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Paula Deen contract not renewed

10 years ago

Do you think it was appropriate for her contract to not be renewed because of past usage of racial slurs ? Haven't many of us changed our views as we've become more aware of the rights and feelings of others? I'm thinking of my own views relating to same gender marriage. in the past I was not a supporter. I am now. I would like to think we all have the potential for growth and maturity and would hate to have my livelihood and reputation be held hostage for something I said or believed in 20 years ago.

I'm not trying to start a flame war. I do not condone the use of racial or ethnic slurs.

This post was edited by covingtoncat on Fri, Jun 21, 13 at 23:27

Comments (103)

  • gsciencechick
    10 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Now she has been dumped from Smithfield Foods. They are in the process of being sold to the Chinese, so they probably would've gotten rid of her anyways (that's another thread).

    "Smithfield condemns the use of offensive and discriminatory language and behavior of any kind. Therefore, we are terminating our partnership with Paula Deen. Smithfield is determined to be an ethical food industry leader and it is important that our values and those of our spokespeople are properly aligned."

    Oh the irony of Smithfield saying they are an "ethical" company . . . .

  • Oakley
    10 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Billy, she is definitely oblivious which is why I think she's severely naive. I've known a few people like her and I believe they're born that way. No matter what anyone says to them, they simply cannot comprehend.

    Which is why she never reined in her brother who seems to be at the core of the lawsuit. To Paula he's probably just a "good ole' boy." And I can see how hard it would be to fire her own brother.

    I've got Wednesday's Today Show set to record. I'm curious to see if her foot in mouth disease surfaces. Matt Lauer can be a merciless interviewer. I hope she's prepared!

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    Comments (8)
    Too bad her businesses cannot be rebranded to save the jobs. However, other restaurants will go in to fill the spaces and perhaps hire the same people. The collateral damage is very sad. It was not the use of the horrible n word that did her in. It was promoting a racist environment in the workplace. Scroll down in this link to where she refers to her driver as being "black as a board" and has him stand in front of a blackboard. How demeaning for that man! She is getting what she deserves and I am very sorry for those who are being dragged down with her, except her sons and other managers who could have put a stop to this long ago. Here is a link that might be useful: paula makes me sick
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  • tinam61
    10 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    GS - you are exactly right about Smithfield! My workplace does some business with that company.

    I don't believe for a minute she's that naive. She's a smart cookie to have come up from nothing to what her business is today.

    I've met her (at a cooking show here) and we've eaten at her restaurant. The old location. Which I was not wild about that type of food. I've used a very few of her recipes, like mentioned, most are terribly fattening and we just do not cook like that - even though I'm a born southerner!

    I have no desire to see her interviews. It's another one of those stories that is not of of great interest to me and is getting more attention than necessary.

    I don't dislike her or anything, but I think she will come out fine. Hopefully she's banked some of the $$$ she's made and she still has her home furnishings, kitchen/cooking products, books, home decor items, etc., etc., etc.


  • gsciencechick
    10 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    You will have to watch it, but I don't think she helped herself any.

  • User
    10 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    She is not naive. She is frankly vulgar and--- until lately--- enjoyed and paraded her own vulgarity.

  • kellienoelle
    10 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I had no opinions on this prior, but just watched her interview on the Today show (because I was already watching the Today Show) and can post my gut reaction. Boy did that seem insincere. If she was hoping to do damage control I certainly dont' think she hit the right note.

  • kellyeng
    10 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    That interview was an embarrassment. I really think she has no PR people or they are really poor at the jobs.

  • Joe
    10 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Fame and fortune equal changed expectations.

    - Issues PD cookbook for the Lunch-Box set (kids).
    Produce product, engage marketing machine to create demand.

    - Continues to promote high-sugar diet three years following diagnosis of Type 2 diabetes. Concurrent with disclosure, signs multi-million dollar endorsement deal with Novo Nordisk pharma.

    - Lisa Jackson (complainant) leaves Uncle Bubba's Oyster House restaurant on August 19, 2010. PDEnterprises hires (male, Caucasian) Director of Human Resources in September 2010.

