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Anyone want to help plan our new home? Need Opinions

18 years ago

We're in a small dilema picking furniture for our new home... Mostly, it's a 'size' issue since I know everyone's tastes are very different. A couple of things... I noticed that there are a lot more fabric choices in furniture than leather. At first, we wanted leather because the furniture was going into our great room that's open to our kitchen and dining area and in front of the fireplace. We have hardwood floors so we thought that leather would be a great choice for a warm and formal area. Here is the layout. Now, we were thinking of doing two sofas with a little table in between for conversation purposes. We were not thinking of a sectional in this space. Sofas are 'normally' in the 80-88" range, and we felt that was too big for this space. So what do you guys think about us going with two 'love seat' sized sofas that were in the 66" range? Do you think that looks weird? Or do you think the reg size sofas would look too big? By looking at the layout below, I know a regular sized sofa would fit. However, we do need to account for a)closeness to fireplace, and B) room to walk between sofa and dining area. We didn't want it to be an obstacle course. Sigh... Here's the layout....


Thanks in advance for all of your help!!

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