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Daily Support January 25 to January 31

15 years ago


Comments (55)

  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Praying to St. Anthony that Jan finds her planner! Maybe he'll help me find my wedding ring too. (still missing).

    [[[[[[[[Raeanne]]]]]]]]]] Hope you feel better soon.

  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Good Monday all,

    Okay, who started all this talk about falling? Last night I fell on my way to the barn. Glare ice like Raeanne and totally unexpected!

    ((((Raeanne))))) hugs. Good thing we have hard heads! LOL. It was treacherous last night. We had freezing rain on and off all night and the ride into work was fun. No school, now it's raining (pouring) with warmish temps. Crazy. I hope you are okay.

    Also, to Jan, Dee Marie, and Marci. I hope you are all feeling better. My worst fear is falling down and not being able to get back up. When I sprained my ankle last summer I didn't get up but rather crawled up to the house...now there was a sight.


    Saint Anthony, Saint Anthony, please come down. Something is missing and must be found.

    It really works, just keep believing and repeating it.

    Dee, sorry about the Jets. Ces't la vie.

    Tikanis, I laughed at your post today. I am very accident prone and my father used to make a big deal when I dropped something. I can still here him now "It's a good thing you don't want to be a brain surgeon. I can hear it now as yo drop the brain on the floor, oops...." It did a world of good for my self esteem! Are you by any chance left handed?

  • Related Discussions

    SS Daily Support Monday 7/31 - Sunday 8/6


    Comments (33)
    Dinner here! Are we being realistic about what we can whip up on an outdoor trip? I'll be. Since I'm flying in, as soon as I land, I'll throw some pre-seared hamburgers (blue cheese or cheddar can be added later) and whole wheat buns wrapped in foil under the cowling and cook them up with the residual engine heat. They'll be nice and toasty by the time we get settled. I'll pop a red grape, feta, candied walnut, pear, and apple chopped salad with a (little raspberry vinegarette on it) in the cooler before I take off. We can have that and some baked BBQ Lay's---I haven't had chips in a while, but this sounds like a great occasion to dive in! I'll bring a few sticks of fatwood to get the fire going so we can get the coffee (and tea) on for after dinner and have coffee and toasted marshmallows for dessert. ************************ I am on the island today. Someone highjacked out internet connection while we've been gone but my genius DH took in back last night, so I am wired! I am spending the next 2 days here in the attic room of the house---where it's quiet---writing. I have a 6 page paper due tommorrow in climates and a fair amount of homework due by the end of today. We turn out homework in through a homework site that checks for plagerism. I love it bacause I can turn my work in remotely! YAY! I have another paper due on Wednesday---my Philosophy final paper. I'm writing on Infant Euthanasia: Moral and Ethical Pros and Cons. Sooooooooooooo, I'm going to be busy. The good news is that I have wonderful weather to look out the window at and the water is calm, water birds are talking and and the sea planes are taking off and landing regularly---their rotary engines humming a beautiful tune. :) DH and DD have agreed to help me out and watch the little ones for the weekend. I better hold up my end of the bargain and get writing!!!!!! Have a great weekend!
    ...See More

    Daily support Mon 10/25 to Sun 10/31


    Comments (8)
    Okay...this is ridiculous.... 6 posts for the whole week? We need to get some renewals here and start getting our old gang going again. I was driving down the road thinking how sad it would be if, after all these years, this group wasn't here for each other. Everyone is going through transitions and is busy, but this is the place we keep coming back to. What can we do? I vote for a questionaire to get to know each other's recent happenings... Questions about marital status, kids, pets, farm animals, likes, dislikes, pet peaves, food, favorite recipes, vacation destinations, favorite memories, treasures you hold dear, etc. Has FaceBook left our GardenWeb group in the dust? I hope not. :-( It'll be Rabbit/Rabbit on Monday and I hope everyone remembers it's the start of a new month and a reunion of friends here.
    ...See More

    SS Daily: Mon,December 24 to Sun,January 6


    Comments (38)
    Thanks for the hugs - I feel them and truly appreciate them. Suzanne, you are so right about a whole year of firsts. Raeanne, I appreciate all of the leaning you have let me do so far -- ((many many hugs)) to all of you my sisters. Patti - holding good thoughts for your DMIL. Besh - WTG on that 2nd interview - keeping fingers crossed. They would be very lucky to get you. HAPPY BIRTHDAY AMY -- celebrate and enjoy to the fullest! ((Milkdud)) glad your NY is shaping up better than your Christmas. BJ - I know nothing about a juicer, sorry...like Raeanne I only get juiced (I like that one Raeanne)! Hello, hugs and thanks to all I missed - has anyone heard anything about Maddie's mom? I've been thinking about her. Working 1/2 day tomorrow - office is officially closed but like you guys I love it when I'm alone (or just a couple of us there) and I can really get stuff done without constant interruption. Finally - Whencit - welcome! I am 50 years old, single and live in NJ (near Atlantic City) with 2 very spoiled dogs. I am fortunate to have great friends (many of them right here). Most of my family lives close by. I love warm weather but enjoy the beach any time of the year. I enjoy traveling, cooking, reading and, hope to enjoy exercising in the very near future (that one might take some work but I will persevere). I hope you stick around and join us - we would love to get to know you! My NY resolution - I never make them cause I never keep them but the emotional roller coaster 2007 was for me showed me I need to prioritize and set personal goals -- they are to get back in shape, travel more often and just enjoy life..anything else good that comes along after that is just icing on the cake. I will seriously try not to sweat the small stuff (or at least not as much as I do now)! I didn't notice the date on the thread either :-) Take care - be good and will talk later.... Donna
    ...See More

