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Soap scum on tumbled stone shower floor

15 years ago

Hi everyone,

So we've had our tumbled stone shower for a almost 2 years now and the floor tiles (2"x2") with an offwhite grout have a film of soap scum. It's particularly noticeable with a little pink/moldy grout directly below the soap dish. Ironically, the tiles themselves still appear sealed... water beads off them.

So I need something that can lift off that soap scum safely, without ruining the stone and grout. I don't mind if I have to reseal afterwards, because we assumed we'd need to reseal at some point. (We used a water based sealer.)

Up until now, we were just using a mild palmolive dishsoap and nylon brush (per our installer's instructions). But it's a daily battle now, and I think we need something stronger to lift it all out. Especialy something to lift the scum and mold out of the grout.

Is there a product to use on tumbled stone that can remove soap scum and clean the grout? Even better if it's a less toxic, eco-friendly product. (I'm not a fan of the super strong stone-tech and other stone proudcts out there, but will use them as a last resort.)

I just bought something from Seventh Generation for showers, as an alternative to the old school "Shower Power" type of product we might have used before we installed this new stone bathroom. But then as I started spraying, I noticed it said "Not on Marble" (which I interpreted as really not on any stone.) Is tumbled stone/travertine a type of marble?

Like I said, I know I'll need to reseal the stone once I manage to get all this grimy nastiness out of my shower. I just want to get it really clean before I reseal, and would prefer not to have to use horribly toxic stone cleaners to do it.

It might also be nice to know what products I could use on a daily basis after it's resealed, to delay us getting here again. (And I know that I should switch to a liquid body wash, but we all have sensitive skin and cetaphil bar soap is about the only thing that we can use.)



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