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Wall-to-Wall Carpet with a Rug on Top?

15 years ago

We are in the process of re-doing our office space (I had another post regarding craft table set ups and I am so excited with the ideas you wonderful ladies helped me with).

The carpet in our office is a light teal/aqua color (yep, yuck) but it's in too good shape to rip up and tear out. I think the previous owners used this room for a nursery at one point.

The wall color is SW Blond so I was hoping I could get a fun rug to tie it all together. Like maybe teal/yellow/brown or teal/yellow/black? My only concern is that it's going to look goofy. But I don't know what else to do.

The room is blond only because I had over a gallon left from another project so I thought I'd use it. I *may* be able to talk DH into another paint color if I can convince him it will look better with the carpet.

Any ideas? I looked online trying to find a combo carpet with these colors but maybe it's such an odd mix it doesn't exist lol.

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