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Bank help: What is a 442 Appraisal?

We thought we'd found a great construction loan program with BBVA Compass bank. After about 8 weeks of plans and builder qualifications and the appraisal being ordered last week... they sent over some documents that have me worried. Hidden in the documents was a reference to a 2nd appraisal required at construction completion. This is exactly what we wanted to stay away from because it means we are basically building a house for the bank and if the market dives during that period of 9 months, they can take the house away from you. Even if your credit and income is great and you can make the payments on the original loan terms. The bank rep says that yes, they need this 2nd appraisal as the bank requires the final 442. But a 442 is really just an inspection and not a full re-appraisal with the market risks associated right? Has anyone else seen this in a one-time close loan or are they just marketing it as a one time close, but in reality it isn't? Am I just looking for a reason to be worried, but in reality it is no big deal?

Any advice appreciated! :)

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