    I'll share my recipe, if you'll share yours, January 31, 2011


    Comments (10)
    Braised Chicken with 40 Cloves of Garlic (Fine Cooking) The garlic is good squeezed on baguette slices to sop up the juices. Chicken pieces can be used instead of a whole chicken if you prefer. 3-1/2- to 4-lb. chicken Kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper One-half lemon 1/4 tsp. sweet Hungarian paprika 2 Tbs. extra-virgin olive oil 40 cloves unpeeled garlic, separated and any loose papery skins removed (about 2 large heads) 1/2 cup dry white wine 2 sprigs fresh thyme 2 sprigs fresh rosemary 2 sprigs fresh flat-leaf parsley 1 cup lower-salt chicken broth Toasted baguette slices for serving Position a rack in the lower third of the oven and heat the oven to 400F. Trim any excess fat from the cavity of the chicken. Pat the chicken very dry and season inside and out with 2 tsp. salt and 1 tsp. pepper. Squeeze the juice from the lemon half and set the juice aside. Put the juiced lemon half in the chicken's cavity. Cross the chicken legs and tie them together; tuck the wings under the chicken. Using a small sieve, dust the breasts and legs with the paprika. Heat the oil in a 3- to 4-quart Dutch oven (large enough to fit the chicken snugly) over medium-high heat. Add the chicken, breast side down, and cook until the skin is browned, about 2 minutes. Turn and cook the back and sides until browned, 2 to 3 minutes per side. Transfer the chicken to a plate and pour off and discard the oil left in the pot. Return the pot to medium-high heat. Add the garlic and wine to the pot, stirring to deglaze the browned bits from the bottom. Return the chicken to the pot, setting it breast side up on top of the garlic. Add the herbs to the pot, pour the broth over the chicken, and bring to a boil. Cover and transfer the pot to the oven. Cook, basting the chicken every 20 minutes, until an instant-read thermometer inserted in the thigh registers 160F, 45 minutes to 1 hour. Uncover and continue to cook the chicken until the thermometer registers 165 to 170F in the thigh and the juices from the thigh run clear when the thermometer is removed, about 10 minutes more. Transfer the chicken to a cutting board and the garlic cloves to a serving platter; cover both loosely with foil to keep warm. Strain the braising liquid from the pot into a small saucepan; discard the herbs. Tilt the pan so the juices collect in one corner and spoon off and discard as much of the fat as possible. Bring to a boil over medium-high heat. Simmer until reduced to 3/4 cup, about 5 minutes. Season to taste with salt, pepper, and some of the reserved lemon juice. Carve the chicken and transfer the pieces to the serving platter with the garlic. Serve with the sauce and the baguette slices.
    ...See More
  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    suzanne, thanks (for the Saint Anthony prayer.) I have turned the house upside down looking. I'll probably find it in some goofy place, like the refrigerator....

    I know you asked Tikanis this, but, for what it's worth, I am left-handed. I remember years ago hearing that a study had been done and revealed that left-handers were more likely to die in accidents than right-handers. I'm beginning to believe it!

    Another fall?!! You might want to re-consider that helmet!

    Have a good evening, everyone!

  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Hi all!

    My goodness, I'm not going out of the house 'cause I don't want to be the 5th fall! (((Hugs))) to everyone that has taken a trip! And Raeanne, please be careful re: your fall. I'm sure that Tikanis is waaaay more knowledgeable in this, but having worked at a rehab center for folks with Brain Injuries, I know that even a slight whack on the head can be serious, and can cause problems even years later. (Sorry, I don't want to sound preachy, but hearing that scares me-)

    Speaking of brain injuries, I went to the funeral today of a former client of the rehab. He had an unusual last name, and when he was admitted I asked his wife if he was related to a woman that I've know since junior high, and it turns out that he was her older brother. This is the nicest family **ever**, and my friend had 3 older brothers, and she has buried all of them. I don't know how her parents can stand the losses. I just feel so sorry for the family; sometimes it seems the worst things happen to the greatest people. Sigh. So, Suzanne, your comment "Seriously, a split second changes everything sometimes", is so very, very true.

    Well, it's snowing here, but I don't think we're supposed to get much, if any. It was in the upper 50s yesterday; go figure!

    Dee--I'm sorry the Jets lost, they played a good game! Although, the Colts are the closest team to us, so that's kinda cool. I had mixed feelings about the Vikings/Saints game b/c I really like Brett, but then the Saints have never been to the Super Bowl--who dat?! :) I've got to say, GO SAINTS! :)

    Marci--I'd like to be on the birthday card exchange, too! Good to see you post, also! :)

    Hope all is well!



