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Daily Support Mon. Sept. 20th through Sun. Sept. 26th

14 years ago

Good Monday all,

I hope everyone had a great weekend. We didn't get the sunshine that was promised. Truthfully, I was hoping for rain but didn't get that either.

Maddie, for two years I have been trying to figure out how I could pull off going to the WEG's. It so expensive to go. Now there are all kinds of tickets for sale but attending all the events that I want would cost around a thousand dollars plus lodging. I am praying that NBC will give it the same coverage that they give the Olympics for it is truly the Olympics of the equestrian world. Congrats on your honors!

Nothing that I planned to do got done this weekend! My neighbor gave me 40 pounds of peaches! So I spent most of the weekend putting them up. I made jam and froze a bunch for cobbler or pie. What a nice gift.

I have had the good fortune of having lots of Bluebirds this year. I enjoy watching them flash around in their blue suits! I managed to get a couple decent pictures.

That's a little Chipping Sparrow in the group.

So lovely!

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