Middle to high-end upholstery
19 years ago
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- 19 years ago
- 19 years ago
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Year-end sales and high end appliances?
Comments (25)Harry - I DO get it. Expansion and growth are a rarity in a flat or down ecomnomy, even for the Ultra Wealthy. You must have made a fine professor, as you have macro economics down pat. I DO get it, the net worth of the majority of the world's wealthiest people is down, so is the majority of everyone's. Does this mean they flee to a financial bunker and stop spending? Heck no, some do , just like some of the merely rich do, just like some of the middle class does, and just like the everyone else. However, many are still out there doing things normally some are even bargain buying like never before: I didn't make up Rolls' or Gulfstream's #'s people are buying them! Even in a downturn big co.s are buying too: Delta just gobbled up Northwest and B of A just wrote a mega check for Merrill. Don't let the media persona of Buffet fool you. A few years back all he'd talk about was how flying commercial was the best thing to do and a private airplane was not smart. What's he do a bit later- buy a Gulfstream? No he buys an entire company full of private jets and keeps the largest Gulfstream there is on standby. Same with his home, his modest $200k +/- Omaha house is real enough, but what about his 15 million dollar place in SoCal that you don't hear about??? Same with his sob story about his secretary paying more INCOME tax than he does. That's because she MAKES MORE INCOME which is subject to income tax than he does. Think she pays more dividend income than he does? Who's AMT tax bill do you think is larger at year's end? Don't take the media's cookie cutter soundbites or eye candy as the absolute truth or big picture. Remember W.R. Hearst's contempt for the masses? "They'll belive what I tell them" Same is true in the media business today. He's an anomaly, the very wealthy spend trainloads of $$$ you just don't see or hear about it because the majority value privacy, anonimity, and their time above all else. DC - while I don't entirely disagree with the premise that the luxury goods sector is down as a whole like everything else, I do wonder about the sources of these stats? Some blogger from Orange Co. doesn't exactly instill confidence in me for the trends of the nation or world as a whole. I gave you 3 examples of rarely debated "luxury" items that have seen rises in sales during a weakening economy. I guess it boils down to what's going to be considered a luxury item and by whom. Does a $1000 Prada purse qualify, or is a luxury handbag more likely a Kelly Bag from Hermes at well into 5 figures these days? I don't think BMW qualifies anymore these days, but they are always included in "luxury car" rankings and catagories by most auto professionals. Another point I'd like to make that I think few around here get or agree with is that companies making luxury or high end goods don't rush to lower prices at the first signs of a downturn. Some not even after many quarters of neg. results , and some not ever. It defeats the purpose of positioning an item or company as "luxury" or " high end" if you are going to start charging lower prices because sales drop. You either create more demand or a better value proposition or you deal with flat or no growth for a while till you figure it out. Some don't and they fold. Businessmen with any seasoning and experience accept that slaes go up and down just like stock prices and comodity prices. They hope that the broader trend is a rise in the metrics that they use to manage and measure their business. So , don't count on a cut rate deal from Sub Zero , Viking or Meile in the frist part of next year or even at all. Long before they consider lower prices you'll see "incentives" like fridge, oven and cooktop full price DW at 25% off or Viking will throw in a set of their knives when you buy theri range. Miele might extend their warranty another couple of years but I'll bet the farm you won't see a sale from a German firm....See MoreRowe Furniture: Good or Bad?
Comments (122)New custom purchase Rowe Sofa 2 chairs and ottoman... I posted earlier, about the sectional that I've had for 22 years that I loved. It held up really well. I was hesitant to go with Rowe again because of all the negative reviews. But, I've been searching for so long, and I really like their styles and th sales rep, said they have been selling the Rowe for many years and the quality is great and they don't have any issues.... I did some digging,... Markor acquired Rowe in 2018...Markor, founded in 1990 by Richard Feng, chairman and CEO, owns four U.S. subsidiaries — A.R.T. Furniture, Caracole, Jonathan Charles, and Rowe Furniture — and operates 10 advanced manufacturing facilities in China. Rowe is still made and manufactured in NC. So after a lot of research and shopping, I caved and ordered from Rowe...took 3 months to receive...not bad at all. The furniture is beautiful and comfy so far. ***Here is what you should know, if you decide to from Rowe. The specs on their website are completely off. Someone mentioned this in a post, that the height of their sofa was 3" lower than it was supposed to be, I was hopeful that was just a on off. *Sofa specs from Rowe: L 110" D 46" H35" seat H 21" seat D 27" Arm H 24" between cushions 96" ***What I received....L 105" D 42" H 32" seat H 19" seat D 27" Arm H 24" between cushions 96" my chairs were off as well seat H 19 instead of 21, and W .is off by 2" and H is 32" instead of 35" I'm most bummed about the Height of the back of the sofa and chairs, 3" is a lot when you want to lean your head back, the seat height is off but still a good height...the back coushions on my sofa are sorter than pic on website...by probably 3 inches.... Soooo having said this...I'm really happy with the look and quality, I've only had it for a week now, so I will give updates...it's beautiful and looks to be made well... I didn't do the down wrap, because I don't like the slouchy messy look...in one showroom they told me that use the luxe, faux down which bounces back and doesn't get flat looking holds up better.., so that is what I did, it's very comfortable I might ask to get taller cushions for that back of the sofa, I think that would help, but not sure if they will do that. if you purchase just be prepared for the specs to not be exact...I don't mind about it much except for the height... that makes a huge difference in my opinion....See MoreIn the Middle of a Budget (Middle to High End) Renovation
