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SS Support Monday 8/18 - Sunday 8/24

16 years ago

Happy Monday!

It's rare for me to post first :-)

After much crazy time at work I have an extra day off and am enjoying it.

Today I am heading to Cape May - there is a wicker store there I love and I haven't visited it in a while.

Not much else to report - hugs and hellos to all.

I should not be MIA as much now that my work project has ended.

Enjoy your Monday!!


Comments (70)

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Happy Wednesday!

    I just overhead an absolutely ridculous argument at the office and now I have the giggles. Need to keep laughing to myself, but it has not stopped me from Raeanne's question.

    Not sure that Raeanne wants my ideas with my warped sense of humor right now (was thinking about creative ways to display road kill.....awwwww, you KNEW that was coming!).

    Anyway, I'm curious about taking Suzanne's Fall Harvest idea and splitting it in two. How about a decorative/display prize, and a cooked/baked harvest prize?

    That's it for now.....need to concentrate on a program I'm writing.

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I love the categories, Raeanne! For nuts, you could do "Going Nuts" or something. I love the fall nut harvest.


    QOD: What's your favorite kind of nut?

    I like salted Mauna Loa Macadamias. YUM!

    Well, I'm back on the line after being out of internet connection for a few days.

    Back later with the Palouse account...

  • Related Discussions

    SS Support - Mon. 1/8 thru Sun. 1/14


    Comments (25)
    Hello, It is a little chilly here too Suzanne. What a change. I'm not minding it too much, but my poor DH has been having to do some outside work. At least when he comes home he can defrost in the hot tub! QOD: I have Monday off! I also have tomorrow off. Professional Development day for teachers so I don't have to go in! Patti, I am sorry to hear about your friend. You sound like you are good support for him. I hope the the PT works for you. Dave, right back at ya! Donna, I hope you are feeling better. (((HUGS))). I'm thinking of you. How is your kitty doing? Tikanis it sounds like you are on the right track. Keep up the great work. Raeanne, what are you giving for the unbroken gift? I could supply everyone at the party with something with the amount of "things" I have around here! Did anyone hear about SS house? So sad. I'm sure she will rebuild and make many more happy memories. I pulled out all of my WW stuff, AGAIN. I am going to read through it over the weekend and decide if I want to try and commit myself to it again. If I do, it will be full steam ahead. Meetings and everything. Have a great evening! Love, Besh
    ...See More

    Daily Support, Monday, 5/18 to Sunday, 5/24


    Comments (22)
    Hellooooooooooooooooooo~ Well, with the sale of the house came TONS of work! We signed the papers on Tuesday morning and have to be out by THIS Saturday night at 11pm! Just Baby V, my college DD, and I had the movers there on Wednesday - a WHOLE ENTIRE 18 wheeler FULL to the top! DD watched the baby and I packed the rest of the stuff. I slept on the floor of the house that night and baby slept in his port-a-crib. Up at 2am to get on the road to get in line for the first ferry to the rock. I dropped Baby off at daycare and headed to the "drop zone." Then a full day of unloading into the garage of our yet unfinished house. We got done at 4pm yesterday and I went to work till 5. I think I fell asleep BEFORE my head hit hit pillow! Today, it's work. Tomorrow, back to the house for a few runs to the dump and to recycle some of DH's old electronics in the city. Then, load up the remains of whatever's left in the house and wipe out drawers, cupboards, and then and back to the island. The cleaners are coming today to do a good clean beforethe new owners move in. I'm dreading holiday traffic on the way back, but hey!---can't complain---SOLD the house. Yes, at a 60% reduction and after over a year, but it's sold. Sigh. One question--SHould I dig up the St. Joseph or leave it there? lol. This Sunday, we are going to GO TO THE BEACH and have a weiner roast picnic with another family from school. YAY! A real day off!!!!!! *********Dee, Trekaren, I hope you feel better.********* Baby V is on a 20 day course of antibiotics since I took him to the allergist and they think he has had a year long sinus infection, which ALL the other docs I took him to missed dianosing. It appears they are correct, as his nose has cleared up but he is having the worst intestinal issues I've ever seen him have as a result of the antibiotics, but there is only about 5 days left so I will continue and see if the "cure" lasts. As for Monday, I think I will work on my garage and packing , as the move from our rental to the new house is about 3 weeks away. Ahhhhhhhhhh. Okay, I'm done. Everyone sounds like life is GOOD! Enjoy the weekend. This week, I have been internet impovrished and no internet when I'm away, so see you guys on Monday.
    ...See More

    ss daily support, monday july 2 - sunday july 8, 2007


    Comments (15)
    Good Friday morning all, What a week! Two Mondays - two Fridays!! I really dislike a holiday in the middle of the week. Next year I will have to pay more attention and book off! Maddie, I did not watch the concert for Diana but I watched the interview with her two boys beforehand. I find them interesting and really feel for the fishbowl they live in - like their mother. I don't know what it was about Diana but I found her very interesting and could never understand what she saw in dorky Charles. She has two handsome boys though and I believe she was a good mother. What a life to live in a fishbowl for all of them. The weather here is awful. Humid and hot and my animals are all miserable. The biting flies are so bad that they cannot stand being out in the pasture for more than 20 minutes - they come galloping in because the bugs are so bad. I wonder how I ended up in the bug Mecca of the universe. The horse flies, deer flies and barn flies are horrible this year as are the mosquitos and gnats! Even early morning the gnats are so bad they can't stand it. So now they are standing in front of thier fans where they will stay all day. Poor things are so bitten up and itchy that they just hand me thier heads to help scratch thier ears. UGH Dee, only four ribs.........I could not resist! Sounds like you did well for yourself. Donna, good for you for joining WW. I joined WW on line and it's a good program. Now for some reason I can't use the program at home where I really need it. My computer won't let me download the most recent version of Flash which is required to use the point counter!! I have to try to figure this out over the weekend. QOD: What are you all doing this weekend? Saturday is my 17th anniversary and DH and I will be going out to dinner somewhere.
    ...See More

