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Daily Support Mon. Jan. 10th thru Sun. Jan. 16th

14 years ago

Good morning lady bugs,

It's a brand new week! Hope everyone had a good weekend.

Check in when you can.

Comments (61)

  • 14 years ago

    Thanks again for everyone's kind words. I too am soooooooo happy to be back.

    We are all so worth taking care of. The more we face tough times, the easier it is to let ourselves slip through the cracks. My dust allergy hates it when I do that, so dusting ourselves off is a good thing. (Oh no I Martha Stewart'ed...aaaaggghhhhh!)

    Weight goes up and down like life. This time is all about taking care of Peggy. Not competition, trying to keep up with a chart or making a burden out of this. Just taking a few moments everyday makes a difference.

    No beating ourselves up for any reason. God bless us all for being human. Let's do the best we can, right now.

    Geez I luv you guys!


  • 14 years ago

    So funny what happens in this office sometimes...

    A 17 year old guy sitting in the waiting room asked me, "Hey, what's a 5 o'clock shadow?"

    I said, "Feel those whiskers on your face? THAT's a 5 o'clock shadow."

    He felt his face, nodded, and said, "Ohhhhhhhh. Wow."

    I missed all this having ONLY girls, I guess! But glad I could help - lol!

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    Daily Support Mon. Jan 24th thru Sun. Jan. 30th


    Comments (15)
    Hi again! Wodka - I'm no angel by a long shot. I am using my Weight Watchers to guide me. My winter tune-up has a lot to do with mentally taking better care of myself. It's too easy to beat ourselves up - which I can do when I'm not taking care. And for me it is a daily effort to pay attention to what I am eating that creates a balanced diet. I totally get the not being hungry at times - especially when stressed. You have a lot on your plate to deal with. Giving as much as you do to support your husband takes a lot of energy which is why paying attention to trying to eat on some sort of regular pattern is very important right now. You need to pay attention Wodka to yourself too. Keep your strength up. I trip and fall all over the place on my journey. My help with WW is facing the truth and keeping a journal of my foods. Some days are great, some not too good. It's the overall picture every week I strive for. We all need a piece of cake, cookie (sorry Simon) and some comfort. I'm just trying to pay more attention to portion sizes. And I use lunch plates for dinner because it's more what my Mom used to serve and she kept her weight all her life. Granted she loved and ate many vegetables in her meals. So Hang In There Wodka. Even if one meal a day you can incorporate something for Wodka from your daily goals, I think right now that would be great. You have come such a long, long way from your first post here. I was so happy to see you still here after my coming and going over the last couple of years. Don't ever beat yourself up and just keep putting one foot in front of the other. You have been amazing on your journey. I'm so pleased to hear Bob's care can come closer to home. It will be of more comfort for Bob not to travel so much as well as for you. I continue to send positive energy, prayers to you and Bob. Hang in there Wodka. I'm so glad you are here. Hi Raeanne. I have not done SS but many folk have had lots of success with her diet. Suzanne is a wonderful lady. She is inspirational in so many ways. I remember years ago she published a book of poems. Her tenderness and intimate thoughts came out. Her beauty comes from within more than what we see on covers. I believe you too will have success with her positive energy coaching you along the way. Dee you are wise to stay home. Too many folk go to work when a few days of rest would get them on the road to recovery so much better. Years ago while serving in the military we had to report on 'sick parade' - medical clinic - where the doctors would decide if you went to work or went home. I hated that. There were so many times I should have been home in bed. Forget the fact I had to bus halfway across town to get to the clinic with a fever, or flu, infecting everything I touched and people I sat next too. Not funny at all. You take good care of yourself Dee. I am glad you can stay home to recover. My goodness I yap alot, eh? Hugs to all, Peggy
    ...See More

    Daily Support Mon. Jan 3rd thru Sun. Jan 9th


    Comments (36)
    Today was an awesome day. Bob got up early with me and we went out to pick up our order of Tangelos and on to the Mennonite Market... Did a little shopping and then back home again.. I sorted through some old coffee mugs and will be putting them in the spring yard sale for the Hope Fund at church..I know I will have tons more too. Christmas stuff especially.. I have waaaaay too much in the way of Christmas ornies.. I just keep the ones with sentimental value to them like some hand painted ornies my mom did and little gifts of ornies from a lot of really nice online friends I have met over the years.. Carolyn, It is so amazing when you can get more order in your life by purging what is just not working to the good in your life.... Hanging on to what is doing absolutely nothing but draining you either financially or physically or spiritually is not worth it... Kick it to the curb or give it away or sell it or donate it... but yeah.. don't let it drag you down.. sometimes things can act as an albatross around you neck..and will keep you from doing other things that really are worth while... besides, if you give it away or donate or so... then someone else may garner a really great blessing from it.. and guess what... your blessings will increase too..Just because you remove something from your life that is doing you no good, doesn't mean it doesn't have value.. to someone else it may be just fantastic.. It is turning cold for the next week, so walking will be brisk.. and not really long treks.. just a mile and a half.. and that's it.. toes get cold after that.. lol So ar this year I have walked every day.. and still watching my intake of calories.. so it's all good. Keep on keeping on folks.. and thanks for the squeezy hugs Dee.. we always can use a hug or two.. Stay well everyone.. CS
    ...See More