    - Hostile work environment lawsuit filed March 2012.
    PD deposition taken May 17, 2013.

    - May 22, 2013. PDE announces formation of The Bag Lady Foundation to help women and families in need. The non-for-profit organization is 'still in it's infancy'.

    Clever and calculating.

  • caminnc
    10 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Gosh, that interview did not go well at all! She really seemed more worried about herself than making an apology of any kind.

    Yes Kelly, I agree she really needs some better PR people.

    I think she will end up loosing all her contracts. I think it will also hurt her sons show.

    This post was edited by caminnc on Wed, Jun 26, 13 at 9:52

  • maddielee
    10 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Caeser's Palace is severing ties with her.

    After watching the interview this morning, I'm afraid that only one person can save her.....Oprah.


  • Oakley
    10 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    She's about as naive as one can get. A person can be intelligent and naive at the same time. Paula is a cunning business woman (which is fine), but when it comes to her social skills, her naivety & lack of common sense comes shining through.

    Smart and naive social skill's can definitely go hand in hand.

    Kswl, I agree, she's also frank and vulgar. But that has nothing to do with business smarts. I think she thinks it's okay, but it goes with her naivety. It's ingrained in her.

    I think she should count her lucky star's that Smithfield fired her. I wouldn't eat their ham's if they had the last pigs on Earth! lol

    As far as the interview goes, I don't think she did that bad of a job. Her reply to a question about using the word and when she rambled on about the kitchen people using it for each other was pretty lame.

    I did like her throwing stones remark though. The rush to judgment was just awful. From reading around the Net, I've come to the conclusion that people who already hated her and loathed her cooking will hate her even more over this. And I find that sad.

    Plus, she never ever told people to cook her recipes every day of the week! She could still have Type II Diabetes and be thin as a rail. People who aren't highly familiar with the disease...really shouldn't throw stones. :)

  • Joe
    10 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    During the Today interview, PD acknowledges the 'wonderful support from Rev. Jesse Jackson.'

    It has been widely reported that an attorney from Jackson's Rainbow/PUSH organization is in Savannah interviewing former employees of Uncle Bubba's restaurant.

    Is it possible she has confused the Rev. Al Sharpton with Jesse Jackson?

  • tinam61
    10 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Oakley - you are the very one who started a thread on this board about Paula and her not being forthcoming about her diabetes.

    Thankful I did not see the interview. Sounds like she made matters worse and only embarrassed herself. . .

  • covingtoncat
    Original Author
    10 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I think the rush to vilify her is overwhelming. I don't watch her shows or buy her books because she's a great humanitarian or a lousy one. I mostly enjoy her folksy on- camera personality. A lot of her dishes are wonderful while obviously many are waaay over the top.

    The way that both the public and business enterprises have turned on her is really something to watch.

  • kellienoelle
    10 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    This seems as good a place to ask as any....I keep seeing people refer to the Hot Topics board. Where is that?

  • tinam61
    10 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Kellie - I don't participate in Hot Topics, but after reading through this thread, I went over and looked at the Paula post. If you go to the main Gardenweb listing of forums (choose garden forums instead of home) you'll see the forums listed in alphabetical order.

    What bothered me most about that thread was some thinking that all southerners are racist. Not.


  • kellienoelle
    10 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Thanks for the info. I am sure it will get my blood boiling, I guess I am a glutton for punishment. I'll plan on hitting up a yoga class or doing some meditation to calm my nerves after this.

  • tinam61
    10 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago


  • Oakley
    10 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    And your point is what, Tina? The topic I did back then has nothing to do with the topic at hand, nor what I referenced to above.

    Covingtoncat, I agree, it's the extreme vilifying I'm having a hard time understanding. Good grief, people act like she murdered someone!

    The swiftness of her punishment by businesses, press/internet, and people have me stunned. I haven't seen anything like this since Casey Anthony. lol

  • mitchdesj
    10 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I think it's a culmination of events that doomed her, and her ratings were down, this morning's WSJ article explains it well.

