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New to Diet Cliub

14 years ago

I usually hang out at the lawncare and caregivers forum.

After raising the kids and taking care of MIL(now in a memory care unit)it is SO my time.

My insurance will pay for a weight loss program. It has been a great experience so far. Your body is such a machine. They have tested my metabolism and lots of lab work.The doctors have set a plan just for me based on me. I believe after countless attemts at weight loss this time will be successful. You meet with doctor, nutritionist, and exercise specialist. No drugs or special food. After 3 days I lost 1.6 lbs.I am finishing my 1st week. I go back right before Thankgiving for another weighin. I have increased walking(its the only exercise I love) from 1 mile 2 weeksa ago to 2 miles today. I will have the slimmest dog. He loves to go with me.

I like the weekly weigh ins and support this site offers

Can I join you?

Ricky and Rosy were my dogs that passed away years ago and I always want to remember them hence my name with this site.

Have a great week!


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