    Daily Support, Monday, 8/11 to Sunday, 8/17


    Comments (44)
    Good Sunday afternoon! Suzanne, your post made me smile because you sound so incredibly happy and content! Glad you won the battle with the bugs. Patti, I've never heard of chickenfoot before. I learn something new daily! Thanks for your nice offer to help make things for the church bazaar. I think they've probably got more than enough offerings even without my meager efforts though. I won't be here the day of the event, but I did bring home a sign for the yard today and will get my crafts up there beforehand. Yesterday, after working out, hubby and I drove up the road about 8 miles to another Methodist church that was having a catfish fry and live and silent auctions. The food was incredibly delish, and the auction items were good. We brought home a beautiful SS Red Hat necklace, a pampering basket full of goodies from a local spa (30-min. massage GC included!), a GC for a mani- and pedicure, and a GC for a Subway party tray which we'll use either at Thanksgiving or Christmas. I hope I can check out what my church will have in the auction so I can coach hubby on what to bid on! LOL Later this afternoon, we're both going to the church ice cream social. Hubby can't resist the lure of ice cream, so he wants to go. I hope he likes the people he gets to meet, too! Thinking of y'all even when I don't get here to post. (((((Hugs)))))) to everyone just because..........!
    ...See More
  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    QOD: Love almonds; especially when made into almond paste or marzipan. yummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    QOD~I'm with BJ on the macadamias. Yummers!! ;~>

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I found your last update. So "real",I have enjoyed reading them.

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Harvest Moon is the name of my new church's fall festival, and someone could have fun with that, possibly.

    Anyway, good afternoon, everyone! It has finally stopped raining after about 8 hours straight of the wet stuff. It has rained every day this week, and it's supposed to keep doing this precipitation thing until the weekend.

    I dodged showers today to go work out, then to meet a friend for lunch at Applebee's. So happy that it does slack off occasionally! LOL

    Yesterday's QOD: When I married hubby, I decided to clean out his freezer one day, and I found some sweet & sour pork that his former MIL had made dated, 1989, and this was in 1998!

    Today's QOD: My favorite nuts are almonds. Love them in any form!

    Lunch today with my new friend was so much fun that we opened the lunch hour and saw it through until the other tables and booths were once again empty! We tipped well since we were there so long. Unfortunately, we felt "compelled" to order dessert to justify sitting there, but at least I just got a small "shooter" one. LOL

    Peggy, I'm glad that you had such a good time with your old friends. Nothing like belly laughs to get a good adrenaline rush.

    Dee, sounds like you got your belly laugh today, too!

    Suzanne, I don't believe I've ever had zucchini relish, but I'll bet it's good! I like trying new things. I'll look for it at some of the upcoming bazaars.

    Donna, you're so lucky to have a good "source" for fresh garden tomatoes! Maybe next summer I'll plant some in pots out back. I miss the good taste of a homegrown one.

    The DGDs are coming over Saturday morning for the weekend! We'll take them back on Sunday and do my birthday lunch there. I won't have seen them for 3 weeks, so it's about time. The little one, Aubrie, seems to change so much from visit to visit, too. Friday night, when we could have had them, too, we actually have plans with friends. We're going to meet for dinner first, then go to one couple's home to play canasta. Now, I've never played it before and everyone else has, so this should be interesting. Also, I am severely card-game-challenged!

    BJ, good to see you posting again. I look forward to hearing about your long weekend!

    Wishing everyone a good evening!

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Just ask and you will receive - thanks for all the help.

    Dee - ROFLMA - Roadkill! I love doing a pumpkin or apple pie for the Fall Harvest award - great idea.

    Patti - thanks for your emails.

    Suzanne - I think it's going to be a lot of fun working on the awards.

    BJ - Going Nuts is perfect - I have a few shopowners in mind for that one without decorating LOL. Can't wait for the Palouse report.

    QOD - I also love Macadamia's but because of the price around here, my favorite is almonds!

    McPeg - what a wonderful visit you had - I am glad you had so many laughs.

    I think it is going to be fun making up the awards for this, the tackier the better LOL. Maybe they won't ask me to run this next year hahahaha.

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Hi Ladies,

    I hate to see summer end but I love fall and I am loving all this fall talk. Raeanne, sounds like you have everything under control.

    Suzanne, LOL is right on that other thread. I cringe every time I see that post pop up with my name on it and it keeps resurfacing.

    I went to the Cheesecake Factory today for lunch with my sister and Mom...had a lovely time. I ordered a giant salad and had cookie dough cheesecake for dessert. I had to laugh at the menu. They have one section that is listed Weight Control Salads...each salad has less than 590 calories...Weight Control???

    I have been thinking about Lynn also..I hope she weathered the storm ok. Patti, you ok?

    We are having a multi family yard sale on Saturday so I have been cleaning, labeling and decluttering...again.

    Hope everyone is doing well...enjoy these last couple of weeks of summer!


  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Hi All,

    The tomatoes were wonderful! Raeanne, you are right, there is nothing like a Jersey tomato. Can you believe I had to cancel my trainer? I was not happy but in AC today they had an 8 hour air show called Thunder Over the Boardwalk and traffic was absolutely insane. It took 40 minutes just to exit the parking garage after work. We are now looking at September 3. As far as your festival I agree with Besh, you have it covered. I think you have to include apples - even though they are available all year they are best in the fall. By the way, your artwork is fabulous!

    Besh, glad to see you posting! Summer did fly by didn't it? I like fall also. Glad you enjoyed your lunch with your mom and sister. How is the job going?

    Milkdud, I like Applebees and I'm glad you enjoyed lunch with your friend. A small dessert is nothing at all. I have never played canasta either but my great aunts did and loved it. I know you will enjoy the DGDs.

    BJ, welcome back! I am looking forward to hearing about Palouse which I had never heard of before. No internet connection is terrible isn't it? Glad you are connected again.

    Suzanne, your ideas for Raeanne were great. I just don't seem to think as fast I used to. It was a gorgeous day today so I am guessing your ride this morning had to be outstanding.

    Patti, I'm glad you are still standing and are not water logged. How are you and Dave feeling?

    Dee, road kill--I love it. Good idea about the baked goods, something I love very much. An Oktoberfest is always fun. I don't know the Smithville dates yet but will let you know when I find out.

    Granna2006 welcome! I don't know if you posted before and were welcomed cause I was MIA for a bit. Please join us, we would love to get to know you.

    I hope Lynn checks in!

    QOD: I like all nuts but love cashews best.

    Enjoy your evening - talk tomorrow - Donna

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    QOD: almonds for me.