    Here is a link that might be useful: Wall Street Journal on PD

  • Bumblebeez SC Zone 7
    10 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Ya know, Billygoat, she thinks they all look alike.

    I have no opinion of her personally, but the Hypocritical mob vilification is indeed disgusting.

    Why on earth does anyone need to be told that there are mean, cruel, racist, idiots in all cultures/board of directors? I don't think the South has that claim anymore. Too many Yankees down here...

  • User
    10 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Oak, I said she is frankly vulgar---I.e. she doesn't try to hide it. With respect to being frank, as in telling the truth, I wouldn't know. Intelligent? Not judging by what I actually know of her own words and actions. Naive? Again, no, not judging by what I actually know about her.

    I'm interested that so many people in a variety of forums have expressed such detailed opinions based not on her words or actions, but to the motives they themselves attribute to her. Really, unless a person actually knows Paula Deen personally (or any other celebrity) I don't know how such opinions are formed.

    The public makes celebrity and can take it away. That's part of the pact with the devil Fame.

  • Joe
    10 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Update to previous post:

    "The Rev. Jesse Jackson said that Deen called him and he agreed to help her, saying she should not become a sacrificial lamb over the issue of racial intolerance. What she did was wrong, but she can change."

  • Joe
    10 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Why did corporate sponsors bail on Paula Deen?

    To date, the media has had laser focus on a celebrity chef's use of the N word. Understandable given IT is the most recognized racial slur on earth.

    But the true crux of the issue is this.
    IF any of the allegations filed in the Lisa Jackson lawsuit are proven, Uncle Bubba's Oyster House will have violated employment law. Title VII of the Civil Rights Act protects against the discrimination of employees. In addition, under Georgia law employers are required to have preventive policies on racial discrimination and sexual harassment.

    The vast majority of the detailed offenses in the case involve Bubba Hiers, Paula's brother, as the perpetrator. However, PD admitted in her deposition last month that she knew her brother was viewing pornography, telling hostile jokes and using inappropriate language in the workplace. What this means is that a business owner did nothing to protect staff and allowed the harassment to continue. A direct violation of employment law. A CEO is accountable for the actions of management (Hiers) EVEN IF no malice on their part was intended.

    Will the Lady and Sons and Uncle Bubba's Oyster House restaurants remain viable PDE entities?

    The EEOC is the federal agency charged with enforcing employment law ( On their Home Page, the EEOC is actively soliciting employees of five companies to participate in class action lawsuits against those employers.

    Typically in class cases, the EEOC seeks monetary damages for EACH impacted employee of between $8,000 and $9,000. Recall, Lisa Jackson was also seeking $1.25 million. IF the EEOC prevails, the employer pays the monetary damages to ALL current and former employees in the class.

    Uncle Bubba's has been open since 2004 and the restaurant industry in general experiences high turnover. A class action could potentially include 100's of current and former Uncle Bubba's employees. It would not be unexpected for monetary damages to reach $10 million. Per reported annual revenues, one would expect PDE to survive that outlay.

    IMO, given that multiple videos and testimony that exists where a company CEO waxes nostalgic about plantation era practices, the EEOC is salivating to pursue this charge.


  • kellyeng
    10 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Yes, the racial slur is just the tip of the iceberg.

    I would say Paula just needs to close up shop and enjoy a very cushy retirement but who knows how many other lawsuits get filed by former/current employees . She may end up completely wiped clean of her fortune.

  • neetsiepie
    10 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Precisely why the FN, Walmart, QVC, et al are severing ties with her, BillyGoat. Its not just that PD may have said something some time, but because of the implications of the EEOC and the lawsuit brought against her brother's restaurant.

    In the corporate world you absolutely have to watch your p`s and q`s. A little Ma & Pa place might get away with it, but when
    you're talking about mutlti-million dollar make sure you`ve got an excellent HR team in place who is fully aware of the EEOC laws. In fact, businesses with
    employees are required to post notices of such laws. You can`t get away with `jokes` in business.

