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Darn dogs...I nearly had a heart attack this morning

16 years ago

I woke up to the sounds of a dog fight this morning at 6:30.

Nearly broke my neck trying to get out of the covers and out of bed. Bed is an antique iron bed...Got my foot tangled up in the foot board...(it still hurts a little) and ran out...

I though the pit bull had Maggie my yorkie....Maggie is always trying to attack her and we have to keep them separate.

Thank goodness Maggie was still penned up in the pantry/laundry room.

The big doberman and the pit were fighting over food. darn dogs darn dogs darn dogs....

Which brings me to a question to those of you who have big dogs.

How much do you feed your dogs each day. I don't think these dogs get enough food.


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