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Colors of new cars

12 years ago

If you bought your car brand new, I have some questions about the exterior color. If you don't mind answering my little informal poll, I'd like to know the following:

1. What color is your car?
2. Is this your preferred color, or did you "settle" for it? That is, if you'd been able to get it in a different color, what color would have been your first choice?
3. If the color of your car was not your first choice, was your first choice even available for the car? That is, let's say your first choice would have been a deep green. Was deep green even offered that model year?

I'm just amazed at all the shades of grey and silver that are available, not to mention black, and white, and how few other real colors are offered.

I recently read an article online about how the most popular car color is white, because of the popularity of Apple iPads, iPhones, and iPods. That amazed me to no end.

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