  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Okay - I think we all need to pray to St. Anthony that we find our balance!!

    Raeanne & NHSuzanne - Is there such a thing as a "brain sprain"? LOL Hope you are both okay and not too sore.

    I am doing as well as can be expected. I bought a new pair of shoes today that can fit the ankle brace. Now I won't feel so fashion challenged, since my boots weren't really for suitable for wearing in public!

    I took my car for an estimate today (a parent backed into me in the parking lot at preschool) and the auto body guy said he thinks he can put the bumper back in place and just repaint it. I hope it only takes a few days to fix.

    Birthday card exchange so far:

    Patti sent me the nicest gift basket today. What a pleasant surprise to open an unexpected gift. It has all sorts of Italian goodies: pasta, dipping spices, olives, crackers, cheese and some tea. THANK YOU PATTI!!

    Now every one who HASN"T fallen, tread softly and be careful!


  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I'll be in the birthday card exchange, Marci. Even tho I'm sure I missed last year. Whomever I had, a million apologies!

  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago


    Count me in on the birthday card exchange too please and thank you! I have been meaning to ask you which picture did you use for your desktop? I think I know but I am not sure!

    Maddie, live in the moment because you never know. amen. How sad for that family.

    Jan, I too am a lefty and I have always felt that accounted for my clumsiness. Not for the falling however. You cannot really predict all that your feet land on when walking like ice or an ever so small stone that sends your foot out from under you - that's my broken elbow story! LOL

    I just got back from the barn and it's like a different world out there compared to last night! It's still almost 50 and the pavement is clear of any ice (for now). I am used to falling in the winter on the ice but you never know. Someone reminded me of Natasha Richardson which sends chills up my spine when I think of how often I fall on the ice! Maybe a helmet is in order LOL

    Nurse your wounds all you injured parties! Nighty, night!

  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago


    Quick check in - will be back tomorrow or probably Wednesday with a real post and PICTURES!!!!

    Please count me in the birthday exchange.

    Hugs and love to all who have fallen.


  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Good evening, you graceless people! LOL

    I'm in such good company with the graceless! I'm as clumsy as they come for sure, so I can empathize with all of y'all, and I hope everyone is healing nicely now. All I have wrong with me at the moment is a very colorful backside of my hand where the IV had been during the colonoscopy. It was light turquoise until today, and now it's very colorful - shades of red, green, and purple, and still swollen somewhat. At least it doesn't hurt.

    Today may be our last day of spring-like weather. We're due rain and cool temps the rest of the week. I was out in it today to attend a meeting, then grocery shop, and drop off books at the library, and it was lovely.

    My church women's group is trying to work up a better plan for visiting the homebound members of the church. We now have 8 women willing to bake cake or bread to take when we visit. I don't know any of the people we'll be visiting, so this will be interesting. Oh, well! I'll know them by the time I leave. :)

    This is a nice, slow week for me, so I'm taking advantage of it and doing little bitty projects around here. I turned in my service hours for the last 12 months to our sorority president, and I was surprised to see that I had 455 hours. I've enjoyed doing all the things and meeting lots of new people. Makes me feel so worthwhile.

    I'm sneaking a peek at "The Bachelor" right now. High drama was predicted for tonight, and I haven't had much of that lately, so I figured why not tune in? Am I the only one who can't resist this show occasionally?

    Wishing everyone sweet dreams and a terrific Tuesday!

  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    NHSuzanne - I snagged the first two winter pictures you posted and right now I have the winter scene with the fence near the front. Makes snow look almost inviting! LOL

    Birthday card exchange so far:


  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Marci - you can add me to the birthday exchange - thanks for doing this, it means a lot. Oh I am sure I have had a brain sprain more than once.

    Suzanne - It doesn't sound like you got hurt and I hope today you are still feeling ok. My neck is a bit stiff today, but not bad. Yes, Natashia Richardson weighed on my mind a bit.

    Maddie - believe me I was very worried but when I saw so much improvement over night I decided to not go to the Dr. But I know I probably should have. Thanks for thinking of me.

    donna - can't wait to see those photos.

    Milkdud - 455 hours, that is a lot of service - I can tell you enjoy it. You are truly very special.

    Jan - Many years ago I bought a book on organizing your life and lost it - so I know how you feel on the calendar/planner LOL.

    Please no more falls they seem to be contagious around here.

    I hope everyone has a great day.

  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Good morning!

    I've got a small problem I would like to share with you people, who are so much wiser than I am. Please tell me if you think I am overreacting. I promise I won't take it personally.

    A week or so ago I noticed there was a crack in our Pella double clad arched window at the front of the house. The Pella guy is coming out today to take a look at it - it could end up being quite an expensive repair, which makes me sick, because this house is only two years old.

    We are a fairly new part of the subdivision. There is only one house across the street that faces our house. The family has two boys - kindergarten and first grade - who are beyond rambunctious. We have witnessed numerous occasions where their parents will yell at them and they totally ignore them. They have a huge backyard but play in the street out front, with bb guns, baseball bats (which they use to hit golf balls.) See where I'm heading? They also throw rocks, as witnessed by other neighbors.

