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Can anyone identify this beautiful stone backsplash tile?

13 years ago

HI everyone. I really love this backsplash tile in the photo below--it looks like some sort of stone--maybe a type of slate or quartzite stone? Can anyone help me locate it, or at least give me a name to look under? Boxerpups posted this beautiful photo for me, from her collection of inspiring photos, (she is so very helpful!), when I was asking about backsplash tiles several months ago. I then got very busy and put the backsplash on hold, but kept thinking about the backsplash in this photo. We are finally ready to make a decision and install the backsplash(after a year of going back and forth, LOL!) I think this is the look we are after, and that it would look great with our honey-spice maple cabinets and cream colored granite, which has grey and light gold streaks and speckles of garnet, which would seem to tie in with the colors in this stone. I also think it would look great and help tie-in with the brick fireplace in the adjoining family room. (what do you all think?)

Thanks in advance for any help!

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