    Daily Support Mon. April 25th thru Sun. May 1st


    Comments (17)
    Hi everyone! We've had a horrific storm system blow through yesterday. Got cedar boards outside for the garden - watched those fly by literally like matchsticks in the breeze. A few are now in trees. Listened to our new home roof creak in the wind - very unnerving. It was about 100km/hr all over parts of Ontario yesterday. The strongest wind I've felt since leaving Scotland (winter was gale force winds normally Jan-Feb). Been really focused with my usual - plants. Seedlings, seeds and plants. Did I mention my plants? Somehow managed to cook meals, clean the house and do laundry in between. Like most areas this spring - too frigging cold to do the normal plantings of cool weather crops. Haven't been doing too bad in the food department. Trying to remind myself everyday to drink water more, coffee/tea less. Actually picked up some generic orange juice (can't afford $5.00 per carton and up. Barely afford coffee but we've given up so much with soaring food prices there is a limit. Cooking better meals again. And still maintaining my weight in the healthy range - overall pretty happy with the efforts of the last 5 years. I'm the turtle in the race. Every winter focused on smaller goals and then maintenance until next winter. My success so far has been applying a gradual weight loss and making healthier habits lifestyle. And now - The Royal Wedding I woke up at 7am EST and caught the event live just as Will & Kate were returning from the church. My goodness she chose a beautiful gown - very classy. I couldn't help but smile the whole time watching and they kissed twice! So happy. The queen was even caught smiling a lot. Kate sure has a beautiful family. Her sister looked smashing too. They look in love. I wish them a bright future. I'm looking forward to the pitter patter of little feet too. Such a wonderful day. I popped onto the thread with newbie Cathy8091 - I'm hoping to coax her into joining our Merry Band! If you see her thread - please feel free to jump across and welcome her. We all need support and this is such a big family with big hearts! Have a fantastic day everyone. I'm putting another log on the fire - we're due for round two of the rain storms - can hear rumblings. Hugs to all my friends, LOL Peggy
    ...See More

    Daily Support Mon. May 16th thru Sun. May 22nd


    Comments (14)
    Happy Hump Day! The 15 minute strategy is a great coping skill. I use it a lot but mine is more along the lines of just get off your arse Peggy and do one small thing on your hit list. It will lighten your load and be gone. Using that strategy yesterday worked for me too. I was in a grouchy, feeling sorry for myself mood - so I decided to do one thing which led to another and another. Started by relocating our recycle box out of the kitchen to the utility room (we're on one level). Packed away items in the pantry better. Then I spied another tote container that needed unpacking - well didn't it have my summer clothes in there? And surprise surprise - better fitting jeans I bought a couple of summers ago when I was still heavier but wanted to be at goal weight. I discovered 4 pair of jeans that now fit and a pair of jean shorts that now fit. I was going to buy jeans and now I don't have too. Talk about perking myself up. And I accomplished a few things. Our friend popped round about then with a load of red currant plants for me to plant. Yay. It was really crappy weather outside - cold, windy and starting to rain hard so we talked him into staying for a couple of movies and dinner with us. That was a pleasant surprise. So the day just kept improving. It all started with deciding to do one thing or like the 15 minute rule. Just to get moving - even if it takes a cattle prod to get me going - once I get started I normally feel better afterwards. Last night I felt beyond tired so I had a sedative - work up at 11am!!!! DH just let me sleep. Must have needed it. My problem is getting to sleep or staying asleep. I think I've caught up again. It's noon now, finished my coffee. I'm hoping it rains a wee bit so I can get those plants in the ground (drives off the black flies). Either way I have to get outside and accomplish some more planting - still have rooted tree branches for balsam fir, butternut and hickory to plant along with my berry plants. We have another week of blackfly season to go then they start to disappear. It was spaghetti last night - today I'm eating a little lighter to compensate. It's all about balance. Maintenance. To get the weight down I've learned through WW if I know I'm going out for a big meal I can start the day before cutting back and then the following days eating lighter foods to make up for a big meal. It has worked great for me over the years. How are you doing today? What are your challenges? NH Suzanne I've never done Feng Shui. Keeping a positive flow in your home does help you mentally. My positive flow will happen as we settle into this new home - get the kitchen cupboards built, remove that clutter...get the storage cupboards with bookshelves on top built, remove that clutter - all in good time then my Feng Shui will just happen here. DeeMarie I love those cards you got. Do share the positive ideas. Have a terrific afternoon/evening everyone. ...
    ...See More
  • 14 years ago

    Quick check in ---

    ((Jan and DH)) thoughts and prayers for you.

    Just a note on the new WW program - you can either use it or the old one, don't combine them. If you try and combine them you will gain weight.

    Both work and it's a matter of preference.

    Will check back in tomorrow or Wednesday. Love and hugs to all.

  • 14 years ago

    Wild Chicken - that's too funny. Thanks for the smile this morning.

    Feeling positive today. Woke up extremely early from all that water I'm drinking. So now I'm up, second cuppa tea, dishes done from last night (it's only the two of us). Giving myself until 7am to read news online, finish my tea. I see bags of 'stuff' from unpacking. Want to hit those early to clear some clutter.

    I'm sending hugs to Jan and DH.

    Ivamae how did your dental work go?

    Let's shake it today.


  • 14 years ago

    Good morning.

    Thank you all for your prayers, it looks like we are going to need them, more than ever, so please continue them, if you don't mind.

    Yesterday's news was not what we expected or hoped for. My husband, Bobby, has the fight of his life on his hands. The tumor on his liver is incurable, but chemo, which will start soon (after he has another CT scan on Monday) could give him time, perhaps years. But the doctor also said that some patients have died within 6 months, and that's when I lost it. It's been six months since we discovered the brain tumor, and I thought how fast that time had passed. However, the doctor kept repeating that Bobby was an exception to the rule - otherwise healthy, fit, in good shape, and having no symptoms, to date. I broke down just for a moment, and my husband was more worried about me than him. With everything we have gone through, he seems to be stronger with each crisis. Neither one of us slept last night, but I did get up and walk this morning, just to feel some normalcy for an hour or so.

    We have been married for 39 years, no children, and I cannot imagine life without him. We were married at 21 and literally grew up together. I know everyone has to go through this, that it's life, I just didn't expect it to be so soon. I'm praying that it's not and am treasuring every single second we have together. I am getting rid of my tears today, because we have to have hope to get through this, and he is being so strong for me, I have to be the same.

    Thank you for letting me share with you.


  • 14 years ago

    [[[[Jan & Bobby]]]]

    Jan, I am so sorry that you both are dealing with such a heavy and sad load. None of us knows how long we have here, so we must all celebrate each precious moment.

    During the 1980's one man in my old neighborhood had a similar ailment and survived for many years while on chemo. Just think about the strides in medicine since then!

    Educate yourselves, find support groups through the hospital, and when you don't want hubby to see you down, come here for some big shoulders.

    Praying for you both....