  • Oakley
    10 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Kswl, I agree, she doesns't try to hide her vulgarity which tells me she's naive/ignorant. Maybe I'm not articulating very well, which is usually the case. lol.

    She just doesn't get it which still leads me to believe she's naive. Like when she said, "I is what I is." Naive and ignorant, and sadly I don't think she can change. But that doesn't mean she's racist either.

    What happened at Bubba's restaurant should have no reflection on Paula unless she's an owner. Maybe she told Bubba to "can it?"

    I'm just saddened that America needs this pound of flesh from her. Boy have they gotten it and more!

    It upsets me that people like Bill Maher can call Sarah Palin's boy a "Re***d" and call Sarah Palin a "C**t" and NO one cares. Or Alec Baldwin saying those homophobic slurs against a reporter.

    What Paula said was in the far past, what the above people are doing is NOW. But no outrage. Why?

    If Paula was still slinging racial slur's then I wouldn't cut her a break. Why is she being crucified sooooooooooooo harshly?

    I'll tell ya why. Because these companies are wusses. They are afraid to stand up for Paula for fear of losing the almighty dollar. And the funny thing is, I don't think they'd lose a cent!

    From surfing the net and talking to friends, I believe more people are on her side than against. But no one has the courage to publicly stand up for her for fear of the usual mob mentality backlash.

    Honestly, I've never seen anything so cruel in all my life. As Paula said, who has not said something in their past they wish they can take back?

    Maybe I'm the one who's naive. lol

  • graywings123
    10 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    From the appearance of Paula Deen, this video was not filmed in the far past. She may not be racist, but she is beyond insensitive.

    Here is a link that might be useful: Video - he's black as that board

    This post was edited by graywings on Sat, Jun 29, 13 at 9:00

  • kellyeng
    10 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Being naive and ignorant is not an excuse for bad behavior.

    I think there were too many inconsistencies in her deposition and interview with Matt. I think she's lying.

    I also think that she allowed a hostile work environment (she and Bubba are co-owners) to not only exist but flourish.

    Further more, based on the above thoughts, she needs to fade from the public eye. She's just not cut out for success that requires a favorable public opinion.

    These are my opinions that are not based upon the media or what anyone else thinks or does. I can imagine that many many people have come to the exact same conclusion as me.

  • cyn427 (z. 7, N. VA)
    10 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Honestly, I've never seen anything so cruel in all my life

    I know you are younger than I, but that statement is over the top, Oakley. Go back to the 50s and 60s civil rights era or, in your lifetime, to the torture and murder of Matthew Shepard. Those atrocities are the result of people allowing hateful views to stand unchallenged.

    I was not going to jump in here, but I do not think she is naive at all. Arrogant would probably be more precise. Attitudes such as hers about race or other subjects are at the least unkind and at worst, encourage others to carry those ideas to extremes including violent acts. The problem with giving anyone a pass on attitudes such as this and the others you cited is that it does nothing to elevate civilization. We all reap what we sow. Some do it more publicly.

  • graywings123
    10 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Bill Maher doesn't have any "celebrity endorsement" contracts that I can think of. I bet that Capital One is going to drop Baldwin.

  • gsciencechick
    10 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Yes, the "black as this board" comment just adds that she doesn't get it.

    Also, the other day I had on "The View" and Barbara Walters said the "I is what I is" is also from a racist "joke." Yikes. Don't know if that was intentional or not. However, Barbara invited her to be on the show.

  • Oakley
    10 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Cyn, this isn't about her attitude towards race, it's a word she said 20 or 30 years ago. That is what she's being crucified for, nothing else. It's not an "attitude" she has now as far as I know. Not one person has come forward to say she's a racist now. I find that quite telling. I don't find what happened to her over the top at all. It's past the cruelty stage, IMO.

    Kelly, being naive isn't an excuse, it's a reason. Which leads me to forgive her because she said she was sorry and it happened a lifetime ago. And in the context she said it while having a gun to her head, why can't people understand that?

    The "I is what I is" remark is the perfect example of her ignorance. I don't think she said it to be racist, she simply doesn't get it = being naive. It doesn't make her a bad person or racist for saying that sentence. Naive and ignorant, you betcha.