    I called the dad last week and told him about our broken window. I said I wasn' necessarily accusing his boys, but if he wouldn't mind, at least have them direct their rocks, bb guns, bats, etc. away from our house, because I do not want to have to go through the costly repairs again. I hate confrontation, so I was about to throw up even telling him this. He admitted that they had bb guns and threw rocks, but they were always supervised by him, which is just not true. (He works full-time, and the wife just lets the kids out and goes back in the house.)

    So, this morning on our walk, it was not surprising to see several golf balls and the baseball bat out front. Neither were in their yard, per se, but the empty lots beside them. So, my neighbor picked up the balls, and I brought in the baseball bat. I guess if they saw me pick it up or ask me for it, I will give it back. For now, it's in my closet.

    Have I turned into the mean old lady on the street that I used to despise when I was a kid? Perhaps I'm overly sensitive because we had to start completely over at an older age after losing it all in Katrina. I'm not a materialistic person, just want to keep what I have.

    Have a good one. I'm looking forward to your free therapy!

  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Good Tuesday,

    I have to share this note from a (crazy) fellow horse woman! It seems falling is epidemic and I think my day will be filled reading similar responses to her post:

    Round 1
    Very interesting.... Beware of the dreaded New England ICE, ICE comes Before the dreaded MUD!
    I had my colt gelded last week. It's been dry until today when we needed an Ark. So he was out 24 hours a day in the roundpen for optimum exercise to reduce swelling. HE'S FINE ! I have had to schlepp food and water out there at considerable effort to ensure the ungrateful's comfort. On one trip in the dark with a grain scoop in left hand complete with antibiotics and pain meds, and two flakes of choice hay in the other hand, I am carefully negotiating the dreaded ICE. Made it to the back barn, BOOM ! Feet gone, me over backwards, hay, grain, and meds, flying through the air. Managed to resoundingly crack my head on the steel edge of the partially opened barn door.
    Lay there checking for damages, and growing a goose egg.

    Round 2 Today
    Taking same pony who slept in the main barn last night, out to the back barn for optimum exercise to reduce swelling....HE'S FINE ! I had been moving horses in from the back barn to the main barn to avoid the Ark requiring floods. This was preceded by sprinkling sawdust, and hay, and barn sweepings on the worst patches of ICE. Got eight horses moved safely, then it was the ungrateful's turn to go out.... avoiding the ICE required tiptoeing across the lawn, past the sandbox, and the birdfeeders. Pony decided he did not like the look of the sandbox, and opted to climb the birdfeeder pole instead, which dislodged the birdfeeder, which sailed through the air, and landed with a hard crack, steel perch first into my head! I did have a white polar fleece hat on....Now we have instant blood dripping down from inside my white hat and making a MESS !
    Large laceration, luckily not requiring stitches...the pony? He's FINE!

    Jan, NO you are NOT becoming the mean old lady down the street. Parents are supposed to not let their kids throw things wherever they please. I would have picked the stuff up and kept it too...hoping there is an opportunity to share your thoughts when they come looking for it. There are laws about shooting any type of gun within 500+ of a house...I am not sure what your ordinances may state. Are you in a neighborhood with covenants? They must address this in the rules. Beyond that I have to say you have the right to protect your property. Do you have homeowners insurance to cover the window should it be a costly repair? If it persists perhaps you and DH should visit them together. Boys will be boys (how I hate that line) but that doesn't give them the right to throw things in the direction of your home. Hopefully you can work it out with mom and dad...I hope the window repair goes well.

  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    suzanne, your poor friend. For a moment, I thought it was you, thank goodness it wasn't.

    Re: my problem. Yes, we have covenants, but not strongly enforced. We also have homeowners insurance, but our deductible is high, because of Katrina. Also, because of Katrina, we do not want to file on something at the risk of being cancelled.

    I was hoping now that the little boys were in school, that the teachers' discipline would rub off on them, since they don't have it at home. I understand that boys will be boys, and today's times are so different than when we were kids. If someone even suggested that one of us had been the cause of a problem, there would have been he-- to pay.

  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Jan, that is everyone horsewoman's dilemma but we wouldn't change a thing!

    If I were you I would read up on the covenants. Just because they are not strongly enforced doesn't mean that they can't be. If your problem persists go the association and complain. That is what they are supposed to be for!! Throwing rocks and bb guns are simply not acceptable street play things!

  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Jan, buy a security camera for the front porch (or a fake one on eBay). Be very sure that the kids see you putting it up! Take should give them pause.

    You are not the mean lady, and it's time that children learned to behave and respect other folks and their property.

  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Good Morning!

    I don't know where to even START with all of you injured and wounded like this!!

    Raeanne, I didn't fall, but am so sorry that YOU did. : (

    Suzanne, no, I am not a lefty, but I am as accident prone as the rest of you! Your poor friend sure got it good!

    Maddie, what can I say? Life is just too short! Count all of your blessings each day, as we just never know...

