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Funny how you can always find interesting people....

19 years ago for example wool happened to be on sale at a local chain store. Off I go EARLY because this wool is popular and the sale price was very good. Fine, I'm the first person in the section and find what I and MIL want and make my choices. Two other ladies appear who I thought were together (they weren't it turns out) and one begins telling the other which wool she used in her last project and how she wanted to change needle sizes and try something else. The other counters with the information she had used the same pattern but different wool and how that worked. I join in the conversion by saying I too have used the wool but had to change needle size to fit the tension we have this round robin going on wools, projects and needles. Two of us help one lady choose a color for herself, the second offers to buy the other a few extra balls as there is a limit.....I tell them certain needles are on sale in another store..and so the information and sharing continues as we all head to check out. It was like a meeting of the local knitters guild. We were all total strangers but by the end of the checkout we were friends. It's nice to meet kindred spirits in surprising places.......did it ever happen to you?

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