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Netbook ?

14 years ago

I would appreciate any input, pro or con on this Aspire netbook. I prefer XP over Win7 starter. Any reason why I should go with 7 instead of XP. Open for all suggestions.



Here is a link that might be useful: Aspire

Comments (27)

  • 14 years ago

    The most obvious reason for choosing Win 7 over XP would be that XP is now an old OS, the support for which is due to end in 2014 I believe. Of course, this may not matter to you depending on your individual needs and what you intend to use the machine for. Though I still use XP and like it, I tend to keep a computer at least 5-7 years and would have a hard time justifying buying XP now on a new machine. YMMV

  • 14 years ago

    I have the acer aspire one netbook and love it, I have the xp version and love that too. Personally I am not a fan of the stripped down starter version of windows 7, that said it has improved since the earliest versions where you could only run 3 apps at one time which was very limiting. Probably the best thing to do is to look at the list for windows 7 as to what it can and can not do and see if you can live with it. You can not change the wallpaper for example, but some very creative folks have now come out with a little program you can download that will let you somewhat over come that. If I had had the choice back when I got mine I still would have got the xp sp3 version which I got, simply because I was familiar with it and for what I use it for it just made sense.

    When I got my husband his acer laptop I did get his with windows 7 but NOT the starter version it has the home premium version.

    all in all totally up to you and what you want to use it for and what you are comfortable with.
    Windows 7, what's the difference between the editions?

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    often times you will have to ask for their free wifi code, even though it is free they want to make sure only their customers are uisng the free wifi, not all do that but I have been at a few that did. But other than that yes you just turn on the wifi antenna switch on the netbook and it will search for any available networks and show them to you in a list it will say if they are secured or unsecured, you can not access a secured one with out a password. For example mine here at home is secured so when my family comes to visit I have to give them my wifi access code to enter in their laptop so they can then use my wifi. Usually DSL come with a modem, which has several places in it to add some extra lines so all you would need is just another one of the ethernet cables like the one that goes from your modem to your desktop pc and plug that in from the back of the modem into your netbook so you can use the dsl you currently have. NO there is no additional charge when you add another pc. I agree that you will be able to use your netbook a lot more if you bought yourself a wifi router to plug into that modem, then you could use your netbook wirelessly anywhere in your house. I picked mine up at walmart.
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  • 14 years ago

    The limitations with Win 7 starter is what has me holding back. And I have a lot of older programs that aren't compatible with Win 7. I will most likely use the netbook to store recipes so I can take it to the kitchen with me...also read Kindle for PC on it...I have Win7 on this computer that I am on now and like it more as I get use to it....

  • 14 years ago

    I've heard that the Win7 Starter is not a very good choice. People who have it on netbooks are frustrated because of its limitations. I would go with the XPHome. Hopefully it is SP3.

  • 14 years ago

    I bought a netbook 2 days ago (Acer One) and it's going back.

    Whether it's the Win7 starter ver. that is pokey with 1 Mb RAM or the 1.66 GHz speed or whatever, it's making me crazy. A hesitancy with my favorite sites. Closer to dialup than wireless.

    I hope you'll post if you use XP. Let us know its performance.

  • 14 years ago

    I have an HP netbook with Win7 and it operates just fine. Unless you're planning to dump your netbook in a couple of years, getting XP on it may just be postponing the inevitable when support for XP goes away. Also, have you already checked Microsoft's Compatibility Center in regard to your older programs, or are you just assuming they won't run?

    Here is a link that might be useful: Compatibility Center

  • 14 years ago

    iris_gal I would be afraid of exactly that with that little processor trying to run windows 7, with xp it runs just as fast as my regular pc on my wireless network. But to run windows 7 properly it would likely be much slower, which is why they had to put the stripped down version of 7 on those just so it would run it at all.
    All of them with xp are sp3 versions so it will definitely be supported till at least 2014 and who knows they may extend it.

    Some of the newer netbooks with windows 7 on them do not have the same processor which would be something to check for sure. The Intel Atom which is on most of them, like mine, do fine with xp.

  • 14 years ago

    Thanks for confirming my thinking Raven.

    The one thing it has been speedy with is gmail!

  • 14 years ago

    I bought anetbook yesterday from Verizon. I had the option of upgrading my aircard to a netbook.

    I had a discount for the two year thing and they have a $100 rebate going on now.

