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Christmas Party Places

10 years ago

We've set up a couple of Entertain Yourself areas for our guests on Christmas Eve.

First, there's the ubiquitous Photo Op Center. Although there are dozens of free props to download on the internet, I took advantage of Hallmark and Etsy. In addition, I raided my grandchildren's dress-up bin for hats, scarves, and clown noses. In the end, we had plenty of props.

It's always a good idea to practice ahead of time. I made several adjustments (the height of my background and lamp placement) after taking this shot below. The lighting is still not great, but it's better.
I found that moving in for a tight shot was the best. And making goofy faces was better than trying to look pretty.

On the outdoor chalkboard, normally used to display the menu, there was a Name-That-Christmas-Movie Quiz.
The name of two actors and the date they appeared in a movie were displayed. It was the reader's job to name the Christmas movie in which they appeared.
Old Mid-century Movies were listed for the seniors in attendance.
Movies that are always telecast every December were included for the Thirty-Something and Under Group.

Answers are displayed at the bottom of the chalkboard.

This was a last minute idea. I had about 30 minutes to put it together. How I left out It's a Wonderful Life, I'll never know.
There was room to include some animated movies too. Just too rushed, I guess.

This post was edited by oldalgebra on Mon, Dec 23, 13 at 15:22

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