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I Want To Bone Out A Chicken Like Jacques

John Liu
10 years ago

I am back to watching cooking shows, as a weak substitute for actually cooking or, for that matter, eating anything interesting.

So here comes The Essential Pepin. He is boning out and stuffing a chicken. When I do that, I get all surgical and carefully, slowly, meticulously carve away the skeleton. I wonder, how does Jacques do it?

I'll tell you. He makes a few quick cuts, puts his fingers just so, pulls the chicken right off its own skeleton as easily as you or I would peel a banana. A few more cuts, a quick motion, and he extracts the leg and wing bones like he was pulling sticks from a melted popsicle. It takes 2 minutes, but only because he is explaining it as he goes. Without the camera, he'd have boned out that chicken in 45 seconds. He could do it during the commercial break and have time for a glass of wine.

All the time, he looks composed, authoritative, unhurried, dignified, and kindly. While being very good-looking too, with all his silver hair and twinkling eyes. Damn. My ambition is, when I grow up, to be as cool as Jacques Pepin. I thought I wanted to be James Bond, but Pepin is cooler.

In the meantime, I can't wait to get a couple chickens and try his method of boning out.

What example of chef-ly sleight-of-hand technique has impressed you? Have you been able to copy it?

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