I seen so many advertisments I don't know which would be worth it. Have you tried any of them, how is the food? Which one is best, any opinions? Thanks
I do Weight Watchers and eat regular food which my husband also eats. Come visit us at the SS daily support thread where you'll hear us discussing our various diets! Maybe you'll get some ideas.
Joann~I have tried Jenny Craig & NutriSystem before. I can say that NutriSystem did work for a while but I gained the weight back plus some. When I did Jenny Craig, my hair started falling out & they kept saying that they didn't know why. (I wasn't getting enough nutrition.) Try to make sure that whatever you decide to do, you are followed by a doctor or that you are certain that you are getting everything that your body requires so that you do not hurt it now or further on down the road. That would be my best advice to you. In the meantime, you are welcome to join us at one of the threads anytime that you would like. I am in FL too. Patti :-)
Hi, I'm also doing Weight Watchers and post with Milkdud on the SS thread. I prefer to work within my kitchen, familiar foods and not prepackaged. It's a lifestyle adjustment in my books. Portion sizes, balanced meals, exercise (even just walking!), allowing myself treats and mentally doing this just for me. What do you prefer? Prepackaged meals? What happens after the diet? Do you gain weight back when you make your own meals again? Are there any medical concerns? Even if you can't decide how you want to go about this, you can simply start by not skipping breakfast and choosing balanced meals, take a walk. Are you eating fruit and veggies daily? There are also good reference books in your local library, low fat cook books, nutrition books. Do you want to spend extra money to lose weight? You don't have to. WW works for me because of choice and common sense - no gimmicks. I use this forum for support and encouragement. Even at my worst moments when I regain weight I post and talk - don't give up on your long term goal. Let the bad moments pass and keep moving forward. How can we help you? McPeg
I have not begun to diet as yet, I don't know where to begin. I gained most of my weight when I quit smoking (l 1/2 yrs ago) I still have cravings daily so its hard not to eat when I feel like it. I don't eat good an never have so I need all the help I can get. I am 59, and 163 lbs. I don't want to spend lots of money on the prepacked meals, an I am sure I would gain the weight back when it was over. I just need a good meal plan for a fussy eater. Thanks
Joann~The dr told my DH when he stopped smoking that the weight gain was better than the smoking. It is good that you are ready to lose the weight now. Don't waste your time on the prepackaged meals though b/c you still have to go out & buy things from the grocery store such as your veggies, etc. It gets very expensive. It sounds like you just need to do some common sense things. You can join us, just post with us, or E-mail me or whatever you feel comfortable doing. Don't try to do this alone. Get a buddy somewhere. Believe me, it is easier to do with someone. Patti ;-]
Joann, You are doing well by quitting smoking. Can you start with a simple change such as 'planning'. Nothing elaborate, just plan to have breakfast each and everyday before 11 am.
There are excellent publications/magazines at your local library on nutrition, weight loss, meal ideas, self help books to make sure you pamper yourself. They are a great place to start.
The internet is another place as well. You can google weight loss - healthy meals - balanced menus.
My doctor told me the same thing...quit smoking and worry about the weight later...I did quit and now I'm trying to knock off the weight. It's particularly hard because of my age...69...I don't have the energy to do long and hard exercise. I have some arthritis issues as well but I am getting it off with Weight Watchers (that means eating real food)...I have tweaked WW's to my own way but so far I'm losing good...The minute I go off my plan, then yes I gain it back but that's why it's important to find something you can live with...I can't and won't buy meals for the rest of my life and I also got a look at a couple of those meals and they didn't look like anything I would want to live on..
Explore Weight Watchers or one of the more natural ways of eating...
I have done Weight Watchers and Nutrisystem. I liked WW because I could eat normal foods and lose weight. Nutrisystem was convenient, yet the taste wasn't great. The pastas were very salty and all tasted like ketchup! The only thing I didn't like about WW, was that I was constantly referring to my WW book for points and found that a drag. But with any diet (bad tasting food or looking up points), it will take effort and sacrifice. I did lose weight with both of them, but because I didn't stick with it and thus, did not lose more. I have a problem with commitment! :( Anyway, if I were to choose, I would try WW first.
I came back in to mention, especially to the last poster - Masuimi, that I do WW/Core. While I do get 35 points a week and a couple of activity points on the days I work out, I really enjoy all the great recipes and cooking that I get to do with the Core plan. The recipes are pretty simple and fast, and even my husband likes them, and he's a picky meat-and-potatoes man. FWIW!
I've tried weight watchers, atkins, jenny craig, and hCG.
WW & JC: constantly hungry, often intensely, on 1500 calories. No weight loss.
Atkins: ate whenever I wanted, lost 25 pounds in 12 months. No hunger, but needing to pee 3 times every night was not good.
hCG: Lost 40 pounds in 20 weeks while bending most of the rules - I ignore the sacred list of allowed foods but stay low carb and don't get hungry on 700 calories per day. I'm also doing a low Glycemic Index version because approved apples, oranges, and melba toast were messing with my blood sugar and making me crave more sugar.
I was on MediFast for the past 2 weeks and my husband started 2 days ago. We stopped today. The food is easy and all prepared, but it is so boring and sweet. I like to cook and we are used to eating well, I didn't get to this weight on big mac's! We are going to use the sonoma diet recipe book as our guide. Our daughter says it is easy to eat and tastes great. We also never eat artificial ingredients if we can avoid them and MF food is full of that stuff. I wish you well whatever you choose.
Joann... I wish you well on your endeavor. The only thing that has worked for me is portion control, counting calories, and exercising more.
The hard part is making complete meals that are low calorie but nutrient rich. All calories are not created equal. An apple and a tbsp. of nut butter is around 140 calories but will last longer in your body and make you feel full longer than a pre packaged snack pack.
One thing that has helped me a lot is taking a small portion of meat and veggies and adding it to broth and eating that several times a day. Miso works really good for me, but chicken or beef broth would work good too. Filling, tasty, and keeps blood sugar stable.
I have listened to people for years talk about the fact that Weight Watchers is real food that you buy and cook at home, because many of the people I use to go to church with have found it to be the most consistent.
I have worked with the diabetics association diets in my profession and know they are well balanced meals/snacks and their menus are available at the library so you don't have to sign-up for the constant advertisements. Balance the two diet menus and you should be able to work out something that will work for the fussy-eater part of you.
Most importantly is keep posting here where you can get support because that's what determines, most of the time, whether or not a dieter is successful--SUPPORT!
Since you quit smoking you know you've got the will-power (AKA self discipline) and perseverance to lose the weight. Congratulations! now you only have to add water and exercise and you are on your way.
We look forward to hearing about your successes and your slips, because none of US are perfect at this so you can't be either. (lots of smiles)
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