the actual one. If you really want to try and make your marriage work, then you certainly need to test it and turn the porn off for several months and see if that helps. Personally, I think what you are going through is very legitimate and honest. It is clear that you have no desire to hurt your wife, but that you are having strong feelings that I think many people have in your situation. It's clear to me that your feelings are very strong and that you need to do something about this before you just have an affair as a response to undealt-with feelings. Realistically, what are your options? The big question is, do you have kids? Whether or not you do entirely changes your options. If you have kids, you owe it to them to do everything possible to make your marriage work. It just may be that you are someone who will only have two sexual partners in his life. If you have kids you may just need to accept that, greive, and let it go. You and your wife need to get into therapy and work this out. If you don't have kids, innocent bystanders deeply affected by your choices, then you have more choices. You need to be brutally honest about your options. Can you imagine your life without your wife? Completely without? There is a distinctly possible outcome in which she hates you, never talks to you again, and looks at you with venom and hurt any time she happens to see you. How will that feel? Presumably, you married your wife because you liked her. If anyone I liked came to hate me, that would really hurt. It sounds horrible to do something to someone that would hurt them so much. But if you end up feeling like you are stuck in a marriage you don't want, then that is hurtful toward her too. Having a reluctant spouse that is not sexually attracted to you (she knows whether you have told her or not) is no way to live life either. If your desire to have some sexual freedom is strong enough that it will poison your marriage, then it might be best for both of you to get out of it. Be ready to pay the consequences. What's most important in this thing the you are going through, from my perspective, is that you deal with these feelings so that you can make choices with your head and heart (not your penis). You need to be an adult and evaluate your choices and their consequences with compassion and respect for both you and your wife. And you need to do it before something "just happens" because that will make things ever more complicated and painful....See More- 7 years ago
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