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Knee arthroscopy

18 years ago

Hi everyone,

My knees have been going downhill for awhile. I'm 56. My kneecaps are off-center, and I saw a sports med. doc about 5 years ago for them. I taped them, and did exercises and they improved alot.

But 2 months ago, it started up again, and taping the one knee didn't help. I saw the doc again and had an MRI which showed alot of arthritis and a torn lateral meniscus.

So last Thursday, I had athroscopy, to trim up the torn meniscus and scrap rough areas out. The surgery went fine and I went home, feeling really good that day.

Then....the next day, my leg was bent and stiff and extremely painful. I have fibromyalgia and a hyperactive bladder and had to get up about 12 times a day to pee, and thought I would die. I thought I was doing everything I was supposed to do. Today I had my follow-up with the doc, and then PT. I had to use a wheelchair to get up to the office, and then crutches.

I couldn't believe what the physical therapist told me. She said that I shouldn't have had a pillow under my knee these 4 days, and that I should have been putting weight on the leg. I limped around those 4 days with crutches......with my leg bent. She said she didn't know why the docs don't tell patients to not use pillows, etc.

We spent the half hour stretching my leg out. It was so painful, I almost passed out.

I'm on the right track now...but it's so painful.

Here's my questions: (And I'm sorry to make this so long!)....Have any of you had this procedure? Is it normal for it to hurt SO MUCH? I know it's only been 5 days, but I don't understand why I'm having so much pain and seemingly more problems than before the surgery.

Is it swelling that causes all this? I realize that I got stiff from disuse, but why did it start hurting so horribly the second day? My husband had this surgery twice and seemed to breeze through it.

I think the PT exercises will help alot.....but I hope I don't stay nauseous and light-headed through it all! Another disadvantage is that I can't take NSAIDS.

I'm just hoping somone out there can give me some hope that I can feel better soon, and won't end up with more problems than before the surgery.

The surgeon I used is case you were wondering. Thanks for your help!

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