    Marci, how is the ankle today? And how are you managing to chase children with that sprain? At least you are FASHIONABLE now, ha ha!

    Donna, I can't wait to see the pics!

    Milkdud, old IV sites shouldn't be swollen. If there is any "open" area, clean with 1/2 strength peroxide, pat dry and put on a dab of neosporin-type ointment.

    455 hours! Wow! I know how much work that is, and maybe it is a strange thing to ask, but don't you feel TERRIFIC for it?? There is no better feeling in my mind than giving or giving back.

    Jan, food tracking is definitely my saving grace! It was harder getting back in the swing of things than I thought it would be, especially since I am limiting the Diet Coke. That was always my go-to snack to help keep me away from goodies. I am consoling myself with seltzer water ( fizzy) and the knowledge that new studies show that the body may treat artificial sweeteners the same way it treats sugar; by STORING FAT!! There's my reason to quit it right now. I sure don't want to slow down all of my hard work so far, ha ha!

    About the other thing..... You are NOT turning into that mean ol' lady! You have a right to have your property protected from malicious or negligent damage. Boys may be boys (I have one, too) but that does not make them less accountable for their actions. Here in CA children may not run around with BB guns. It's just plain dangerous! Proving the boys responsible will be a whole different matter. Are you part of a home owners association that might have rules about where BB guns and baseball can be played? As much as I dislike HOAs, they might help here. Then, there are security cameras. You'll need to either see the boys doing damage or have some sort of proof. There are plexi glass plates that can be fitted over vulnerable windows. I don't know the cost, but they are virtually damage proof and don't show from the street. Finally, this is YOUR property! After having had to start all over after Katrina, it must be like adding insult to injury. Confrontation is never pleasant. Just calmly state the facts. Proof is always good and of course, involve your DH. If you are asked for the bats and balls, hand them back with a smile and say "boys, I know YOU wouldn't do this, but I need your help finding out who has been damaging my window. I'm offering a $5 reward if we catch 'em!" Then check back with them periodically "Have you seen our culprits yet, boys? I feel so much safer with you guys watching out for me!" You might want to take this approach, regardless.
    You will catch more flies with honey than vinegar, and kids like to feel important. I think they'll be more careful if they think they are on your "team". It ALWAYS worked for my Cub Scouts!

    Back later, have a great day!


  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    OMG, Tikanis, I used that tactic over 20 years ago with a problem child in my neighborhood and it worked magnificently!! I did not even remember it until you jogged my memory. Great advice!!

  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Thanks, everyone, for your advice. The Pella window guy just left. Such a nice guy - since the windows have a 10-year warranty, he seems to think it will all be covered, with the exception of a possible small service charge. So, I am breathing a sigh of relief.

    I'm still keeping the bat. Those kids leave so much stuff all in the street and other lots, it will probably be a few days before they realize it's missing....

    Our Homeowners Association is new, recently taken over from the developer, and is very unorganized and weak. Still, that is a good idea to review the covenants and see if I can find anything that applies to our problem.

    Re: The Bachelor - I'm embarrassed to say I watch it, too. I thin Ali is by far the sharpest, most natural of them all (makes you wonder why she is on the show?!)

    It is a good day. Today's my mom's 85th birthday. She has a full week - going to play cards tonight, see a local play and eat out tomorrow night, and a day trip to Memphis on Thursday to see The Jersey Boys! Her social calendar is much fuller than her daughter's - ha!

  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Tikanis - I am so glad that you didn't fall and you couldn't use ice to blame it on LOL. Very clever advice you gave Jan.

    Jan - You have every right to protect your property. It is the parents that are really out of control here - how do they allow their kids to run around playing with BB guns? Didn't they ever watch "A Christmas Story"? Happy Birthday Jan's mom.

    I have to run and do something productive. I am using my injuries as an excuse to sit on my bumm all day long - I could get used to it LOL.

  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    LOL, Raeanne!!!!!

    Happy 85th to Jan's Mom. :0)

  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Raeanne, you would think parents would be more concerned, wouldn't you? And yes, "A Christmas Story" does come to mind - ha!

    Thanks for the birthday wishes for my mom. She's pretty amazing, even though I'm partial.

    I'm off to a Homeowners Association Meeting - would rather have a root canal. It could be interesting.

  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Just wanted to let y'all know that my internet/board friend Dave died this afternoon. Thank you for all the prayers and good thoughts for him. I know it was a great comfort to his family and friends.

    I'll be back to post tomorrow.

  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Oh Milkdud! I am so sorry to hear this. : (

    Prayers going out to his family.....

  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Good morning,

    Milkdud, I am sorry to hear about Dave - my prayers are going out to his family too.

    Jan, I would have thought you would be looking forward to that HO's meeting to talk about the kids, rocks, bats, and windows. How did it go?

    Anyone watch BL last night??

  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Milkdud, I, too am so sorry about the loss of your friend, Dave.

    suzanne, the meeting went well - much bigger issues than my derelict neighbors were discussed, but I did find out how to issue a complaint against them, through the HOA, if needed. They were at the meeting but the room was crowded so I avoided eye contact with them. I still have the bat, so I'm assuming the kids haven't even missed it yet.