  • 14 years ago

    ((((((((((((Jan and Bobby))))))))))))

    Jan I wish I could give you a real hug. Do seriously consider Dee's suggestion for a support group. Don't be shy to see your own doctor if you need help dealing with this. Keep talking to us. Cry when you need to because it is a healthy release valve for the stress. And don't forget you need to continue to do something for Jan so you can be there for your husband.

    Like you say, trying to keep something normal in your day is soothing.

    I am so sorry you have to go through this but I too am optimistic.

    Lots of love,

  • 14 years ago

    Jan: We are here for you. ((((HUGGLES))) You hubby is so lucky to be healthy in every other way...we should all take away a lesson from this! Cry, cry, cry...this is a great way of coping and relieving stress and grief. And cherish every day as well. Support groups are good but find one that fits YOUR needs if you choose one. Come here to vent, cry, laugh, and just "BE YOURSELF." And keep walking - it's a gift you can give to yourself.

    2nd day logging calories on F I T D A Y for me. 2400 calories yesterday - most of them at NIGHT! I am working toward lowing that number significantly! :-) These things take time!

  • 14 years ago

    [[[ H U G S ]]] I had the hardest time getting on here. I just feel like everyone needs a cleansing hug! Take care of yourself. We are back in Florida. We found out today that we will be moving the 1st of April. So, there we have it. I think BJ & Maddie said it so well about how this forum has been for all of us. I love each one of you & consider you a part of family. I love it when the MIAs come back to the fold. (Peggy!) I love seeing new ones too. (CS!) Everyone is a special person & needs to know that they have value here & that they will fit in with us. I hope no one gets turned off or turned away b/c they think we don't care. I've never known a more caring group of women. Thanks for the love you've shown me over the last 12 years. I hope we share 12 more & then 12 more & then 12 more! :)

  • 14 years ago

    Patti: You said it. Every time we have a VICTORY or a TRAGEDY here, the HUGS start! GROUP HUG! And when I have been totally out of it, I open my snail mail box and there is a card - a REAL card!!! - from one or more of your guys. I can't tell you how much that means to me...these days to choose a card, write on it, stamp it, and mail it is an act of LOVE! And I feel the love here - every time I check in!

    ((((((BIG SMILES!))))

  • 14 years ago

    ((((Jan and Bobby)))

    Like others I wish I could hug you in person. Dee's suggestion of a support group is excellent. Make use of your hospital/oncologist staff and ask them about groups and assistance with handling all aspects of the disease, for both of you. You will find them wonderfully receptive, caring and more than willing to help you.

    Miracles can happen and I firmly believe in them. You and Bobby will be in my prayers.

    Lean on us, we are here for you. Email me anytime you like and I'll send you my phone#. Not with my husband but with my father I went through this almost 4 years ago. It's so hard but He never gives us more than we can bear and I sincerely believe that.

    This group was there for me and I will never ever forget that.

    Love to all of you!!

  • 14 years ago

    (((((Jan and Bobby)))) Every single day, we are thinking of you, sending LIGHT your way!

    Patti: Moving on April Fool's Day? You.Are.Brave! I married my first husband on April Fool's Day, so that day always holds meaning for me...hmmmm...what kind of meaning? It's different every year.

    Well, I managed to keep my calories to 1350 today. That's MUCH better! I think just keeping a log of what I eat is helping a lot! And, of course, checking in here and being accountable is the biggest deal.

    Friday, I am hosting the basketball team at my place for Tacos. I am really happy to be able to do this. I am looking forward to a fun-filled, LOUD evening.

    And this Saturday, I am doing overnight respite care for another foster family and will have two 3-year olds here- a boy and a girl! I'll take a million pictures, as usual!

  • 14 years ago

    Oh my Lord. I'm kneeling on my 'practice what you preach' mat this morning, waving my 'I'm not worthy' arms up and down...we had our friends drop over late afternoon yesterday. I polished off the xmas cookies I had in the fridge with them. In WW terms that was probably 20pts - more than a day's worth of calories. Not so much the calories but the fat. At least now there are no more in the house.

    But that was yesterday. My only choices around here now are healthy ones. It's 'homemade' cookies I have trouble with. DH has a double store box of chocolate chip cookies which doesn't bother nor interest me at all.

    Today I'm enjoying my yogurt with banana for breakfast with my cuppa coffee. We have groceries to get today - I'll be reloading my salads and getting a lovely light dressing of some sort. Also want to get on with doing more cooking ahead. Want to make a different veggie soup to add to freezer and change my soup for the next few days. I do love fresh veggie soup.

    So I put another foot down and move forward again. The past is the past and here I go. I've survived these moments before and will survive them again. Normally if I know I'm going to be having an indulgence ahead of time I add more veggies to my day ahead and the day after to counter balance. The next two days I'll be doing just that.

    It's still dark this morning. A couple more logs on the fire, cat dozing in the window, hubby reading online news. Life is good. And today I set up my plant shelving stand (4 shelf outdoor greenhouse) with no cover of course in front of the patio door. It's more exciting than bad calories and better than prozac. My winter babies. More fun than a lemon scented bubble bath.

    Join me today - do something for yourself (that's healthy...insert Peggy looking around and whistling here...).

    Jan - more hugs to both of you today. Oh and some more.

    LOL to all my pals,

  • 14 years ago

    Good Wednesday all,

    Jan and Bobby I am continuing my positive thoughts and prayers for you both. I truly believe in the power of prayer and I know there is a whole lot of power among us! Jan, I hope you will be able to focus more on your life with Bobby rather than without him. Miracles do indeed happen and I have a friend that is living proof of that. Still, I can't imagine how you both must feel right now and I am glad you are finding comfort in each other.

    Patti! Good news about your move. I am happy for you.

    Peggy, we are having a nasty nor'easter here and it's days like these that I drag out the seed catalogs and start planning. I have been out twice and shoveling is futile right now but I got the animals in the barn and the chickens squared away so we will have to wait it out. The wind is howling!

    Hope everyone has a good day.

  • 14 years ago

    Well, I weighed this morning and wasn't surprised. I'm stuck on 150 but that is actually good as I have been cheating with a few desserts left from Christmas and also hae not been able to walk my 1KM each day because of all the snow and ice. I don't want broken bones. I had been afraid that I might have gained.

