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Knee Injury?

17 years ago


I read the post "knees bad again" but it really doesn't apply to my case. I am a 54 yr. old female, of good health, in fact that is how I had this injury....I was walking!!!! Yes, not sprinting or turning or uphill or downhill, I was just walking and my left knee started 'bothering' me. It wasn't so sore that I quit walking so I kept it up for about a week; maybe 2 1/2 miles a day. It hurt behind my knee and then we had some bad weather so I quit walking and the pain did not go away. I went to see an orthopedic Dr. a couple of weeks ago and he thought it was my gastricnemus(sp.?) muscle and prescribed physical therapy. I have been going about 5 times now and have been doing my exercises. Now, I am totally pain free behind my knee(where the pain originated) but the inside of my knee is really painful now! It kind of feels like a big bruise. If I take ibuprophen, put my leg up, ice it now and then it is not too bad but I am getting really has been since the first week of July that this all started happening!!! I can walk but not without pain....what do you all think is wrong with me????? Thanks for any and all advice!!!

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