    I could have gotten a Gateway LT2016 for free, an HP 110 for $50 or the HP 311 for $150. All had a 160 gig drive and an Atom 1.6 ghz processor. The Gateway and the HP 110 both had XP home, 1 gig RAM and an Intel graphics chipset. They also had 10.1" displays. The HP 311 had Windows 7 Home Premium, 2 gig RAM and an ION chipset. I figured that the Gateway and the 110 were fairly similar so I compared the Gateway with the 311. The HP definitely seemed to be more responsive and the keyboard on the Gateway seemed really cramped. I decided that the $150 would be money well spent.

    I imaged the drive and installed cygwin and OO. I can tell that the touchpad will take some adjusting (or I'll start carrying a mouse), but other than that, I'm pretty pleased. I'd probably be less pleased with the Win 7 starter.

    I haven't run benchmarks, but just from casual use, I'm leaning toward leaving my work issued laptop home and taking the netbook with me when I travel. One drawback to the netbooks is that there's no DVD, but I've got an external drive on my desk and I can always get a slimline to carry with me.

  • 14 years ago

    Well!!!...I did it...ordered it March 30 from Amazon (gotta love Amazon). Chose free shipping..(5-9 days as opposed to paying $12 for 3-5 days delivery)....said it would be sent Apr 5, delivery date Apr 9. Well..it was sent Apr 1, and just delivered today Apr 5......Got it plugged in charging the battery. Pleased with the keyboard. Have no problems typing. Need to remove McAfee, install Avast and Open Office....

    And I ordered Logitech V450 Nano Cordless Laser mouse today....

  • 14 years ago

    well good for you! if you need help on removing the McAfee let me know I have compiled it into a word doc so it is easy for me to just paste here, I had to go through it so figured I would just type it out for future reference.

    Remember to do your windows updates asap, and use the secunia tool to see what all needs updating, I am sure there will be java, flash, adobe etc updates needing done. If you choose to just remove adobe reader and get pdf exchange instead here is the link for that, I would get it downloaded and installed then remove adobe reader from add remove.
    PDF-XChange Viewer you want the free version.

    Secunia Online Software Inspector (OSI)

    And of course add your layered protection with malwarebytes free, superantispyware free and of course spywareblaster free.
    If you need links let us know.

    this is one of the handiest sites when you are doing a new set up you can find all your needed links in one place and they make sure that you get just what you need and not all the extra junk that sometimes tries to get installed like those darn toolbars.
    The easiest way to get apps.

  • 14 years ago

    I have book marked that link for the apps you put up. I will need it in a few years when I upgrade to the new version Windows is sure to put out.

  • 14 years ago

    Raven...I have instructions for removing McAfee, but would love to see if your instructions are the same as mine. This is how I did it on hubby's Vista Machine...

    1. Activate McAfee
    2. Restart computer
    3. Uninstall McAfee thought Add/Remove
    4. Restart computer
    5. Run MCPR.EXE
    6. Restart computer.

    I have malwarebytes, superantispyware and spywareblaster ready to install...

    Thanks for all the links.
    I can't seem to get connected to my wireless connection. Will have to hard wire....but will deal with that in another thread if I can't get it figured out.

  • 14 years ago

    if you can do it with out activating it that is best so that you should not have any of it running that way, however on my netbook it came with it running.

    My instructions are basically the same but after the removal tool includes cleaning up some files.
    Launch Windows Explorer and delete all mcafee files in "Program Files" but especially in "C:\Document and Settings\\Application Data" and "C:\Document and Settings\All Users\Application Data". You have to set Windows Explorer to show all hidden files and folders (Tools > Folder Options > View tab). Just delete the mcafee folders even if they are empty in all the "Application Data" folders. Can be more than one!
    In Vista: C:\Program Files, C:\ProgramData and C:\Users\yourname\AppData\Roaming

    basically this
    First turn off Mcafee at the icon in the systray.
    I had to go into msconfig and turn off all mcafee items from startup prior to trying to uninstall, just turning them off did not work it would say the program was still running. So if you run into this when going to add remove programs try this.
    I then removed everything using add remove programs, leaving Security center till last. Then used the removal tool, after that I went to Program Files and deleted all mcafee files. Also set Windows explorer to show all hidden files and folders and deleted the mcafee folders.
    Reboot and I did create restore points before beginning the procedure just in case. In fact when first setting up my netbook I created new restore points at every step of the way so I had plenty to restore back to should I need them.

