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I'm new here... I wish I wasn't

19 years ago

I... I don't know what to say, except I've read a few messages and perhaps here is a place I can come. Life goes on for everyone else... for me, I still want to talk about him all day, every day and I think my friends are getting distant because of it.

It's been almost a month since the accident. It could have been any one of those boys that was with him... they had all jumped off that cliff into the water many times. But it was my brother's first time. He was a very handsome and athletic 17 year old. He loved adventure. He jumped off of an 80 foot cliff and fell to his death... because he was leaned a little too far forward he was knocked out. My beautiful strong brother drowned.

And I don't know if I'll *ever* just "get the **** over it", as some in my life have so callously suggested. I can't. I lost my big brother when I was 14 (I'm 22 now). I watched him die of leukemia. I never, never thought it could happen again. I still can't believe I'm alone in this world, that both of my siblings are dead. I moved home to be with my mom and people are critisizing me for that.

I don't know, I guess I just feel so alone, like no one except her understands and I don't want to burden her with my grief, as she is nearly dead herself from a broken heart. Here's something I wrote about Dan.

"You felt the rush

The same one we felt together, suspended in the air with Mom between us

On that safe drop, the harness, then flying through the air

At first you were scared

You wouldnt pull the cord

But when we fell, you loved it

I used to play Airplane with you

My feet digging into your smaller chest

Your soaring smile above me

I love you, little brother.

When I climbed down the ice pit last summer

And couldnÂt get out

You helped pull me out with your strong arms

Your strong arms couldnÂt save yourself.

I know you were scared to jump.

But you saw it done. You saw how they landed. Feet first.

Feet first, Danny! Feet first.

"Alright guys, I gotta make this jump".

Your very last words.

And as you fell, you leaned forward

You didnÂt scream

You didnÂt scream because you didnÂt know, and so

All the way down, you felt the rush, the thrill

Expected to plunge and swim back up

So we could see your beautiful eyes open again.

Popping over that snow jump we made, you landed it every time

I saw air and shafts of sunlight between your flying body between the sky

I saw your smile

A million times I saw you,

And now I want to write every one

Must write them to remember you by.

Rather than the first, IÂll start with the last

As it torments me more than any other

Your sweet smile and gentle eyes  NO MORE

All that filled you up inside and lighted you was gone.

I heard our fatherÂs muffled cry through the wall

And saw mom and dad backing away from your body in horror.

I went to be alone with you.

Your head was supported by no soft pillow, only a styrofoam block

You wore a hospital gown so we wouldnÂt have to see you in your swim trunks.

I pulled the gown to look at your chest.

A huge gash where they emptied all your life fluids

I know they had to do it to keep you looking good, butÂ

Since it was never meant to heal, they used such rough stitches

Like rawhide, the thickest stitches IÂve ever seen

I looked upon your face. Sweet brother, the cream was applied all over, over your orifices too

Your handsome dark eyebrows and those think eyelashes I was so jealous of

Were covered in white cream

Your eyes and mouth seemed to be lacquered shut

I know, because I touched you a lot.

Your eyes were closed, will stay closed

Those lashesresting on your creamy cheek

Your eyes looked peaceful enoughÂ

Except for the purple bruise under the left one.

But your mouth was drawn in anguish

In anguish, little brother

By the way your lips looked

I could tell you breathed in water.

Not right, itÂs not right, you didnÂt look right there

It was you, but it wasnÂt

Just the case of you

And the case was so stiff, so cold

Your hard muscles felt so different in our last embrace

I fairly laid down next to you, my head on your cold chest

My hands running through your soft, sweet smelling hair.

I wanted you to embrace me too, but your arms were stiff

Your hands sort of clenched and slightly raised from your torso

Og god Danny, no

No no no no no

And I couldnÂt go I kept trying to walk away

After I covered you to the neck again with that white sheet

How you shined under the light, that ****ing cream

Made you glisten and you looked so handsome

Such a handsome young man should never be lying on a table like that. You should have come back, Danny

Why cant you come back



My tears burn like acid on my parched face

IÂd give anything to take your place

You saved my life and lost your own

DonÂt drown, Danny, donÂt drown

Hit the water right

DonÂt be scared, water is soft

The very firstÂ

They gave me a coloring book about babies

As I waited for your arrival

But you didnÂt look like the cute babies in the book

All wrinkled and fat, and noisy, you scared me

But I learned to hold you and care for you

I became a big sister when I met you".

If someone could guide me, I would like to share his picture as well.

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