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Jockewing & Other Gray Lovers - Pics inc...

16 years ago

Hope I spelled Jockewing correctly!

I was thumbing through a back issue of Cottage Living (March 2008) and came across the cottage home of Chaffee Braithwaite (daughter of designer Nancy Braithwaite). She used all grays and I thought that it gave some good gray recommendations as well as color descriptions. When I couldn't locate the article on-line I took some pics of the MBR & bath for you all as well as the color recs.

Enjoy - hope it helps someone in the eternal quest for the right gray!

The article stated that 'Nancy turns again and again to these shades all by Benjamin Moore', I got the sample colors from

Revere Pewter 'It's a taupey gary that I use all of the time':

Wickham Gray 'This one has a bit of yellow':

Whitestone 'I like that it has touches of blue':

Cement Gray 'Warm tones of pink make this color really beautiful':

For those who want to know ~ the bedroom walls are Rubidoux and trim is Zephyr Hills by Pratt and Lambert:


Zephyr Hills:

Bathroom trim is Glacier Sand also by PL and floor and wall tiles are from Renaissance Tile and Bath 404-231-9203 and

Glacier Sand:

Luscious ain't it?

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