Comments (17)I love hearing other peoples bargain stories! And your kitchen looks great (in the pictures in your other thread). What a great deal on that spectacular sink! Remodelfla-I would love to see your cherry vanity! I really like what you did with the baker's table, too. Bethandkevin-sounds like you have found some great deals, too! Our floor was kind of a splurge, but yet a savings, too. We bought walnut flooring from a friend who does high end floors, but my dh handscraped it and installed it himself. We finished it fairly dark, too, and I love it! We have found some great bargains and some great splurges on stuff we couldn't have afforded new by shopping craiglist, auctions, garage sales, etc. We have probably saved about $6000 on the things we have bought-viking range, SS apron front sink, trash compactor, hood, etc. Its fun to see the pieces coming together finally-we have been working on our kitchen for almost two years. It is in a new location, though, so I still have my old kitchen. We are redoing our whole house bit by bit, so I have wood, tile, fixtures, patio door, lighting, fireplaces,french doors (my most recent bargain-$40 at a garage sale, brand new, and they are a perfect match to the stain on the other doors!) and various other bits and pieces of "house" that we have picked up along the way. I am not quite as diligent about checking craiglist every day, though. Most of the kitchen stuff and the two baths in progress has been purchased, though. I should start looking for the backsplash. I'm not quite ready mentally to switch gears to the next phase of our remodel (dining room, living room, master bedroom, office, and laundry). That won't start until the end of June at the earliest. Our baby is due in about three weeks, and I need to switch focus to finishing up preparing for our newest little one. Trying to get this kitchen done has made the time go by fast! I almost got soapstone for my countertops for $300, but there was just not quite enough no matter how we tried to lay it out. I haven't had any brainstorms on how to "stretch" it to fit, either. Although it is probably worth the drive to see it, though, and maybe it would match the small remnant I saw at a local fabricators...It would be so nice to make a decision on countertops, but neither dh or I can quite commit to full price for stone. Who knows how long we will live with the temporary painted MDF that we put in just to get this kitchen functioning....See MoreAre my expectations just too high for even the high end cabinet makers
Comments (45)1) Regarding the screws.... For the drawer faces: Pocket holes should be drilled into the face frames if they must be attached permanently vs using the hardware to keep them on. The pocket holes should have covers attached (either the plastic or wood options). I personally prefer if they are removable via removal of the hardware so they can be changed out or refaced in the future & since you're going the custom route I'd defiantly want it! Inside the cabinets: A pilot hole should be drilled prior to screw if the wood hardness requires it & the screw counter sunk (slightly below the side walls) with or without plastic caps (depending on the company). Cabinet/Wall Brace:Are all the cabinets secured to the wall with simple screws?? I was really surprised to see this! How are they making sure the bases are secured to studs & not just drilled through into the gypsum board? In the past I've seen cabinet makers use a base board across the run anchored into wall studs and the bases are then secured to the board. Holes: The hole that will be exposed once the dishwasher is installed needs to be fixed. The fridge cabinet with the double screws and the blank hole is ridiculous...whomever was doing the install rushed and didn't care about screw placement or taking the time to properly aline things before drilling. Again= Custom built should = quality control and care! Yes there are MUCH better ways of finding the studs...even just using your knuckles to knock on the wall can get you close enough that a max of 2 holes might need drilled if you miss it the first time....again, sloppy work installing. The range microwave: Did they know that cabinet was going to support a microwave/hood? I'd ask about the install and max weight support. I don't believe 2 screws is enough to hold it (especially if they only screwed it into the wall & not a support board!) but don't know...I'd just hate to have it come crashing down a year from now! *You need to make sure the cabinet makers know that screw placement & finish result is important to you and you expect no screws will be felt or seen once the install is complete. 2) Shims: Yes, it's totally normal for wood shims to be left under the cabinets. Floors aren't completely level and in a new build the house will settle over time and the floor will change so it's important that the cabinets can be leveled. This is why RTA cabinets like IKEA have adjustable feet on the base that's hidden with a toe kick. Custom cabinet makers use wood shims to level on site during install and those can then be removed or added to as time goes on and any changes are required to keep the cabinets level. 3) Fixture & Outlet Holes: Yes, it's common to have large square pre-cut from the backs before install as plumbing is different for every job & since fixtures change depending on the choices made in faucet, garbage disposal, dishwasher lines, etc they can't make exact cuts. Again, this is why a lot of RTA cabinets are backless and if the backing is ordered it must be cut by the installer to fit the existing fixture spaces. HOWEVER- I totally agree with your being upset about the range plug placement and their solution to cut another hole into the side of the custom cabinet boxes. Although- I'm not entirely sure I understand correctly if it had to go through another base to reach the outlet or just the base of that unit vs the back side where a hole was already cut? I don't know what another solution would have been.... 4) Cabinet Face Gaps: Are you doing a full overlay with the new build as well? I completely agree that the gap's should be consistent and you definitely shouldn't be able to see the contents of the drawers! If the cabinets are full overlay why is the frame not hiding the contents? If they are custom inset then I'd be very picky about how it all lines up since this is a fine craft that requires skill & time to get right (hence the excessive cost)...plus wood swells & contracts so they need to fit properly with a slight consistent gap after install....See MoreRelated Professionals
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