    It was chilly on our walk but the day is going to be warming up and lots of sun. Hope it's pretty in your neck of the woods!

  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Just stopping by, coffee in hand, ready to face a cold and rainy day....

    Do tell, Jan! How did it go?

    Suzanne, I missed BL last night.

    Busy day, back later.

    Make it count, ladies!


  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    suzanne, you need to re-post your horse/pony pictures for this week. I was wondering where everyone's posts went (duh.) You and I were on last week's.

    re: meeting. It went well. It looks like our association is finally moving forward and getting it's act together. We inherited some problems from the developer, but are working on them. When the subject of security/vandalism came up, I almost gave the evil eye to our neighbors, but I'm more mature than that. They've been given the message and we are watching. If there is any chance of this happening again, we will file a formal complaint through the HOA and also give them any repair bills we might end up with. I think I'm feeling so good about the warranty covering our window, I don't want to send out any bad karma.

  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Jan, thanks for telling me! I don't know why I posted it there. Sounds like meeting was productive! You aren't the old mean lady - you are the OLD BAT hiding the BAT LOL

    How cute is this???? This is just precious and I hope it makes you smile....even you DEE lol

  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Hi all!

    **almost fainting from too much cuteness!!** Suzanne, that is just absolutely one of the greatest pictures ever! What an adorable mama and baby--

    Milkdud, I'm so sorry to hear about Dave. I remember him from his photographs, and he always seemed like such a nice guy. I've lurked on the KT for almaost as long as I've been here, and I still miss Dotty and Marlen. Gawd, they were funny!

    Jan, no advice here, but it sounds like the HOA sounds like a good place to go if this happens again--

    Where's BJ? Besh? Amy? Come out, come out, where ever you are! :)



    (Oh, Raeanne, I cornered a physics prof yesterday, and making some assumptions about your height, and other variables, we estimated that you could have hit your head at approx 13mph. Gad! How are you feeling, and sorry to be such a pest! :))

  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Hey, I'm thinking about trying to set up a chat room. I think it's free, but would anyone be interested?

  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Maddie - you are not a pest! My height probably helped with reducing the speed, but my weight probably increased it LOL. A chat room would be fun!

    Suzanne - that truly is one of he sweetesst things I have ever seen.

    Jan - since you have already taken the first step in speaking with the parents you should go to the HOA if it should happen again.

    Milkdud - so sorry to hear about your friend. I think I remember Dave. I always used to look at the photo posts. Very sad.

    Marci - in case you missed my previous post - I would love to be included in the birthday exchange.

    Nighty night all

  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Good Thursday all,

    One day closer to the weekend! It's been a tense week and I am ready for it to be over.

    Marci, scrap booking queen I need some ideas. DFIL writes a Christmas note every year. We have accumulated 20 of them so far. I want to put them in a scrap book but need ideas for this. They are all on various paper and I don't want it to be really sappy or corny I just want to preserve them in a really neat way. I think it would be a wonderful Christmas gift to DH. Any thoughts?

    The photo of the mare and foal is a couple of years old. It was sent by a friend in Florida! It is so,so sweet. Makes my heart skip a beat.

  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Good Mornin'!

    Suzanne, that picture of the mare is heartwarming! The scrap book idea is very sweet.

    Jan, I am glad to hear that the window was covered by your insurance policy. You may have just acquired some new game equipment. Care to hit a few out? Spring training is just around the corner, you know : )

    Donna, "we want photos, we want photos!". That's your remodel fan club clamoring for results : )

    Maddie, a chat room sounds like fun! You are positively "chipper" these days!

    How are all of our "Fallen Angels" out there? Hmm? Mending nicely, I hope!

    Motivation from the Toppers and WWs here, please! Let's help each other out! This last leg of the journey is SO oooo s-l-o-w.... and I need support!

    Off to log my calories on Fitday.com before seeing patients.

    Check in MIAs


  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    All I can say is why can't this happen on my lawn? This is SO sweet.

    Apparently the little buck visits each day

    to play with the cat:

  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Good afternoon, everyone! It's overcast and warmish today, 50 F, with rain and cooler temps coming tomorrow.

    I thought that some of you here might have known of Dave from the KT, even though I totally forgot to mention it. What a nice guy, and what a loss.

    Suzanne, if your FIL's letters are a one-pager each, you can easily find 'photo frames' or even sticker borders to make a frame around each letter. Maybe you can find a nice selection of different Christmas stickers and embellishments so that each year's letter will have a different look. If you photocopy those letters, you could even copy the pages and make photo albums for the other DIL's. Just my 2 cents.

    Jan, I'm glad your window is covered by the warranty! My 2 sons never broke a window, but our neighbor's son broke ours several times over the years. Luckily, back then, glass was cheaper, but his parents were always lovely about making the repairs. Their son was our favorite babysitter, and he was always SO upset when it would happen. Boys just play rougher than girls.

    I've been having the most wonderful time reconnecting with my cousins, first on Facebook, then on the phone and in emails. We just lost touch because of distance and real life. We're so lucky that it's not too late, and I'm sharing them with my sons now, too, so that they can learn more about everyone.