    Here is a link that might be useful: McAfee removal tool

  • 14 years ago

    Thanks Raven.....I have saved your instructions and will be sure to make restore points, which I sometimes forget...:-)

    I checked Hubby's computer and didn't find any McAfee folders in his roaming folder...........hidden files and folders showing.
    Searched and didn't find anything pertaining to McAfee...

  • 14 years ago

    I thought this was going to be simple...
    I had to activate McAfee...
    Removed through add/remove
    ran MCPR from thumb drive....
    McAfee Cleanup screen came appeared
    "preparing to clean up"
    Nothing was happening....I waited over 5 minutes and then closed the screen. I then tried to run MCPR from the hard drive(new download) and when I click on the MCPR.EXE, the McAfee Cleanup window pops up...installing files...then "clean up failed, Cleanup is already running". I have restarted, shut down and waited 5 minutes and I still get the message that cleanup is already running....

    I bring up task manager and it doesn't show any applications running...
    I did create a restore point before I started this process..before activating McAfee....

  • 14 years ago

    It may have set a scheduled task.
    Try this:
    click on start
    select RUN
    type TASKS and hit enter
    Now locate and delete the mccleanup
    then try again..

    No luck, Boot to Safe Mode and run the Mcpr.exe. See what happens there.

    Then if you need to Google "clean up failed, Cleanup is already running mcpr"

  • 14 years ago

    Thanks Zep......followed your instructions and it worked in safe mode.
    I ran a search for McAfee and found 3 McafeeDat folders.

    Deleted 2 of them except the
    C\Windows\system32\config\systemprofile\Local Settings\Temp.

    I'm always leary when in the system32 file.

    I'm assuming it will be OK to delete the dat folder in system32?

  • 14 years ago

    I opened the mcafeedat folder and it has a vsodat file (has a filing cabinet icon. (56,477kb)

  • 14 years ago

    Clean out your temporary internet files and temp files.

    Download TFC by OldTimer From here click Here
    to your desktop.

    Double-click TFC.exe to run it.

    Note: If you are running on Vista, right-click on the file and choose Run As Administrator

    TFC will close all programswhen run, so make sure you have saved all your work before you begin

    * Click the Start button to begin the cleaning process.
    * Depending on how often you clean temp files, execution time should be anywhere from a few seconds to a minute or two.
    * Please let TFC run uninterrupted until it is finished.

    Once TFC is finished it should restart your computer. If it does not, please manually restart the computer yourself to ensure a complete cleaning.

  • 14 years ago


    Forgot you may not be connected. I don't think I would worry so much about that file for now. Just see if you can carry on. Not sure what you were doing next as I jumped in here.

  • 14 years ago

    Zep, I'm trying to clean up all the McAfee files and the only one left is the McAfeeDat in system32 folder. I want to install Avast, so I can get online.

  • 14 years ago

    Go ahead and delete the Dat folder then.

  • 14 years ago

    Thanks for all the help. Netbook is up and running...Avast/Superantispyware/Malwarebytes/Spywareblaster/Firefox 3.6(with add-ons) installed and connected to my wireless router...Just waiting for my wireless mouse to arrive.

    WhooHoo....life is good..Don't know what I would do without all the knowledgeable people on this site...Thanks again


  • 14 years ago

    Don't it make you feel great! good work Jean. Now don't forget to make your original back up and then if you are up for it image the drive.

  • 14 years ago

    I'm loving the fact that I have wireless...I have all the Windows updates except for the following one. Should I download and let it run?

    Windows Malicious Software Removal Tool-March 2010(KB90830)

    Size: 9.4 MB

    After the download, this tool runs one time to check your computer for infection by specific, prevalent malicious software (including Blaster, Sasser, and Mydoom) and helps remove any infection that is found. If an infection is found, the tool will display a status report the next time that you start your computer. A new version of the tool will be offered every month. If you want to manually run the tool on your computer, you can download a copy from the Microsoft Download Center, or you can run an online version from microsoft.com. This tool is not a replacement for an antivirus product. To help protect your computer, you should use an antivirus product.


  • 14 years ago

    yes those are always good to run they look for anything malicious on the pc, each month they have a new one. Only takes a second for them to run so just go ahead and do those with your regular updates when you see them.