    Gosh time is flying by. Glad to see folk coming back again to pick up on things. Sorry if I don't say hello individually - I'm whacked after the last two weeks. Good weather today working in the garden beds, even had a great swim at lunch - had the pool to myself and worked in my legs and arms a lot. Tomorrow I am hoping to cook some tomatoes for freezing and start sanding the walls in the spare room to prep for painting the first coat. Our weather is cooling this week and I feel like getting back to the house painting. Still have to continue/finish the fence from last summer and scrape the wood down around the back windows and paint again before the snow flies. Do not want any window wood rot on the frames. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.

    Found something to remove a coffee stain from my carpet - 3% hydrogen peroxide (from the drug store). I steamed my carpet and was not successful at removing a spill. I read online somewhere that 3% h.p. in a spray bottle with a few applications over time will lift and evaporate the stain. I tried it over a couple of days and I am super pleased with the results. It's great on clothing stains too.

    I am coasting with my diet right now. I do have to plan ahead again and pick things up with my portions, more greens, fruits and less carbs (my weakness). I love a balanced diet and wholegrain bread but I've been sliding lately, again. Hence this is a lifestyle choice rather than a diet for me. On my 3rd year so far with no regrets. One baby step at a time, every so often major kick-start to get back on track.

    Is anyone looking for a September 'pick me up' for their eating habits? I am planning to do this and just try to maintain for now. Looking forward to more fall harvest from my garden. Noticed I have beets ready for picking, baby peppers and soon to plant fall lettuce.

    Have a wonderful evening, great morning tomorrow.

    Love ya guys!

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Good Thursday all,

    Wow, this week has flown by.

    Donna, I have never had a Jersey tomato but any well grown tomato in my mind is a thing to behold. I grow Heirloom tomatoes and I am waiting for them to ripen. I have picked one or two but I am waiting for alot so I can start canning some of them. I rode yesterday afternoon and it was lovely. Unfortunately it's almost too dark to go in the mornings and get to work on time! Daylight goes fast up here.

    Raeanne, I was thinking that all the produce used in the categories should be locally grown. That would certainly fit in with your Green category but should apply to the others. Just a thought. Have any new ideas sprouted overnight?

    BJ's QOD: I love all nuts (because I am one) and I have really thinking of my answer! I love Cashews, Macadamias and Pecans all equally! I love Cashews and Pecans raw and roasted. But then there is Almonds and Walnuts!! LOL Is there ever a simple answer.

    Besh I went to a Cheesecake Factory last year and it was great food. Loud but fun and the drinks were great too! Definitely not an everyday place. I am really lucky that I am many miles from those kinds of restaurants!

    Everyone is talking about Fall here and I feel the need to point out that there is a good month left before Fall officially begins!! Some of us have barley started summer due to bad weather and I can't bear the thought of it being over!! LOL

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Good morning everyone!
    Didn't win the lotto last night but hey, there's always Saturday! (I'm pathetic....I do limit my tickets).
    Today is cooking some tomatoes to freeze, making zucchini bread (they're from a friend's garden) and prepping a bedroom to get ready to paint. It's cooler this week and I'm feeling like getting back at things. Thinking about my meals today too and have to check out the fridge - lost track of that baby. Time to pull out the inspirational magazines, books again to mentally start gearing up to get back on track, shake my fanny and make sure I don't gain back what I have lost permanently. Monday will be an interesting weigh-in but a starting point again.

    I am leaving the QOD for someone else to start today.

    Cheers, I will check in later and catch up more!


  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I am back from the swamps! Good news - I had a wonderful visit with DD. Bad news - I stepped in a fire ant's nest while I was there! Let me tell you, they don't call them FIRE ants for nothing. This happened on Sunday afternoon, and my foot still itches like crazy. Lesson learned - watch where you are walking!

    The weather was less than desirable, but the cloud cover kept the temps and the humidity down, so that was a good thing. We worked around the rain and were able to do most of the outdoor things we had planned. We ate out every day and I enjoyed every bite! But I don't want to go near a scale for awhile. Luckily I came home to Mother's Hubbard's cupboard and there is nothing here to tempt me.

    Today will be spent doing laundry, running errands and going to the grocery store. I will read and catch up on the posts when I get a chance.

    QOD - Almonds are my favorite, but I like all nuts.


  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Hello everyone!

    Well, today is DH's birthday and I don't have a card or gift for him. I did arrange a nice dinner last night with his daughters at an Italian Restaurant. Also, wrote a cute note on his lunch bag. His mom invited us over tonight and he accepted. (I had planned a romantic dinner out at a really expensive steak place; either Ruths Chris or River Palm). Tomorrow night he leaves to go to a PA Corvette show for the weekend. [sigh] I'm out of ideas, unless I stop for a card and some lottery tickets after work.

    QOD: What's up for the weekend? I'm back at the house to sweep and make sure we havent' forgotten anything. Not sure when the closing is, but I cannot wait. Saturday night, my sis will be up to go to the JETS/Giants game with me. Sunday afternoon, DH comes home.

    However you decide to spend your weekend, ENJOY!!


  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Marci~Did you end up with those horrible blisters? Ugh! Those things are awful. Did you get to see your DGN? I've been thinking about you.

    Dee~Hope the birthday turned out good. Have fun at the game.

    McPeg~If you fall off the horse, just get back on. Ask NH Suzanne, she will tell you! LOL This is a lifetime committment for us & we will stray from time to time but we have to know that we will get back on track. You can do it!!

    NH Suzanne~All the fresh foods sound so good. I'm sorry that you aren't having more time to spend riding. Wouldn't it be nice to do that instead of work?? :-)

    Well, my news for the day is that on the way home from the dr Dave decided to let me know that he didn't want to panic me but he had been having chest pains since last night. So, off we went to ER. I have only been home for an hour. He was admitted to hospital. (He was still in ER when I left!) They have run a bunch of tests on him & are to do a stress test on him tomorrow. We are thinking that it isn't a heart attack this time. (They didn't put him on an IV or anything but they are continuing to do all of these tests.) I told him better safe than sorry. I certainly don't mind. So, just thought I'd check in. I'm beat & think I'll head off to bed. Have a great weekend.

