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Mixing Shaker Style and Traditional Cabinets?

10 years ago

Hi everyone! I'm new to posting here but have often visited GardenWeb for reviews and great information!

My husband and I are finishing our basement and we like to entertain, so we are building in a fairly large (by my standards anyway) kitchenette. I've attached the rendered design from my KD. (Ignore the wall color and floors, we have light blue walls and dark mahogany "wood look" tile floors.)

I love shaker cabinets, and the original plan was to go with white and espresso shaker cabinets. But we received door samples today and my husband is insisting on a more traditional door style for the stained wood "hutch" cabinets and island.

I'm not convinced mixing white shaker cabinets with a traditional cabinets is going to look good. I've spent the last couple hours scouring the Internet for pictures, to avail.

Anybody here on GardenWeb have pictures to share or an opinion on the matter? I'll follow up with pictures of the door styles.

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