    Suzanne, love those photos! The ones from last week are still haunting my memory - loved them.

    I'd love a chat room! I'm always up for a good 'chin-wag'!

    Got to get busy now making signs for our book sale Saturday at our Community Expo. Last year, I grabbed up a handful of used books and took them with me in hopes of just giving them away, but people insisted on donating money to St. Jude by buying them, so we ended up making $33.05. This year, we're making a concerted effort to collect a goodly amount of books and even making a pretty printed sign (on the computer) to have on the table. Hope we make lots more $$$. Sunday, is our first Rush Tea in about 10 years, and I'm in charge. Very scary!!! :) Not really because everybody's helping out. That's one very nice thing about it being a service sorority - everybody's used to stepping up and helping out!

    Dinner tonight will be grilled salmon over whole wheat pasta and steamed veggies. Wishing everyone a thoughtful Thursday!

  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    NHSuzanne - If it were me, I would buy a scrapbooking album and find some neutral scrapbook paper to insert in the sleeves.
    Then display the letters in chronological order. You could include pictures of your FIL over the years and the photos of the Christmas celebrations to correspond with the year of the letter. There are lots of Christmas embellishments that you could add here and there to add dimension to the pages. I would try to keep it simple, so the focus would be the letters. Michaels and Jo-Ann have the 12x12 scrapbooking paper, or see if there is a scrapbooking store near you. You should make sure the pages of the album are acid free and use photo splits to adhere the letters and pictures to the scrapbooking paper. I wish I lived close enough to help in person!
    Feel free to email me when you get started.
    LOVE the deer/cat pictures.

  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Happy Thursday!!!

    Been a crazy week at work (don't ask) but just got home from seeing the Lovely Bones...read the book a very long time ago and enjoyed it. Movie was good but not as good as I had expected.. JMHO. I have to say though that Mark Wahlberg was fabulous and the girl playing Suzi was adorable and good.

    Tikanis and my fan club - I have actually downloaded pictures!! Will post to photobucket or such this weekend so I can share.

    I am SO annoyed with Sears...fridge to be delivered Saturday, pushed back one week...aaarrgghhh...oh well.

    Will check in over the weekend, with promised pics.

    Hugs and love to all who knew Dave and miss him.


  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago


    Sending out positive thoughts to those who will miss Dave. I remember his photos and adventures and there will be a void over at KT.

    I hope that all you gals who experienced the spills over the last several weeks will be fully recovered to enjoy the weekend.

    QOD: What's going on this weekend?

    DH and I were both home yesterday because of icy roads. I was able to work from home, but DH was not, so he continued working on getting our hallways and doors around our staircase(s) primed and ready for paint. This project is almost one year old! We spent last January taking down the wallpaper and beginning the task of washing off the glue. Then work and life got in the way.... DH told me this morning that he will continue the task this evening when he gets home, and asked if I would help him this weekend put a bit dent in it. I'm thrilled about it. Our biggest problem is all the molding around the doors and the bottom of the walls. Previous owner put paint upon paint upon paint, and we need to scrap several layers off before painting. We both agree that the project will keep us away from TV and snacking!

    OK, enough about my boring life....who's up next?


  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Good morning!

    Dee, sounds like you've got your work cut out for you this weekend! I admire you and your husband for DYI-ing it. Our master bath needs re-painting (yes, after just two years!) We thought we had a leak because we saw a water stain above the shower stall (but not from the ceiling.) The plumbers came and checked the entire house, found no leaks and decided it was from the excessive steam. (We have an exhaust fan but have never used it.) I never noticed until they pointed it out, but the paint in the entire bathroom is starting to look streaky and thin. We will definitely use a sturdier kitchen/bathroom paint when we re-do. And start using the exhaust fan more. There is a woman who is going to re-stain and finish our front door and I'm going to get a quote from her. She really needs the work and would do a much better job than us, I'm sure.

    This morning I was thinking about also adding a small indoor/outdoor flush ceiling fan above our vanity. I know some folks don't care for ceiling fans, but down South we really use them. I take hot showers even in the summer (hence the paint damage!) and by the time I blow dry my hair I'm so hot I'm miserable. Do any of you have one in your bath or have seen one?

    Today I'm waiting on our water fountain to be delivered and installed in our back yard, but I'm afraid the rain will make it here before the fountain......

    Did anyone watch the special last night hosted by Jeff Probst, the Survivor guy? I did, and cried the entire hour. It definitely made an impression on me, clearly not to sweat the small stuff. Some reviews have said it was too much. Perhaps it was the mood I was in, but it definitely was an attitude adjustment.

    Enjoy your weekend.

  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Good Friday all,

    From frigid frozen and bitterly cold NH!! Wow, so much for our little January thaw. She's going out like a lion with a vengeance for sure. Yesterday we had just enough snow to cover the ice making things really slick and dangerous. Many accidents and one death locally after the truck when careening into a river during a white out. So sad. Temps plummeted 30 degrees overnight....and the wind is howling. It's so windy and cold today that I closed the doors on one side of the barn to give the animals a break. Not nice.