    I got along fine with the dental procedure. He took the impressions and I go back on Thursday. I had had 2 dental surgeries over the last few months so am so pleased to finally be getting my dentures. I don't have dental insurance so it hits pretty hard on the pocket book.

    This week is just full of appointments. I'll fill you in when I report next week.

    All the best to everyone.

  • 14 years ago

    Good Wednesday morning and Happy Hump Day! It's EARLY for me to be posting, but here I am! It's still hovering around 25 degrees so far. The sun was out all day yesterday and it never got above 29 d. Brrr!

    Jan, my heart is so full of concern and caring for you and hubby. You are both in my thoughts and prayers as you prepare this next battle. Everyone has already said everything I could add, but I join with them in reminding you that you won't be alone during this fight. We'll be here to hold your hand, dry your tears,and remind you to never give up hope. Where there's life, there's hope!!!

    I've already done some cooking for the day, fixed a half pot of coffee, and checked my emails. Now I'm going to work on organizing a few drawers before calling AARP towing service to see about getting my car battery to work or be replaced. That's what I get for not getting out and about for too many days, plus the very cold weather. My car is spoiled to living in a garage, so it's having a rough time living outdoors all the time now.

    Wishing everything good for everyone here. Love to all, and big ((((((((((((hugs))))))))))))) to everyone because we can all use them anytime, right?

  • 14 years ago

    Good morning.

    You are all such caring, beautiful friends. Thank you for the prayers, kind words and suggestions. I agree that a support group will probably come in helpful and plan to look into that. We're hoping we can have the chemotherapy done locally, rather than having to drive to New Orleans for it. Surely, our oncologist will agree to it.

    Yesterday was eventful. I had a battle with our medical insurance about refilling one of Bobby's prescriptions. Cried more out of frustration than sadness, but didn't stop until I got a solution. If you call enough people, someone finally hears you. Good news is that we both slept really well last night - I think we were so exhausted and stressed from Monday's news, that we just collapsed.

    It was 25 degrees when we walked this morning, but I was so bundled up I was sweating by the end of the walk! I've lost 1.6 pounds, weighed 165 this a.m.

    Thanks again so much for being here. I've mentioned before, but my close friends all moved away after Katrina and, other than my walking buddy, I don't really have local pals. Plus, people are wrapped up in their own worries and rightfully so. That's what makes you so special - that you take the time to "listen" and offer encouragement and hope. I appreciate it more than you know.


  • 14 years ago

    Hey Guys!

    It snowed like crazy last night and was melted by rain this morning - that's how it is here Sometimes, we'd like just a day of beautiful snow - preferrably a weekend day - lol.

    ((((JAN)))) Glad you got some sleep! Just pretend you're playing the "Insurance Game" when you call. The object is: Who can repeat the same thing the longest. You say YES, but... They say NO. Repeat endlessly until someone gets to tired and gives in. :-) I echo NHSuzanne when she says focus on life WITH Bobby. And we will too.

    I cannot believe anyone here has leftover Christmas treats! WOW. I would have inhaled them by now. Lucky no one I know bakes! lol. My sister sent me a small tin of cookies and my FIL ate them all in one sitting.

    Ivamae- Good to hear you got your impressions done and you are on your way to new choppers! I can feel for you about the dental non-coverage. I have put braces on 5 people in our family - and all out-of-pocket. Our orthodontist has become rather a friend! Just make sure you get a good fit - since YOU are paying!

    Okay, I'd better get moving. I have been planning my brekkys, lunches, and dinners for 2 days now and it makes a HUGE difference when you have your food parceled out all day!

    NHSuzanne: STAY WARM and SAFE! Everytime I read the news about the snow storms in the NE, I think of you and your animals...

  • 14 years ago

    I just too these photos from my office. That barn seems a long way away right now! LOL but I Have to make my way down in an hour or so for lunch. This is supposed to be ending by 3pm then the clean up begins. Naturally, DH is far, far away in British Columbia! Happens every winter...

    It's snowing about 2: an hour right now. At times I can hardly see the barn or across the pasture. It is really beautiful and light and fluffy too!

  • 14 years ago

    Happy WEDNESDAY!

    Still praying for Jan & Bobby (with an extra prayer or two for all of us). As I see it, we are all in this fight with them, so we must stay strong!!

    Jan, I know very little about chemo, but my sister has been helping her boss deal with a very unusual cancer. She told me they had to go into Philly to meet with the experts to get the "chemo recipe" so to speak. Then a local center can order and administer it once a day/week...whatever (as we say in Jersey!). Hopefully, this will not be too taxing on you.

    Working from home because we got about 6 inches of snow. I need to go out during my 'lunch hour" now to shovel out the driveway. DH cleaned the porch, and I made him come back in.

    OK, some of you can tell me to mind my own business, but I have an opinion. I used to jump on the scale every day, and if the "number" did not look right to me, it would ruin my entire day. I never felt different if it read 2 pounds lighter, but felt like a cow and so guilty and sad if it was 1/2 pound higher! I believe using the scale as a guage for how you feel is dangerous. Do your best to eat healthy, and if you have a day where some food was not as nutritious the day before, just move on. Your body can handle it a day with some junk food; it's not poison, and you are not worth less because you ate it. I decided a few years ago that as long as my bloodwork is good and I get exercise, I can't beat myself up over a number on a scale. OK, I'm through!


  • 14 years ago

    I agree, DeeMarie!

    Hey! Anybody remember Jersey Karen's battle cry?


    lol...wonder how she's doing these days...I just ran across a picture of her and her family in "my photos" - she is such a fireball. I hope she's doing well...

  • 14 years ago

    NHSuzanne: Those pictures are AWESOME!!! WOW! Reminds me of Alaska...But I wouldn't want to be out in it! Stay safe and warm, sister.

  • 14 years ago

    Hi all!

    Sorry for being MIA, but school has started, and it's already ran me over! My goodness, I am stressed. We were given 500 math problems on Tues, and they are due tomorrow morning. I finished every last one, and am guarding my papers like a tiger. :)

    (((((Jan & Bobby))))) You are in my thoughts and prayers, my friend. Someone wrote, "Where there is life, there is hope", and that's true. We love you, and we're here for you. Always. Always.

