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What happened to white corn meal?

11 years ago

I love home made southern style corn bread, made with white corn meal, buttermilk, vegetable oil, a pinch of salt, baking soda and baking powder. No eggs, sugar or wheat flour added.

The best bread is made from pure, natural, stone-ground meal. Just ground up dried whole kernels of white corn. Nothing added and nothing taken away. I used to buy it at the local supermarket; the most popular brand was Bob's Red Mill, but there were others. It was plentiful in health food stores where it could usually be purchased in bulk.

A little under a year ago, I went to buy some more at the local supermarket and they were out of stock. I waited about a week, and they still didn't have it. After several visits, I concluded they no longer carried it in stock. The store employees didn't have a clue.

So I tried several other supermarkets, same thing. Next time I was in Nashville, I looked in several supermarkets and health food stores there. Zilch! Everyone seems to have plenty of yellow corn meal, but that doesn't produce the same texture of bread as white. Martha White "enriched" white corn meal is still available everywhere, but I want the real, plain, unaltered stuff.

Can anyone tell me why this product abruptly disappeared off the market everywhere, a little less than a year ago?

Don in TN

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