    Patti :-)

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Dear Patti, I hope Dave is okay and that both of you got some rest last night and that today's news is good news. Bless your hearts (pardon the pun.) I hope things are better very soon. I imagine all the VA stuff has kept y'all pretty stressed out. Take care.


  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Good Friday,

    Patti, I hope Dave is doing well and that his test reveal nothing serious. Keep us posted. Yes, I would much rather ride than work!!! But that's not about to happen!!

    Jan, good to see you here. How are you doing?

    Marci, SO sorry about the fire ants. I have been bitten by them before. Last weekend I got into a ground nest of yellow jackets and the got me on the lower right leg about six times. I feel your pain!! I was able to get revenge however and went out at night with a loaded can of poison. I haven't seen one since! My leg is still swollen and started to itch like mad! Vicious insects are not good.

    Dee sounds like you covered DH's BD pretty well. For me it's more about the little gestures than a big expensive dinner. I love to have and intimate dinner at home to celbrate which can lead to .........hummmmmmm, let's see, I think I still remember!! LOL Seriously, it was nice to have dinner with his daughters.

    QOD: What are you doing this weekend? The weather here is divine and I am going to be outside as much as I can riding, gardening and playing!!

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    ((Patti)) - Just wanted to check in and let you know I am thinking about you and Dave. I am glad he told you about the pains so that you could get them evaluated at the hospital. You are so right, better safe than sorry. Please keep us posted and give Dave a hug from me.

    I am heading off to the OB/GYN for my second Pap. Wish me luck that they don't find anything abnormal this time.


  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Patti - when Dave is feeling better give him a little swat from me. Tell him never to wait to tell you about something so serious, the quicker he get's to the ER the better for all of us. Then give him a big hug from me. I will send prayers that it could just be a reaction to all the stress. ((((HUGS TO YOU TOO))))

    Dee - it's the thought that counts and your DH knows you are filled with wonderful thoughts when it comes to him. If he is anything like my DH, he never wants anything. Enjoy your time with DS.

    Marci - OUCH! Glad your visit was great despite the fire ants. When does school start?

    McPeg - sending positive thoughts out to you for Saturday's lottery!

    Donna - sorry about the trainer and the traffic - what a mess. Thanks for the nice words about my artwork.

    Suzanne - it looks like a great weekend here too. I hope you have a wonderful time at work and play.

    ((((HUGS)))) to all that need or want them - who doesn't want a hug?

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Good Morning Girls!

    Suzanne, I have your two packages and can't wait to open them.

    Milkdud, Your package is in the mail. They assured me you would have it by Saturday!

    Deemarie, Good luck on the job issues. I am thinking of you.

    I am so royally frustrated, teed off, torched off at my mother right now, I am shaking. Why do adults have to be so hurtful and childish? I totally give up!

    Anyway, I am going to leave on a positive note. I hope everyone has a great weekend!


  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Jen you get to open them today since you birthday is on a Saturday!! What has your mother done?

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago


    [[[[[[[[Donna]]]]]]]]] thanks for the lovely wishes that arrived in the mail yesterday. DH thought that was very nice too.

    Got DH a fabulous card and some lottery fun. If we win MegaMillion, a group trip is on me! hehehehehehe

    [[[[[DAVE]]]]]] Let's get him up and about soon. He gets a pinch from me too for waiting so long. Chest pain is an emergency room issue....that is what they get paid for, and we don't want hospitals to have to lay off employees who sit around with nothing to do. ;-)

    Raeanne, you are so sweet. I'm glad your art brings you much joy.

    Well, as I will be busy tomorrow, I think I shall start the party today.

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU................
    HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU................

    Enjoy my friend, and thanks for sharing those adorable girls with us. Hope that anyof your annoyances are short-lived. You work hard and deserve the best life has to offer.

    Make this weekend count!

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Good morning! The sun is finally shining here for the first time this week, and the yardmen are mowing and trimming my yard.

    Jen, happy birthday a day early!!! I wish you an annoyance-free weekend enjoying yourself and your sweet family. We mothers mean well, but we don't always DO well. ((((Jen)))) (I'll be excitedly awaiting my goodies from you!)

    Patti, I'm sending healing thoughts and prayers Dave's way today. (((Hugs))) for you for being strong for him through this. You've got my number if you want to talk.

    Tonight, hubby and I are meeting our new friends for dinner, then back to someone's home to play canasta. This should be interesting since I've never played before, and I've never been all that into card games. But, at least we're socializing together for a change with others, so I'll try to be a good sport. LOL

    I need to go work out, then back home to clean up for the DGDs' arrival tomorrow. I'll be checking back in on everyone today, looking for good news for Dave and updates on everyone. Have a good one!

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    BJ - be on the lookout for a suspicious looking envelope from the mainland.....

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Jen you get to open them today since you birthday is on a Saturday!! What has your mother done?

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Whoa! How did my post to Jen get there twice? I barely have the time to do it once. LOL

    Marci please know that I am sending positive thoughts and prayers your way today. All will be well I just know it.

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    This site is weird today....never saw half of the posts before I sang to Jen.

    [[[[[[[Marci]]]]]]]]]] Sending positive thoughts and special prayers out to you.

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Marci - I missed your post earlier - sending positive thoughts your way ((((HUGS))))

    Milkdud - I got your package and want to send a huge THANK YOU your way. I can't wait to try it. You are so thoughtful.

    Milkdud sent me "Slap Ya Mama" cajun seasoning. I just checked out their website and you can use it on just about anything. I can't wait to experiment.


  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Since the gifts are in hand, and the singing has begun, I thought I had better get the "decorations" up too! LOL Jen - Since you don't have internet access at home, I hope you check back and let us know what was in the packages!

    I will come back later and post more, but my doctor's visit was GREAT! I don't have to go back for a recheck for 9 months! Thanks for all the positive thoughts!
    Happy Birthday Jen!

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Marci, (((HUGS))) I am sending postive thoughts your way too.

    Thank you for the early birthday wishes. Sometimes it's hard for me to get to the net on the weekends.

    Suzanne, As soon as I get home, I will open. Thank you in advance! I hate to tell what my mother has done this time. It's so childish, its almost embarassing. She can be so jealous and vindictive. It's not even a worth getting mad, but she sure ticked me off this morning. I actually told her what I thought and slammed the phone down. I should be used to it by now. I will have lived with it for 37 years as of tomorrow! LOL!!!! My whole life philosophy is Think what my mother would do and then do the opposite! Now, I am sure you all think I am awful!

