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Hobby Lobby, Michaels and JoAnn's coupons

11 years ago

I posted this on Nana's thread but then decided that I needed to do it on a separate post, so tried again, and guess what? I goofed again. Instead of starting a new post, I again posted as a follow up. That's what happenes when I don't post very often, I can't remember how to do it!

I found a post on Pinterest that really sounds good! I haven't tried it yet; we only have Michaels close enough for me to shop at regularly, but if I ever go to Winston or to Kingsport, Tenn there are all three stores there. I don't know how to move a post from Pinterest to Holidays but I have it pinned on my craft board and hope that one of you gals who are better at computer skills than I am can repost it for all to share. Evidently all three store coupons are interchangeable and can all be used at either store and if I read it right they can be used in combination. Karen is right when she says Pinterest is addicting---so many great ideas. Love it. Hope it works! Janet

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