    Well, Rog has an appointment with a GP on Monday, and from there, he's going to a cardiologist. He seems to be doing fine, although he is having some cheast discomfort--like GERD. I suspect that he'll need to go see a gastro also. Thnaks for hugs and good thoughts!

    Where is Tikanis? Marci? Besh?

    Gotta go--math calls.



    PS--you all will appreciate this--I've been fitted with monovision contacts, which means that one eye sees distance, and the other sees close. Right before I started nursing school. I must be crazy. Must be. This has been a trip, and I'm trying to adjust, and I think one of the guys in my class thinks I'm flirting with him, because I was trying to see better, and was winking my eye, and I glanced over, and he was just smiling away at me. Maybe it was pity..... LOL!!!

  • 14 years ago

    Jan & Bobby ((((((HUGS)))))) and prayers coming your way. I am glad you are sharing this with us. We are all behind you and here for you, every step of the way.

    Suzanne - thanks for the photos. We got about 9 inches here, but this has been the biggest snow of the season so far.

    BJ - I don't have any tips on working together. When I have an argument with Rich at work, I only communicate with him by texting LOL. He isn't my boss though, so he can't fire me. He knows how valuable you are or else he wouldn't keep taking you back - you are VALUABLE - don't forget it.

    Dee - I agree, it is more important to strive for being healthy than worrying about the scale.

    I cleaned out my pantry yesterday and have stocked my refrig with lots of healthy choices.

    Love and hugs to all.

  • 14 years ago

    (((((Jan & Bobby))))) I know you are hurting and scared..but remember that God is still in the miracle business... you both will be in my prayers as you take this journey together... Don't lose faith and trust that God has a plan...

    We are here for you... to lift you up when you are down and listen to your heart.

    I have contracted a tummy bug and haven't walked for two days.. don't dare to leave the house... but it is starting to subside a bit .... Hubby has been fixing me food.. toast, sandwiches and soup..too many carbs, but I wouldn't even think of saying a word... He made the best tasting toated cheesers tonight... made with Velveeta and my home made white bread.. it was toasted on our griddle to perfection... but doubt it will affect my weight because everything is turning to liquid and leaving almost as soon as I swallow it or so it seems.. I am off to bed hoping I can stay there for more than an hour..

    Take care everyone.


  • 14 years ago

    Good morning everyone. I got up waaaaaay too early with DH this morning. Silly me. Definitely will be napping at some point today.

    CS I hope you are on the tail end of this bug you have. Nasty business. So exhausting. Have you been able to sip on gatorade or pedalyte(?). Losing electrolytes can really knock ya for a loop. I hope you feel much better today and got to sleep last night.

    Suzanne the photos are beautiful. Whenever I find my camera I should do the same.

    Raeanne well done with the pantry and fridge. Been doing that myself too. Sure makes things easier.

    Maddie I'd go nuts with each eye seeing differently. Probably get sick or walk sideways or both. Think of all the fun the guy beside you is having - bet he's looking forward to the next class. You go girl with your Math! My calculator is broken every time I put my socks on. LOL. I hope DH gets feeling much better sooner.

    Deemarie I don't live by the scale to set my mood for the day. And I love Jersey Karen's battle cry. My bad cookie day I wanted to report as a weak moment. After days like that when all I want is cookies I treat myself further to healthier choices like tasty smoothies, make really yummy salads, soups and balanced meals. I'm not tied to my scale. I weight weekly. I'm in this for the long haul. My toughest future challenge will be living healthier. Making sure I treat myself better. I'd be really pleased with myself when I can conquer life's stress in a better manner. I hope to stay here for continued support.

    Wild Chicken planning ahead has been my most successful strategy. And yes it makes things a whole lot easier. I prefer home made to emergency meals out of the freezer.

    Jan - you amaze me. I am so proud of you. I remember your early days. I know you are facing a rough go right now. I am sending more heartfelt hugs and positive wishes all round.

    Okay, I'm kicking butt today. Preparing a couple of lovely salads, doing some more cooking ahead for both of us.

    Today let's make sure we take a time out for ourselves. We have to continue with our own care while helping others. A few moments to rejuvenate.

    Hugs to everyone,

  • 14 years ago

    Good morning!

    I just came in from two hours of barn chores and shoveling, shoveling, shoveling... All my clothes are in the dryer for the next round. We hit the jackpot (so to speak) here at 22" of white beautiful snow. I will be spending the day shoveling and pushing the snow banks back with the tractor.

    BJ you should tell your DH that you want a raise!! You deserve one. I am one of the lucky ones that can work well with my husband. We used to work together years ago. We work well at the farm work. It's tough but we both love what we accomplish in the end.

    Jan thinking of you girl!

    Maddie, I wear monovision contact lenses. It was a bit of a struggle at first but once I got used to them it was beautiful. No more having to rely on cheaters while working at my desk. I still prefer my glasses when reading however. Hope things go well for Rog.

    I made a giant pot of vegetable soup with cannelini beans and kale. I am so happy that I did that because the last thing I want to do after coming in from moving snow it cook something to eat.

    Peggy have you ever tried meditation??? You should try some to help you handle the stresses in your life you talk about. It doesn't have to take alot of time say ten minutes. It really helps me remain centered and let the stresses of life roll of my back easier. Ommmmmmmm do you feel the vibration of the universe?

    Okay, I am off to move snow.

  • 14 years ago

    ((((JAN & BOBBY))))

    Raeanne: Good advice! I know that I put up with more then other people because I KNOW him! He's gone through more than several assistants in his career and even says himself that he's a lousy boss. One day, though, the straw will break this camel's back...and I'll be OUTTA HERE! :-)

    NHSuzanne: A raise - great idea! I make nothing now, other than I insist he put a yearly deposit into my SS fund, so I can collect that if anything happens - death, divorce, etc. But I do get the bonus of a day off per month to travel off-island for my DD's ortho appointments - and, believe it or not, that saves my sanity! haha- she only has 2 left till she gets her braces off though, so I have to come up with something else to get me on that ferry!