    Gotta run, Erica has gymnastics and has a friend spending the nite. FUN!

    Have a great weekend!

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago


    Marci, so happy to hear about the Pap!! Just the word fire ants sounds painful.

    Patti, (((HUGS))) to you and Dave. I hope things check out ok for him.

    QOD: Tomorrow is the big yard sale. I will be so glad when it is over.

    Have a great weekend all!


  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Wow! Lots and lots of posts!

    Happy Birthday Jen - enjoy! I'm sorry you are having a rough time with your mom and no, I don't think you are awful at all.
    Glad to see you posting.

    ((Patti and Dave)) Please keep us posted Patti. I agree with safe is better than sorry and am sending good thoughts and prayers for you both.

    ((Marci)) I am so glad things went well for you today. What a relief for you! Fire ants do pack a punch. My sister used to live outside New Orleans and got bitten more than once.

    Raeanne, I'm anxious to hear how you enjoyed slap ya mama seasoning. I love spicy stuff but it doesn't always love me. Cajun seasoning is good..again, when my DS lived in NO she used to send me all kinds.

    Dee, you are very welcome. ((Hugs)) I'm glad your DH had a nice birthday.

    Milkdud, enjoy your evening with friends. I'm curious to know how you like canasta. Enjoy those DGDs this weekend!

    Suzanne, you will have a perfect weekend for riding, gardening and playing. How are your yellowjacket bites? I despise those things. I had a nest 2 summers in a row right under the shingles by my front door...eeewww.

    Wodka, glad to see you posting. How are you doing? I think of you and keep you and your family in my prayers. Check in when you can!

    QOD: The normal weekend stuff but tomorrow is a good friend's birthday so we are going out to dinner and celebrating.

    Take care - enjoy your evening - will catch ya tomorrow.


  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Let me get in on the birthday wishes.

    Jen - Happy Birthday! I hope you have a year filled with happiness and wishes that come true. ENJOY!!!

    Don't let your mom get your down. She may think she is doing her best, just continue to learn from her mistakes to be the best mother you are for your two angels. In a way she probably has taught you many lessons (even if they are on the "what not to do list".

    Marci - Thanks for sharing your good news!

    Besh - good luck with the yard sale.

    It looks like I have posted more here today than I have in a month LOL.

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Jen~Happy Birthday! We could never think that you are awful. I happen to know exactly what you mean. I have a good relationship with my DM now but it hasn't come easily.

    Marci~Yippee! So glad that you had good news.

    Raeanne~Slap yo Mamma--that sounds interesting. LOL

    Besh~Hope your yard sale goes good.

    NH Suzanne~Enjoy the ride.

    Milkdud~LOL I'm so thrilled about your socializing. I was thinking about it earlier today. I put the LOL on there b/c I wouldn't know when to call you anymore since you are always so busy. Enjoy those DGDs. I had the chance to talk to mine today. What did we do before we had them? Smirk

    Dee~I'm taking you up on that trip. I'm so glad that DH had a wonderful birthday. Enjoy the game. I think I may not get to watch on tv this weekend & I've been so excited about football starting again.

    Wodka~You were so sweet to post. Thanks for thinking about Dave. He is still in the hospital & waiting to see a dr. The dr couldn't come today & won't let him go home until he sees him. Isn't that the pits? But, he is where he needs to be if anything goes wrong so it isn't a complaint per se.

    Donna~I had never heard of a NJ tomato before & then I heard of one on tv yesterday in the ER. We were watching the food channel. I couldn't believe it. Do they have a sweeter taste or something?

    Well, I'll let you know something when I know something.

    Jen~Again, I hope your birthday is special b/c you certainly are one special sister to me!!

    Hi to all I've missed. Patti :-)

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Ohhhhhh, I wish I could share all of my lovely, delicious Jersey Tomatoes with you. Between mine and MIL's, we are have the juiciest salads. Just lots and lots of tomatoes (chopped into about 8 pieces per large large tomato), a bit of chopped onion, a bit of celery chopped very fine, and a douse of Good Seasons, made with EVOO and balsamic vinegar. I toss and leave it on the counter for about 1/2 hour before we eat. Then, you get small salad bowls to have on the side of your dinner plate, eat the tomatoes, then pick up a big piece of crusty Italian bread to sop up the juices at the bottom of your bowl. OMG----heaven!

    When I was growing up, my dad was the neighborhood king of Jersey Tomatoes. We used to slice up the beefstakes and put them on white bread with mayo, salt and pepper.

    Gotta run and make another batch!

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Good morning, friends! Even though Jen doesn't post on weekends, I'm sending warm birthday wishes her way today!!! (And, Jen, I got the birthday box yesterday, but I'd like to wait until tomorrow to open it since I already got my gifts from dh and you're never too old to enjoy opening presents.)

    Change in plans for me. Turns out that oldest DGD is in a soccer tournament THIS weekend instead of next, so I'm packing to go over there now to take her to her next game at 1 o'clock. I'll just spend the night there, go out to lunch with all of them tomorrow, then come home and go out for a birthday dinner with dh.

    Donna, playing canasta last night was confusing but a lot of fun. If it weren't for all those pesky rules, I could have enjoyed myself so much more! LOL We had such a good time with our new friends that I didn't realize until we headed home just how late we'd stayed out - till 12:30!!!

    Patti, keeping good thoughts for Dave!!!

    Raeanne, I'm so glad that you already got the package. Amazing how fast and efficient the mail service can be at times. You'll probably like the spicy taste of that stuff. They also make it "HOT", but I wasn't sure how spicy you liked things.

    Dee, talking about tomato sandwiches makes me think of my mom. She loved those things!

    Marci, I am SOOOOO happy that you're happy about your doctor visit. Made my day reading that!

    Suzanne, happy trails to you!

    (((((HUGS))))) to all. Gotta get ready to go work out then travel. See y'all when I'm 61! :-)

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Happy Birthday Jen! Have a terrific day today. I wish you happiness and great health this year. It's a pamper day for you so enjoy!

    Geez, I have lots to catch up on...

    Marci - terrific news! You go girl! It's so nerve wracking waiting to know results - I feel for ya. I will continue to think of positive future results on your tests. Celebrate this weekend!

