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Craftsman Keyless Entry Does not work with Existing Remotes

I know I am beating a dead horse here. My Keyless number pad stopped working(Battery went dead). When I went to reprogram I could not get it to work with the existing remotes. I have a 139.53675srt2 1/2 hp Craftsman garage opened. I purchased a new keyless entry pad to make sure I was not loosing my mind 139.53684.

When I release the codes from the main console I can only get the learn option to program either the car remotes or the the keyless pad. I can not get them to program together. I have tried them all seperately with no luck. It seems as if it will only hold one set of codes. Is there anything I can do besides buying new car remotes as I have seen posted that they may have lost their new technology and rolled back to the old. If this is true I will never purchase Craftsman again as this has to be the stupidist thing I have ever heard. Thanks for the posts and keeping my blood pressure down.

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