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Venting for bathroom w/Steam shower

16 years ago

I am doing a steam/shower (5x6) and the other portion of the bathroom is 11X8. I'm looking at a fantech (2 line) inline solution but am not sure how to prevent steam from escaping while steaming. I know there's a damper but that will only prevent backdrafting. There's also an Iris but that seems to be installed in the attic and not a finished piece that would attach to the grille.

I'm also wondering on what size unit i need. I've researched and seems there's multiple ways to calculate CFM's. Based on my dimensions, my range seems to be b/w 63-100 CFMs. Also, should I increase since I see .4 static pressure being the number that i would need?

Thanks in advance and I appreciate any information you can give me. Seems my electricial guy is behind the curve on this and I'd like to prevent any mishaps before I start.

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