    Patti - You did the right thing to take Dave to ER. ((((((((((Dave)))))))))))) and for you too ((((((((((((Patti)))))))))). I hope they can tell you what it was. Does Dave suffer from angina at all?

    Deemarie - I've got a bumper crop of Subartic Plenty tomato. They were developed a long time ago by folk stationed in the north who wanted tomatoes that could grow in cooler temps and are prolific producers. They are a smaller tomato but boy are they producing lots and lots. Also ordered and have some earlier varieties of Campbell Soup tomatoes that were grown about 50 years ago. No longer used by Campbell and they are now available as seeds. I have never seen tomatoes that are so meaty - almost no seeds (I'm saving some for next year) and lots of 'meat' inside. Good sized too. I've been cooking all of my tomato into basic stock with onions and chives from my garden for winter cooking. Instead of beefsteak this year I am trying the old Mong tomato - very large too.

    Donna - have a wonderful time with your friend. I have learned just how precious friendships are over the last few years. Well worth nurturing.

    Besh - I'd love to come to your yard sale but it's a bit of a stretch. I'm there in spirit digging and loading up. Good luck for a successful event.

    Milkdud - How was the canasta game? I've never played either but have heard about it. Glad to hear your DGDs are visiting. Looking forward to hearing about their time with you.

    Nhsuzanne - Totally agree with you that there is more summer to enjoy. I've still lots of 'summer' jobs to finish outside before tackling my fall list. With the high temps hitting us now I KNOW it's still summer. Mentally watching the back to school commercials and seeing halloween stuff starting to creep out in the stores they really are messing with my head...

    Akaraeanne - your event sounds like a hoot. If I were caught up around here I'd be looking for things to get involved with. I keep passing this seniors activity center and have noticed their gardens have run amuck with weeds. I have this urge to pop in and volunteer to clean them up. May yet do that because I don't think it would take much time...

    Gran206 - Hi! I've not met you before and just wanted to say Welcome! Glad you can join this merry gang.

    Wodka - I will keep in touch with you and glad to see you posting here. My prayers continue for all of you at this difficult time.

    I am not giving up on my longterm goal of my last stretch of weight loss. I am happy to maintain right now within a 5 pound fluctuation range. This fall I will be starting to pick things up again for the last bit to come off and then work on lifetime maintenance which means all of you are now stuck with me. Posting here will be a vital part of staying on track. Besides, I don't want to lose touch with all of my new friends!

    Gotta pull more tomato, sand walls and maybe get the first base coat of paint on them. Getting back on track with my to do list around here.

    Enjoy your day today! Relish each moment and make it count. Have something good today for food, breathe and stretch. We are worth taking care of.

    LOL to all,

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Good Saturday!

    Wow, Donna is going to have to get us started more often because look at all the great posts here!! I love it when everyone is here.

    Jen, I hope you are having a stupendous birthday and really enjoying being with your family today! Happy, Happy birthday.

    Peggy, the most of commercials on tv are stupid and are clearly being outdone by some of the stupid programming on the telly. Talk about the dumbing down of America! Now they have all the fall clothes out in the stores too!! I intend to ignore it all - winter will be here soon enough. BTW, I am curious about your artic tomatoes. Are they heirloom? I would love to try some seeds. Never heard of them and I find the notion very interesting. I am having great luck with most of the heirloom seeds I tried this year. Some of my tomatoes weigh over a pound on one variety and yet they are very tasty and delicious.

    Dee, you make my mouth water with your Jersey tomato info. We here in the frigid north have to wait until August for the first glimpses of ripening tomatoes but when they come it is always SO worth the wait. Same with corn which is excellent this year around here.

    Patti, let us know how things are going.

    Marci, I am still breathing a big sigh of relief for you......can you hear it?

    Besh, hope your yard sale is a success! How is the idiot proof diet going? ROTFLMAO

    Raeanne, I am anxious to hear how your creative juices are progressing. Fill us in. Yes, you have posted more this week than you have in a month at least!! LOL Good to have you back.

    BJ, where for art thou?

    John? You missed your own party brother.

    Lynn, check in if you are lurking.

    Maddie? Please check in. It's hard to keep family together and we are all worried about you.
    Milkdud, I had a tomato sandwich for dinner last night! My mom always fed us fresh produce and a tomato sandwich was a mainstay in my childhood household! She also made macaroni and tomatoes. Have you ever heard of that? She was an Oki and grew up in the depression. She could make chicken salad out of chicken sh//!! She was an amazing cook to me. She also made fried pies...........I have dreams of them.

    Well, the horses feet have been trimmed and while that was going on I cleaned a good portion of the house, went to the recycle center and about to have yet another tomato sandwich for lunch then head out for a nice long ride. It's a little warm out but when we get deep into the woods it will be fine except those biting flies!! LOL

    Hope you all are having a glorious day.

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I too love to come on here and see all the posts!

    NHSuzanne - Yes, I can hear you!! Thanks :~) And I can picture you and Sweet Pea on a ride in the woods and feel your pleasure vicariously.

    DeeMarie - I LOVE to make a tomato-cucumber salad that sounds similar to yours. I add some thinly sliced red onion and whatever kinds of peppers I have on hand, some fresh basil and a vinaigrette made from white wine vinegar and good EVOO. I season to taste with sea salt and freshly ground pepper and then add some fresh mozarella. I could make a meal on that salad and some fresh Italian bread!!!

    Raeanne - Your event sounds like so much fun. I am with NHSuzanne though, I don't want to think about fall until I am forced to. School starts on 8/2 for the teachers and 8/4 for the students. I have such mixed feeling about this school year but I am trying to be positive. I keep seeing "signs" that I think are meant for me. One I saw yesterday said, "Swallow your pride, it's non-fattening." My horoscope the other day said that I was facing a challenge in my career that I needed to gather my strength for. So I tell myself that I will be the bigger person and not let myself stoop to anyone else's level. My director and I have agreed that we will vent to each other and not let our feelings effect us in the classroom.

    McPeg - You are such a gem for wanting to weed the garden at the senior center. I wish I had room to grow more than my herb garden, but we live on a pie shaped lot and don't have much yard.

    Jen - HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Hope it's a great one.