    Maddie: TOOOOOOOOOO funny! *wink* *wink* Ya big FLIRT!

    CS: Hope you feel better SOON! (((HUG)))

    Well, I did better with the calories yesterday: 1350. I'd really like to get to where my doc wants me - close to 1200 per day until I get to a reasonable BMI. It's so hard for me to do portion control when I am stressed! But F I T D A Y dot com has really helped me! But you are right, Peg, bagging my food up in the morning is working and planning ahead helps tons!

    Enjoy the day! YOU ARE WORTH IT!

  • 14 years ago

    I don't meditate - right now I'm planting seeds for the spring - I get such a rush and the universe vibrates like crazy when little green dots start appearing. My best friend and I email daily challenging each other to take care of ourselves. We discuss our self help strategies, read all sorts of things from spiritual, physical, mental health and try to grow in those areas. We talk a lot about applying positive ideals into our lifestyles. For me it's continuing my hospital therapy. I am nowhere near stressed now that we are in the house. More tired because DH keeps waking up anytime after 4:30 am - I wake up and then I have to get up because of mother nature calling, then I want something to drink. I go back to bed but it's not the same.

    I'm just glad I'm here, grateful for the house. I have so much to be grateful for. I love our new friends - they are both cancer survivors who live each day like there is no tomorrow. Full of life is an understatement. They have been a positive influence in our lives recently.

    My biggest treat is soaking in the tub (our new one is deeper) and reading all things garden and playing with seeds in dirt.

    I'm getting there. Sharing here, being welcomed back has made a difference to. I realized how much I've missed everyone.

    We are worth it is right. I'm a work in progress. I hate missing things.

    Today is glorious.


  • 14 years ago

    Happy Thursday everyone!

    Peggy, I agree that we are worth it! Worth taking care of, taking it easy, and living life to the fullest.

    To de-stress I love to read in my old clawfoot bathtub filled with warm water and bubbles. We also have a bathroom with a modern jet tub; unfortunately, no bubbles allowed there(!), but the jets do the job on tired muscles and provide lots of steam for clogged sinuses.

    Thinking of Jan & Bobby today.

    Make today count!

  • 14 years ago

    DE-Stress? What is this thing called "de-stress?" lol

    All I know about is THE stress!

  • 14 years ago

    You all have a lot going on in your lives.... and that is such a positive thing... Right now there isn't much going on, and I am grateful for the respite.. My hubby has some neurological issues going on that need to be addressed, but trying to find someone that is knowledgeable about such matters that Bob will actually go to is another thing..

    But I know it will all work out just the way God has it planned... I just need to trust that.

    Today, I made a batch of English Muffins.. Yeah, I make high calorie stuff for Bob so we can keep his weight UP.. He is nearly 6' tall and weighs only 143 lbs.. and eats like a hog in a trough... and yes I am so jealous.. lol..

    I think I will be well enough to go walking tomorrow.. today has been a lot better, so that's good...

    And Peggy and Dee, etc.. WE ARE WORTH IT !!

    Have a good evening.


  • 14 years ago

    Hi All,

    Continuing love and prayers for Jan and Bobby.

    CS, hope you are feeling better.

    Maddie, my sister is the same way. Her vision is good and the doc says her correction is so minimal it would mess her up. On the other hand I am blind as a bat - have contacts and read with cheaters. Hope Rog adjusts easily.

    De-stressing is something I would love to try.

    CS you are right, WE ARE WORTH IT.

    Suzanne, glad you are dug out. That's great you and your husband work well together.

    I'm excited, I am making my first home visit on behalf of the rescue to potential dog owners! I am calling this evening and hope we can set time up on Sunday.

    Take care and stay safe!!

  • 14 years ago

    Hi All,

    Continuing love and prayers for Jan and Bobby.

    CS, hope you are feeling better.

    Maddie, my sister is the same way. Her vision is good and the doc says her correction is so minimal it would mess her up. On the other hand I am blind as a bat - have contacts and read with cheaters. Hope Rog adjusts easily.

    De-stressing is something I would love to try.

    CS you are right, WE ARE WORTH IT.

    Suzanne, glad you are dug out. That's great you and your husband work well together.

    I'm excited, I am making my first home visit on behalf of the rescue to potential dog owners! I am calling this evening and hope we can set time up on Sunday.

    Take care and stay safe!!

  • 14 years ago

    Good morning everyone!

    Yesterday was a fabulous day - I think. I slept through nearly all the day. DH has been getting up around 4am lately because he's worried about getting work. Of course I wake up, have to go to the loo, then I'm thirsty...I'm not good a napping but everything caught up with me yesterday. I was dysfunctional from being sooooo tired. Tried a few times to stay awake and finally caved. I feel normal this morning - thank heavens. I have lots to do around here - including planting my headstart seeds for the garden.

    I did manage to be awake to eat proper meals, I just kept them light - too tired to eat.

    Does this ever happen to you?

    It's -21C outside with the wind - never know it in here. Lovely hot coals in the stove overnight. We are due for really strange weather over the next week. Going up to -4 and one day rain is forecast. Absolutely freaky for us in January. Freaky. I keep watching the Day After Tomorrow (love that movie). Maybe I should switch to some surfing movie?

    So today I'm making my salads that I never got to yesterday. Making a new batch of soup. Picked up a winter squash - going to realllllly enjoy that.

    Hope everyone is staying warm today and out of harms way.

    Hugs to everyone.

  • 14 years ago

    Good morning all,

    TGIF! It's really cold here too 3 at 5:00 am and up to 6 right now. No wind here though so it's not too bad.

    Peggy, I can't believe you are starting garden seeds now. I don't start until mid March. We can't plant outdoors until the end of May. When can you plant? I am dying to start planting but it's way to early here.

    What is everyone doing for the weekend?

  • 14 years ago


    Jan, please check in with us before the weekend. I'm worried about you.

    QOD: Tonight my DH is taking me out to dinner. He does not know it yet, but I'm not coming home from work to cook because I forgot to defrost something, and we've already had a pasta dish one night. Maybe a good old 'Jersey Diner...absolutely nothing like a 'Jersey Diner. You can order anything known to man, but you need strong arms to pick up the 70-pound menu! LOL!!!!!