    Gray, ten bucks Capital One doesn't drop Alec. And I doubt SNL will either. Nah, he'll get a free pass. Just as Bill Maher gets one from HBO.

    And Kelly, Paula still has favorable public opinion. The companies that dropped her aren't the public. If those companies have shareholders, not enough time went by for them to vote. They all jumped the gun.

    I do agree that Paula should fade into the background for now. Those "I'm sorry" tours never work, IMO. Which I think Paula is too naive to realize. :)

    I know I'm alone on this board regarding Paula and that's okay. But I'll bow out now so I won't have to keep repeating myself. lol

  • graywings123
    10 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    That makes sense, Oak, to agree that we will never agree on why all this has happened to Paula Deen. You seem to believe that her contracts ended because of one incident, an offensive word used 30 years ago, and I believe her contracts ended because she has shown a continued pattern of racial insensitivity up to and including the present that are now coming to light.

    People who think that it is fine for her to speak as she did in that video won't ever understand why her sponsors dropped her.

  • gsciencechick
    10 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Don't know why this reposted. ??

    This post was edited by gsciencechick on Sat, Jun 29, 13 at 13:11

  • terezosa / terriks
    10 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I wouldn't call her naive, but she probably existed in a bubble, as many famous people do. Surrounded by fans, people on her payroll and only people who agree with her.

    I also agree that a one time (as she says) use of the N-word is not the reason that she is being dropped. I think that it is her business practices and insensitivity that are doing her in.

  • Annie Deighnaugh
    10 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I just watched the interview, and saying he's as black as that board is not what I find upsetting....rather it's the way she ordered him to stand please, no would you mind...just ordered him. The sense and tone of proprietorship she exhibits is horrifying.

    I wouldn't call it naivete....I would say that she thinks that that is exactly the way things ought to be, and rather than apologizing, she's looking for a way to justify it...and she's trying to do it with southern charm. She doesn't think she needs to change...all she thinks she needs is a better way to explain it to "all y'all" so y'all understand that that's the way things are supposed to be.

  • blfenton
    10 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Her publisher, Ballantine Books has just cancelled her contract as well. She had a 5 book deal with them

  • Olychick
    10 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Graywings, that was a completely cringe-worthy interview on so many levels. That poor young man being paraded around, her jokingly (to her) telling him to come here because we can't see you against that blackboard, her thinking that black prejudice is the same as white prejudice (which is what = racism, not the other way around). It all is just so telling that she's clueless. I don't know if she's hopeless, maybe she'll figure this stuff out.

  • magglepuss
    10 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Let me see if I get this strait....

    C#### = ok

    n####- not ok.

    Are we safe to assume that 30 years from now we can pull up video of people saying c###,and cause them all kind of harm. Heck, couldn't even type it into this post. The list is long, and yes, it does involve Sarah Palin. Bunch of bullies!

  • kellyeng
    10 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago


  • magglepuss
    10 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Do I need to type louder?

  • gsciencechick
    10 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    There are apparently several companies who are sticking with Paula Deen:

    The publisher of her magazine

    The company that books her on cruises; apparently they booked additional cruises for this upcoming year

    Landies chocolates (never heard of them)

    The company that books her for cooking expos

    Epicurean butter, which makes her Southern grilling butter (again, never heard of this)

    Springer Mountain Farms chicken

  • Olychick
    10 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Magglepuss, it's not just a word used years ago that is sinking her ship. I think this article explains it better than just about anything I've read. My apologies if this has been posted above, but I don't think I saw it here.

    Here is a link that might be useful: Janus Adams's open letter to Paula Deen

  • graywings123
    10 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Olychick, you are right, that is the best explanation for how I feel and how I want to reply to Magglepuss. I am taking the liberty of copying and pasting here.

    By Janus Adams, Emmy Award-winning journalist, historian and producer

    When news first broke of Paula Deen's indelicate turns of phrase, I ignored it.