    Patti - What the status of our resident teddy bear??? Does he feel the love we are sending his way?

    Donna - It is so nice to see your posts this week. It was my own fault that I got bit by the fire ants. I stepped off the concrete path to get a better picture and stood right in their nest! The itch has finally died down and now I have the ugly red marks left. My DD was dealing with Louisiana sized roaches in her apartment, so I was glad to get back to PA and our normal sized bugs and no-biting ants! LOL

    BJ - What is the status of Baby "V"'s adoption?? You must be mighty attached to the little fellow by now. Bless you for all you do for others!

    Besh - My GYN sat me down yesterday and explained about my abnormal PAP. He said it was definately not menopause related. I was on the low risk end for the HPV virus. He suggested we wait 9 months and see if my body heals the virus on it's own (studies back him up on this) and assured me I was not at risk for developing cancer by waiting 9 months. They will repeat the PAP and test for HPV and then go from there according to those results. I really like my doctor and respect his opinion, so I was comfortable agreeing to wait.

    Milkdud - I used to love to play canasta. Once you get the hang of it, you will relax and have fun with it. I wish I could find some friends who liked to play cards. Have fun with your DGK's tonight.

    Jan - Hope you are holding up under the stress of your sister's illness. We are here for you anytime you need to vent.

    Hello to anyone I missed. I am going to go weed my herb garden and see what I can dry for the winter months.


  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    All this talk about tomatoes - I may have to ask my NJ friends to bring some up this week. I like mine sliced with a little balsamic vinegar, evoo, fresh basil and mozerella. I can make a dinner out of that and I have. It does taste even better with crusty bread like Dee recommends.

    I have all the categories for the Fall Festival, after the shops are notified I will assign an artist to each category to create an award - it can be a serious award or something totally off the wall - their choice. I think Dee suggested a pie for the "Traditional Harvest" category and I think I am going to encourage whoever gets that category to do that. We can give them a big blue ribbon like at the county fairs along with the pie - very traditional. As far as how the shopowners decorate that is totally up to them and the public will do the voting, so my work is nearly done LOL.

    Marci - I am glad you have someone to vent to, but I hope that doesn't have to happen. Sometimes things have a way of working out all on their own. I am glad that the Dr. talked to you and you feel confident with him. It is also good that you are keeping a close eye on things. I will continue to send healing thoughts your way.

    I have 20 minutes left of work. I didn't take a lunch break so I am not feeling guilty about posting LOL.

    Patti - we need a Dave and Patti update asap.

    Milkdud - I had to sneak a taste of "slap ya momma" and it is great with a nice kick. I love spicy so bring it on LOL. I had to make a dip for tonight and it is on the bland side, I may throw some in to liven it up a bit.


  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I love, love, love coming here & seeing all of the posts. It is like home-coming week. Yippee!

    Dave is home from the hospital. Honestly, I don't know what was wrong. The stress test showed some abnormalities but they said that they were going to compare it with the abnormal stress test from a year ago & probably do a cath on an outpatient basis. I'm so glad he is home.

    I will come back & address everyone later but...

    NH Suzanne~I didn't know your Mom was an Okie! How kewl is that? Now, never confuse a Texan with an Okie but it is nice to know that you have a little southern girl in you too. :-)

    Back later.

    Happy Birthday, Jen!!

    Patti :-)

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I am growing the T&M sub artic plenty heritage tomato. My brother loves them too. They produce a heavy crop - all plants. Here's the link with the info on the tomato. I cannot ship seeds to the US between the border anymore.

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I like tomatoes, red onion, & cucumbers in cider vinegar. I never had the cheese in it before. It sounds really good.

    Milkdud~Hope you had a good day with DGDs & family.

    Peg~Dave may have had some angina. We just don't know for certain what it was. I really envy your knowledge for plants. I know that is what you are keenly interested in.

    Marci~I had to read your post to the "teddy bear". LOL It was so cute. We call each other "Bear". He really is my teddy. I hate that school is starting back so soon for you. Have you had a chance to catch up on your reading?

    Raeanne~I'm probably the only one ready for fall b/c we haven't had any other season but summer for 2 years now. LOL Fay has made it seem like fall around here a little & it has been nice. (We needed some rain, I know that many places got way too much & we were really close to the tornado.)

    Jen~How was your birthday?

    NH Suzanne~How was the riding? Were you able to stay away from the bugs?

    Donna, Besh, Wodka, Dee, BJ, Maddie, Gretchen, Lynn, Tikanis, Amy, John, et all~Hi! I hope you get a chance to drop by.

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Happy Birthday Milkdud!

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Happy Birthday, Milkdud! I'm honored & a better person to have met you. I'm so glad that you started posting here when I did so that we became such good friends. I hope that today shines as bright as the sunshine that you bring into my life & the others that you touch. Have a great day!

    Marci~the gif was lovely!!

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Milkdud, happy birthday to you!!!! I hope you have a wonderful day.

    The yard sale was somewhat of a success. I made about $100. Not bad for stuff just laying around the house. I was hoping to sell more clothes though. I think I will take them to consignment and see what happens.

    We are having some beautiful weather this weekend. :-)



  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Besh~That is wonderful. Clothes never did very good in TX. I haven't done a yard sale in FL.