    Tomorrow (Saturday) night we are invited to my stepdaughter's home for a New Year's party. My step-SIL's family celebrate Russian holidays, so they are hosting. Should be fun.

    Sunday we are off for an afternoon party of club members who go all-out with Dept.56 SnowVillage. Their home is about 7000sqft and it is filled with 'villages'. Literally thousands of pieces. She hires about 8-9 college students in October to start putting the villages up. It is so much fun. Then, on Sunday late afternoon, we plan to be home to watch the Jets/Patriots game.

    Enough about me.....what's going on this weekend with the rest of you?

  • 14 years ago

    Good morning.

    Wow, Dee, it sounds like you have a fun weekend planned. Good for you! Hope you have a great meal tonight. I would love to see the Jets win, Tom Brady has had his turn.

    Peg and Suzanne - I guess I can't complain about walking in 23 degree temps! Suzanne, I love your red barn pictures, always looks like a postcard.

    Donna, Country Sunshine, Raeanne and all, thanks for the hugs and love. It helps me to come here and feel the support from you.

    Yesterday was one of those hard days, just very emotional, but I got a lot done. The owner of the insurance company who handles Bobby's medical coverage called yesterday and promised he would do everything he could to keep us from having any snags in filling our prescriptions. When he called, he introduced himself, then asked how I was doing, and the tears just started to fall. I was able to compose myself and give him what information he needed. Then our primary care physician's nurse returned my call, and the hospital they use does not provide chemo or oncology services. She was still so kind and helpful, so again I started to cry. She also agreed about the support group being beneficial and offered to do whatever she could. Then I called my mother. I have kept her updated by email but was not ready to talk. She went through this with my dad, who died four years ago, and my sister, who died two years ago. She was so happy to hear from me (since we usually talk every day), but we ended up both crying.

    I guess the good news is that by the time Bobby gets home I'm all cried out. Plus, he just makes me feel normal, even with all of this mess surrounding us. He did it after we lost everything in Katrina, through the loss of my dad and sister - he has this way that makes me feel safe and secure, no matter what happens.

    So today I'm going to call the local oncology group and see what they need to get us started with them. Then I will fax the Tulane oncologist that we need our records. We go Monday for a CT scan so might could follow up then, as well.

    And then, I am going to put away all thoughts of cancer, doctors, etc. for the weekend. Might even cook a roast for dinner, so we can nibble on leftovers during the football games.

    Love you all.

  • 14 years ago

    There is SO much news here. I was shocked when I saw that we had 49 or something like that posts but also very pleased. I just haven't got things around to take notes so I can't address everyone like I would normally do.

    NH Suzanne~I always love the fact that you have pictures to show us.

    It is cold here for Florida. In fact the time we spent in Texas it was colder here than it was in Texas. That was amazing to me.

    WC~I think that we are going to start loading the truck on March 24 & finish on March 25th if everything goes well. Then it will probably take 3 days to get to our destination. I guess we will begin unloading the 28th or 29th. Hopefully, the April Fool's thing won't factor into it. LOL We have a little more information now. Still waiting for the apartment complex to let us know that we have the apartment for certain.

    McPeg~I'm So, So, So glad you rejoined us. You always stay "up" & are the cheerleader around here.

    Maddie~Your sense of humor Rawks!

    Jan~ [[[ H U G S ]]] I have heard of miracles too & have had friends who have had them. Prayers are with you that this will happen for you. The girls are right that the here & now is the most important thing. Enjoy every day. It honestly is good advice for each & every one of us.
    Dee~Your weekend plans sound fab. Wish I could fit into your purse or something. ;)

    Love to each of you. I am going to be busy trying to say goodbye to each of our friends here as well as packing. I told Dave I want to number the boxes & have a sheet that has the numbers telling what is in each box. He thinks I'm crazy but I think we have long enough to have things organized & save us from being completely frazzled by the end of the move. That's my thought & hope. :)

  • 14 years ago

    Hi Guys! TGIF!!!

    Glad to see everyone checking in! This place saves my sanity!

    DonnaSNJ: Tell us more! What exactly do you do withthe rescue? I go to the shelter here and run a dog for 30 or 40 minutes every weekend. Love it-gets me out. But I never take one home. :-)

    What's the old saying? "Walk your dog twice a day, whether you have one or not!"

    (((((((((HUGS ALL AROUND))))))))))

    This weekend's lineup:

    I am hosting taco night for the basketball team here - about 12 girls and the 2 coaches. I am looking forward to NOISE in the house! Then maybe a glass of wine with DH...

    Saturday, at 6:30AM, I am receiving a boy and a girl - both 3 years old, for the weekend - respite for their foster parents. SOOOOOOO EXCITED!!!! I am going to spoil those kids silly!

    Sunday evening, I'll be jello - SUGARLESS jello - happy jello, but jello...nonetheless.

    GO JETS!

  • 14 years ago

    Jan and Bobby - continued love and prayers.

    Maddie, I just realized it's you, not Rog with the monovision lenses!!! Maybe I need new ones :-) Hope you adjust.

    BJ, I don't take dogs in - I can't. Not only do I work full time but I would have a hard time giving them up. I visit area homes and interview prospective families interested in adopting from the rescue. My report goes to the foster parents who then decide whether or not to schedule a visit - it's ultimately their decision if the family gets the dog. This is my first one and I'm looking forward to it. The rescue has very strict guidelines and would rather be safe than sorry. What you do at the shelter is wonderful!! I am considering doing some work at our local shelter as well. Enjoy the kids jello lady!

    Love to all. Will try and get back on before the weekend ends but you know how that goes! Tomorrow are errands, cleaning, nails and then shopping for new curtains for the kitchen - only a year overdue.

    Enjoy your weekend!!!

  • 14 years ago

    Happy Saturday!!!

    Yes I'm seed planting now - but in different ways. I cannot plant until after the last frost day - normally in Ontario Canada it's the 3rd weekend in May. Right now I am starting some stuff to grow indoors - even a few tomato plants. I have ample south facing windows. Some of my veggies are to share with friends too. Things like some of my slow growing flowers - lavender - I like to start a huge tray indoors.

