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new condenser, suction line warm

15 years ago

replaced 2-ton condenser-installed new 2-ton concord condenser R22 with new line set of 3/4 in for suction line (was 5/8). A-coil was not replaced and is a Carrier 2.5 ton upflow. after running vacuum, pressures read 75 (normal) and 425 (high on high side) and suction line is warm. Air out of vents are about 78 degrees. A-coil clean, filter clean, duct work is tightly connected, no return vents blocked, no air in system. Adding addtl freon only causes high side to increase with overcharge. While running unit, evap coils get cold up until it reaches 3rd from top coil, where it is not cold (I am guessing that since the a-coil is 2.5 ton, then the freon is turning to vapor before it reaches thru all of a-coil). I thought you cold mismatch up to 1/2 ton higher for evap coil. Could this be my problem or deos anyone have any other recommendations to troubleshoot?

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