    C'mon. What American hasn't used the word [the N word]? We teach children the word each time Mark Twain's Huck Finn and Tom Sawyer are assigned in class.

    After the initial headlines, there came anecdotes so salacious that she was a no-show on The Today Show, where she'd been scheduled to give a mea culpa and get on with her life.

    Through it all, my admiration never waned for her along with Martha Stewart and B. Smith, women who'd turned housework into home-making, built empires and given millions of women immense pride in the work they do for their families.

    Then, I heard Ms. Deen speak of her great-grandfather's having gone into a barn and shot himself because the Civil War had been lost and "he didn't know how to deal with life with no one to help operate his plantation."

    "There was 30-something people on his books and the next year's census it's like zero," she told a live audience. "He couldn't deal with those kinds of changes."

    Never did she mention the price paid by Blacks, pre- and post-change, over centuries of enslavement and segregation. She did say that "Black folks were such an integral part of our lives; they were like family." She even called a Black male employee, Hollis Johnson, "black as a board" onstage. "We can't see you standing against that dark board," she joked.

    To Matt Lauer on The Today Show, she offered her critics a self-serving monologue and a defiant "I is what I is, and I'm not changing!"

    Hence, this open letter:

    Dear Ms. Deen,

    I know that you're in great pain at this time. Your world -- and everything you've worked for -- has been rocked. Much as it was for your great-grandfather, it must seem that life has brought "terrific changes."

    I cannot, however, sympathize with the plight of your great-grandfathers who, for centuries, victimized mine. I will not mourn the "way of life" lost to those who joined the Ku Klux Klan, lynch mobs and "picnics" where white families spread blankets, shared baskets and "picked [n-word]" to dangle as "strange fruit" from their hanging-trees.

    You are suffering because you refuse to understand that lives have been lost to the "I is what I is" mentality in which you take such pride.

    Given a forum, you gave a diatribe. "Someone evil out there saw what I had worked for and they wanted it." Do you understand that millions of hard-working people only want to hear you say: "I said the things I said. I was wrong. I'm willing to learn and to grow?"

    Given a lifeline, you chose a lie when you said the only time in 30 years you used the word [n-word] was when a Black man had you at gunpoint in a bank robbery. Playing to stereotypes instead of humility, you sought to justify bigotry.

    Forget worrying that what some say about you isn't true; it's what you're saying about you that's causing outrage.

    Do you know what it means to me, a dark-skinned person, to watch a man who looks like me publicly humiliated for his skin tone?

    His family had to see that. What were you thinking? Should you tolerate being "white as puss?" If you won't, should I sneer at you for being politically correct?

    Your laugh-line was the work denied me for being "dark enough to offend." "Were you 5' 9" and blonde, I would've hired you in a minute," said one network news executive.

    Your employee's humiliation was my first day of college. A white dorm mother had me stand for inspection -- as if on an auction block -- to give my assigned white roommate's parents the option of having me removed from "their daughter's room." My family paid the same tuition with no such option.

    And, do you really think a wedding celebrating the heyday of plantation life is a good idea?

    No, Ms. Deen, this isn't just about the N-word. It's about the picnics of your youth. It's about your lack of remorse -- or compassion -- today.

    It's about your timing. You misused your platform for self-pity two days after George Zimmerman's defense attorney opened a murder trial in the shooting death of Trayvon Martin, an unarmed, dark-skinned teen, with a knock-knock joke.

    This is about what you're willing to do for yourself, for the millions of people who've believed in you and the thousands whose livelihoods depend on your "brand."

    And, it's about your caring enough about them to use your pain to move others toward the healing our nation so desperately needs and rightly deserves.

    Janus Adams

  • neetsiepie
    10 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I firmly believe that it was not just the use of the "n" word at any time in her life that has caused her affiliates to drop her, but it was her admittance, under oath, to knowing that certain conduct by supervisors and managers cannot be inflicted upon subordinates in the workplace and that she knew jokes, both racist and sexual, were freely used within the corporations and did nothing to stop them, instead joked herself that it was, in effect, just the way some men are.