    Since the onion seeds are from big onions, I'd be lucking in spring to have small bulbs from the seeds. The herbs will eventually go outside.

    My next venture is using water jugs I saved from the summer to do 'Winter Sowing' - had lots of success with that over the years everywhere I lived. Trudi who started it all now has her own website and has moved on but left terrific FAQs at GW.

    My other focus for this week is challenging others to tackle a box a day to declutter (it's on the KT). Makes this unpacking a little more fun. Misery loves company! LOL.

    Last night we had friends over for dinner and cards. We had a riot. I had waaaaay too much fun. Let myself go too much but mentally it was all worth it. Haven't laughed like that in some time. Besides laughter burns energy.

    I'm carrying on today. Did not get my cook ahead done because DH and I spent the afternoon giving this place a good cleaning over (felt fantastic afterwards).

    My new friend Catherine last night mentioned a nearby town (she lives just outside) is starting a quilt club. She's interested and so am I. We're going to check that out. While we go quilting our boys will enjoy male bonding. I'm getting more social activity in the country than I had living in the city. You can take a bus in the city to a shopping venue or park but that's not socializing. This is better than prozac! Besides I have a ton of quilting magazines I might find good homes for.

    So lets really get out there an enjoy this weekend. My continued love and support to all of use - my arms are open for sharing hugs.

    Take care everyone - let's breath, find something beautiful in every day. Today we take another step forward, together.

    Whoooo Hoooooooo!

  • 14 years ago

    Good Saturday all,

    Very, very cold here this morning -10 and has now eeked its way up to +10. No wind so that is good. Brilliant sunshine and a good day to take pictures.

    Peggy, I have always found the absolute best way to get my house clean and sparkly is to invite people to dinner! Works every time...if only I would keep it that way. LOL

    Jan I hope you are enjoying your weekend. You and DH should watch some funny movies. Laughter is truly the best medicine for both of you!

    Hope everyone else is staying warm and having a good weekend.

    Go PATS! It's going to be a chilly game.

  • 14 years ago

    AMEN to the inviting people over for housecleaning - as long as you just don't throw everything into a spare room - lol! That's a disaster later!

    DonnaSNJ- I'm with you! I cannot have a dog - but I love walking and playing with the ones at the shelter! They really get adopted fast here, sut since it's a small town, I sometimes have dogs come up to me and wag, saying "I know you!" and then I get to meet the new owner!

    MCPeg- You are really living a good life right now! I love to hear what you're up to! So, so you put the water jugs over the seeds like a terrarium - or do you use the jugs for planting in? Do tell.

    Spaghetti taco night was a success. I made a big crock pot full of spaghetti and Italian sausage and cooked it during the day, then the girls arrived and I heated up the taco shells and filled them with spaghetti - A REAL HIT! Salad on the side and soda pop and cookies for dessert - done deal- easy clean-up!

    Received two 3 year olds this morning at 6:30am. They are napping now - WONDERFUL kids! Absolutely C-U-T-E! And hilarious! I am laughing constantly! Hope it burns LOTS of calories - lol.

    I've been on track with food too. I cannot believe I've gone 3 days staying within my doc's recommended calorie limits...amazing!

  • 14 years ago

    Hi Ya!

    Oh Happy Day! Very good day for me. Got a few more things done for my KT challenge of getting rid of clutter.

    Wild Chicken - pics can explain better than I can.

    These are my indoor starts that will eventually get potted up into windowsill containers, or like tomatoes into individual pots.
    The hinges on the containers I close at night to keep the heat.

    It's a very small start. Winter seed sowing is totally different which is demonstrated in the "Winter Sowing" forum under FAQs.

    In my mind it's spring - I've got two little tiny seedlings of romaine lettuce. First time wanting to try some plants on windows to cut outer leaves for salads.

    Hope this helps.

    Tonight I really enjoyed my cabbage tuna salad. Instead of just using mayonnaise, I use less and milk it down so less stays on the salad - just enough for taste.

    Cheers for now,

    Here is a link that might be useful:

  • 14 years ago

    McPeg: Ahhhhhhhh, the picture is worth a THOUSAND words! And to think of how many plastc jugs I've recycled this year...ARG! :-)

    I just put the little ones in bed for the night. They are TOO CUTE!!!

    I stayed on track - got really hungry in the middle of the day, but squelched it with a salad and a cup of heated lemon/honey water.

    Okay, off to watch "something" on Netflix with DH.

    See ya tomorrow!

  • 14 years ago

    Go Pats! I just had to say that for Dee!

    (((Jan & Bobby))) and (((Maddie & Rog))) and anybody else needing them.


  • 14 years ago

    I'm exercising snow off the drive - move along, move along now my little fluffies.

    And I'm a Mamma again - two new plants have popped up - tomato! My precious. Gotta keep in shape for my kids now! LOL.

    Sun is shining and I'm getting free vitamin D. Have my salads waiting in the fridge and I think I'm going to have grilled chicken tonight on my lettuce salad with Kraft's mandarin orange sesame seed dressing. So much easier since I got off my butt and made some stuff ahead.

    Oh it's just tooo nice - gotta get going again! Enjoy your day everyone.

    ((((((((((((((((((((Group Hug)))))))))))))))))))))))))


  • 14 years ago

    Hi all!

    Wow! 60 posts! I haven't seen that number for a long time!

    Jan & Bobby-(((((hugs))))) How nice of the owner to call-heck, most of the time when I've called, it goes to voice mail. I hope he is able to keepthat part running smooth for you!

    Dee-I agree with your premise about numbers. I obsess over the scale, and it can make or break my day. I did weigh, though, this morning, and am down 8-10 pounds (darned contacts!). I've completely cut out wheat products (just a hunch on a possible allergy), and am lower carbing it again. So, this has been an interesting 2 weeks--bizarre contacts, nursing school, and no carbs. LOL!

    I'm studying for a test, so I need to get off of here--I'll be back on Wednesday--



  • 14 years ago

    Congratualations Dee! :(

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