    Extra calories may not be the only cause of weight gain. By Kathleen M. Zelman, MPH, RD, LD It's no mystery that a diet full of fried foods, giant portions, decadent desserts, alcohol, and sugary soft drinks will lead to weight gain. And there's little question why the pounds pile up when you take in more calories than you burn in physical activity. But how do you explain weight gain when your lifestyle includes regular exercise and a healthy diet that is controlled in calories? Gaining weight is absolutely maddening, especially when you really don't understand why the needle on the scale keeps going up. Several things should be considered if you are gaining weight while watching calories and being physically active. More than likely, it's a variety of things working together that have resulted in the weight gain. "Weight gain is so complicated; there are so many factors that can impact your weight. It is more likely a combination of things more than just one factor," explains Michelle May, MD, author of Am I Hungry? What to Do When Diets Don't Work. Here are five factors that can cause the scale to creep up when you least expect it. 1\. You Might Be Gaining Weight Because of Lack of Sleep The body functions best when well rested. "When you don't get enough sleep, your body experiences physiological stress and, biochemically, you store fat more efficiently," says May. When you're tired, you also don't handle stress as well, so you may reach for food as a coping mechanism. Further, you may be taking in extra calories from late\-night snacking. Some people think eating might help them get back to sleep, but all it really does is add more calories to their daily total. Symptoms that you may not be getting enough rest include fatigue, low energy levels, nodding off easily, and feeling irritable. Strive to get eight hours of sleep each night. "Add about 15 minutes to your bedtime and see how you feel," suggests May. "Continue to experiment with additional 15\-minute increments until you find the ... amount of sleep that is right for you." When you develop good sleeping rituals and get regular exercise, you sleep better, she adds. 2\. You May Be Gaining Weight Because of Stress We live in a society that demands we do more, be more, and achieve more. Stress moves us forward and helps cope with life's demands, but it also affects our mood and emotions. "Stress response, whether it is 'fight\-or\-flight,' juggling too many responsibilities, or coping with financial pressures, triggers a biochemical process where our bodies go into survival mode," explains May. "Our bodies store fuel, slow down metabolism, and dump out chemicals \[cortisol, leptin, and other hormones\] which are more likely to cause ... obesity in the abdominal region." 2\. You May Be Gaining Weight Because of Stress continued... Many people reach for food to help ease the stress. But, of course, this doesn't work in the long run. "Food is a temporary fix because it does not deal with the real stressors that must be addressed in order to reduce the trigger for eating and fix the problem," says May. Susan Bowerman, MS, RD, assistant director of the UCLA Center for Human Nutrition, says stress eaters tend to prefer high\-carbohydrate foods because these foods trigger an increase in the brain chemical serotonin, which has a calming effect. "It is almost like self\-medicating," she says. "Many people binge on starchy foods to make themselves feel better." Both May and Bowerman recommend relaxation techniques as well as exercise, which also burns calories and provides other health benefits. 3\. You May Be Gaining Weight Because of Medications Some prescription drugs used to treat depression, mood disorders, seizures, migraines, blood pressure, and diabetes can cause weight gain, from a modest amount to as much as 10 pounds per month. Some steroids, hormone replacement therapy, and even oral contraceptives may also cause gradual weight creep. Your medicine cabinet might be the cause of your weight gain if you've gained 5 or more pounds in a month without a change in your lifestyle. "Every drug works a little differently to cause weight gain, from increasing appetite, altering the way fat is stored, to how insulin levels change," says May. "And not all drugs have the same side effects on all people." In the case of antidepressants, weight gain may not even be related to the action of the drug \-\- feeling better can also result in a heartier appetite. Some drugs can cause fluid retention that shows up on the scale as weight gain, but is not fat, and is usually easily corrected. Experts say that some of the most common types of medications that may cause weight gain are: Steroids Antidepressants Antipsychotics Antiseizure medications Diabetes medications High blood pressure medications Heartburn medications But it's important to remember that a few extra pounds may be well worth the trade\-off of what a particular medication does for your overall health, experts say. Further, even if your medications are the cause of your weight gain, you still need to be mindful of eating a healthy diet and getting regular exercise. "Rarely is the problem solved with a change in meds," says May. "These things can contribute, but rarely are the sole cause of the weight gain." If you suspect your medication is causing weight gain, talk to your health care provider to see about changing your prescription. But whatever you do, don't go off your medication without seeking medical advice. "There could be very serious consequences if you stop taking your medication without consulting your physician," says May. 4\. You May Be Gaining Weight Because of a Medical Condition The most common medical condition that causes weight gain is hypothyroidism. A deficiency of thyroid hormone can decrease metabolism, causing appetite loss and weight gain. "If you are feeling fatigued, lethargic, swelling, hoarse voice, intolerance to cold, sleeping too much, or headaches, you should see your doctor for an easy test to determine if you have hypothyroidism," says May. Much rarer is a condition known as Cushing's syndrome \-\- a disorder caused by an excess of the hormone cortisol \-\- that can also result in weight gain. 5\. You May Be Gaining Weight Because of Menopause Women reach menopause at a range of ages, but most are in midlife and are often less physically active than when they were younger. Along with aging comes a natural slowing of metabolism. At the same time, hormonal changes can trigger hunger, depression, and poor sleep. "It is multifactoral. When women go through menopause, they lose estrogen, causing their shapes to change \-\- usually a loss of hip and thigh weight. And they start to gain more in the middle," says Bowerman. She explains that estrogen favors fat deposition in the lower body, and when you lose this hormone, fat is more likely to be deposited in the midsection (much like men). This spare tire around the middle has been not so affectionately called the "menopot." The key to avoiding this extra belly fat is to maintain and increase the amount of lean body mass, which will, in turn, increase your metabolism or calorie burn rate. "Women need to understand how critically important weight lifting and strength training is to their health," says Bowerman. And don't worry, doing strength training won't make women muscle\-bound, experts say. Exercise also helps offset bone loss that can come with menopause. A combination of exercise and a healthy, calorie\-controlled diet rich in calcium and vitamin D is the answer to thwarting menopausal weight gain.
  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Happy Birthday Milkdud! Have a wonderful day!

    Patti, I'm glad Dave is home ((Hugs)) and prayers continue to you both.

    Besh, that's great, $100. In September I think I'm going to have a sale from stuff sitting around the house and garage.

    Hi to all on this beautiful Sunday. I went out with friends last night, had a nice dinner, some wine and some cake for my friend's birthday. We had a good time.

    Will check back later - enjoy the day!


  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Happy Birthday Milkdud!! I hope you are having a wonderful day. We will have to continue the party into Monday for sure!! Check in tomorrow and let us know what you did.


  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Good evening, everyone! I'm late posting, but I just got in a short while ago from my weekend.

    Love,love, love the pizza-cake! Oh, how I wish I could have a slice of pizza now. LOL! Thank you for all your sweet birthday wishes. They really mean a lot to me. Your friendships are important, and I cherish each and every one of y'all.

    Jen gifted me well! I want her to share in my fun in telling about her gifts tomorrow, so I'll tell y'all then what she sent. Suffice it to say, the youngun (remember that she's decades younger than me!) did great!!!!

    I'll tell about my weekend and the DGDs when I post tomorrow. I had fun even though I sweltered in the heat a lot of the time.

    Love and hugs to all, even those MIAs!

Best of Houzz 2025: The results are in!