    I saw on the news that we are not alone with these conditions - out in the mid-west is crazy too. Ah Winter.

    As cold as it was before dawn this morning (3 degrees) I must say I was taken by the beauty of the full Wolf moon setting over the pasture. It has illuminated our nights for so long.

    Jan and Dee, the winter months bring out the interior decorator in me to so I am thinking of repainting the downstairs bathroom and making some other significant changes there. Cabin fever brings this on I am sure.

    DH is home this weekend so that will be fun. I will probably not be riding the horses!! LOl no way, too icy and cold. Last Saturday was dream to be out and now....

    Marci, Milkdud, thanks for the ideas. I will have to just dig in and start organizing the letters and figure it out. It's fun but I always have a slow start until I get truly inspired.

    Has anyone read Food, Inc.? It's a must read for those who truly care about where there food comes from and how it gets onto the table. Fascinating and disturbing too.

  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Suzanne - Food, Inc was just highly recommended to me. I will add it to my list. Glad you get DH for the weekend. Frigid here too and was a bit messy yesterday for a bit.

    Jan - what was the special about that was so sad? I am glad I missed it - I really don't need to cry these days LOL.

    Speaking of crying, has anyone read "The Art of Racing in the Rain"? I absolutely loved the book, but talk about a tearjerker.

    Donna - thanks for the movie review. I am a Mark Wahlberg fan but haven't read the book and think I will do that first. I hope your refrig arrives.

    Dee - I am amazed you ever get any project done between work, football, cruises and your vacation home.

    Gotta run, but wanted to check in. Make today a good one.

  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Hi all!

    QOD--study, what else? :) That, and we're having a Super Bowl party, so the cleaning needs to start this weekend. It's amazing how cat hair can wedge itself in the most remote places! And why aren't they bald??!

    Sitting at home on this cold Friday. I needed to go out, or I though that I did, and have convinced myself that it can wait.

    Speaking of movies, I want to see Crazy Heart with Jeff Bridges. The critics have compared it to The Wrestler, which I liked, so maybe I can talk Rog into going to the movies, too. A good bribe of Indian food may do the trick! LOL!

    Hope all is well!



  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Our fountain is in and it looks and sounds great! Yea.

    raeanne, the show is like a reality "Bucket List" - last night was about a young man, Roger Childs, with a beautiful family who has been diagnosed with ALS and given a few years to live. The show presents him with a week of exciting surprises of things he's always wanted to do. One of the poorer reviews compared it to the old show "Queen for a Day." I don't think I could watch something like this on a regular basis, but last night's episode was a gentle reminder, which is what I need from time to time, of what is truly important in this life.

    Maddie, I love Jeff Bridges and want to see "Crazy Heart," too. I never saw "The Wrestler."

    Suzanne, hasn't the moon been beautiful?! Stay safe and upright this weekend (at least while you're outside - ha!)

  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    "Live for the Moment" was on CBS last night, and I went through about 3 tissues. My head was stuffed up like a Thanksgiving turkey this morning. I'll be watching it next week.....

  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Good Friday evening!

    It turned cold here today, down in the 40's and very windy. I was freezing while pumping gas at 10 am. I was out in this rainy (forgot to mention that earlier) mess from 9 until 3, first to the dr. for a follow-up after last week's procedure. I won't have another colonoscopy for 5 years! Then, lots of grocery shopping and hunting for Lipton Blackberry tea bags. It took stopping at 6 stores before I finally found what I needed. I also felt the urge to shop in every store, so it was an expensive day.

    QOD: Tonight was Mexican food with friends at Peso's. Tomorrow another sorority sister and I will set up and mostly man a table for ESA and St. Jude at our Consumer Expo. We'll pass out info on St. Jude, ESA, and sell used paperback books for 50 cents each, proceeds going to St. Jude. Last year, we made $33.05. We have many more books this year.

    Sunday after church is our sorority Rush tea. I'm the membership chair, so I've been planning this tea for a while now and everybody's pitching in. It will be fun.

    Sending warm hugs and wishes to everyone freezing this weekend. Have a great weekend!

  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Good Saturday Morning!

    It is a brisk 10 here today so I am going to wait to go out later in the day. I need to buy some things for my sister's 60th birthday tomorrow.

    2010 Birthday Card list so far:

    Any other takers? BJ? Wodka? Besh? Patti? No pressure, I just don't want to leave anyone out who wants to be included. I will wait one more week and then assign partners.

    I tried not wearing the ankle brace yesterday and today it is sore. So I'm going to wear it one more week and see what happens. My biggest fear is doing more damage while it is in a weakened condition, especially with the snowy/icy conditions of the parking lots.

    Hope everyone else is on the mend.


  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Here is an interesting and informative article listing 7 easy ways to lose weight.

    Thought I'd share with you all.

    Also, can you guess what this is painted on?


  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    A human hand/fist is my guess! Great photo no matter what! Thanks for the 7 easy ways...although I have not checked it out yet! I am going there right now.

  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    You are right NHSuzanne. It looks so lifelike. I have some other ones I will post later.


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