    For her to admit that she, as an executive member of these corporations knew ILLEGAL behavior occurred and did nothing to stop it, is why, I'm sure, that the legal staff at her affiliates advised to sever ties. We're not done hearing of the accounts of sexual harrassment and racial issues within PDE. Perhaps Ms. Deen herself can be shown to be above reproach, but her responsibility as an officer within her corporations has been lax, and if her being 'ignorant' of these things is her excuse, it's no wonder her ship will sink. You just cannot get to be that big,and that public of an enterprise and not make sure you're covering your hind end or expect to pay the very dire, very public consequences.

  • blfenton
    10 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    My mother, at 84, would have used the N word (never the n word) in the 50's and 60's. I would have taught her to use a different word and she would have been good with that. My kids have taught me different words to use and why and I am good with that. It is generational teaching and you have to be willing to learn. Paula Deen is not and unfortunately I suspect that there are a lot of people just like her. There is no excuse or defense for these attitudes.

    That is a good letter with which I agree.

  • terezosa / terriks
    10 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    In her interview with Matt Lauer on the Today Show Paula Deen said that she didn't know if the N-word is offensive to blacks:

    On Wednesday, Deen explained that she used the racial slur after being held up at gunpoint years ago, Lauer read a statement from Deen's deposition that said, "I can't myself determine what offends another person." Then, Lauer asked, "Do have any doubt in your mind that African-Americans are offended by the N-word?"

    "I don't know, Matt," she answered. "I have asked myself that so many times because it's very distressing for me to go into my kitchen and I hear what these young people are calling each other. Very, very distressing. For this problem to be worked on, these young people are going to have to take control and start showing respect for each other and not throwing that word at each other."

    Really?? Instead of apologizing she tries to turn it around and place the blame on those she should be apologizing to. She tries to paint herself as a victim. Naive? No. Disingenuous? Yes.

  • Joe
    10 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Learning from experience (the aftermath):

    TV Production - We hope the 5 or 6 employees of the production company will obtain positions with the Sons. lt is reported PD received $20,000 per episode, the Sons likely earn less. Although not a huge revenue generator, TV was the most important venue for PDE. It provided national exposure to the Deen brand.

    Note: It is reported Paula and Michael recently built a $14 million home. Since the house was used in production, a portion of the square footage cost could be treated as a business expense (tax deduction).
    Several GWers would be able to provide the carrying costs on a $14M home.

    Licensing deals - As gscience reported, the small regional sponsors are all that remain. The corporate national endorsers have either cancelled or suspended their contracts. The deals are comprised of up-front payments with a percent of revenues. Licensing is reported to be approximately 50% of PDE revenue.

    Appearances - At a reported $75,000 to $100,000 per, a very large component of PDE. Challenging to determine full impact of the implosion, although to date cooking shows and cruises remain on schedule.

    The Lady and Sons and Uncle Bubba's Oyster House restaurants. In the PD deposition, it is reported PDE in 2012 had to infuse Uncle Bubba's with $300,000 in operating money. It is alleged in the Jackson deposition, the CFO felt the restaurants could be profitable if Bubba (and Sons) did not remove monies from the till. While generating cash flow, the restaurants produce limited revenues. They will, however, be vital to bringing the Deen brand to the public.

    Cookbooks/books - Similar to licensing agreements. Upfront payment and 5 to 6% of revenues.

    Magazines and retail sales - Heretofore, modest revenues.

    Open Questions:
    Will Bubba continue to have a role at Uncle Bubba's restaurant?
    Will PDE settle the hostile work environment lawsuit or continue in defense?
    Can Jamie and Bobby resurrect the Deen brand?
    Will Paula continue to have a role in a newly constituted Deen Enterprises?

    Note: Bobby seems best positioned to redeem the brand. While keeping a link to PD, he was on a path to independence BEFORE the crisis. Hence, credibility. Having moved to NY and creating a wellness oriented Deen brand, he may well be the future.

  • caminnc
    10 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I'm just shaking my head. I mean, really?

    Here is a link that might be useful: Paula Deen Offered Six Figure Pay