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Exterior elevation: going from European to cabin-farmhouse?

11 years ago

There's a nearby builder who owns lots and offers to carry the loan during the construction of your custom home. He tends to use Mascord plans and since Mascord is more local and they even have an office not too far away, it probably makes sense to use one of their plans.

Here's an exterior shot of the plan we like:

I think this is the same exact house, just years later

(I'm having a hard time posting the rest of the photos, so I also linked the plan below. Floorplan and additional photos can be viewed there)

I think the exterior is quite nice, but is too formal- maybe too European looking. I'd prefer something more rustic, sort of modern farmhouse meets northwest cabin. We will be building on a wooded lot here in the pacific northwest, so i don't really think the European look goes anyway.

Additionally, the elevation shown uses quite a bit of stone and I'm pretty sure that would put us way over budget and I know going in we might already have budget issues. So while I like stone, I think we need to find a way to lessen the cost. I really like board and batten siding and shingles. I also like stained cedar. Not sure what type of siding we will end up with though as I'm leary of stained cedar in such a wet climate. I know it's used here, but the hardie products are so matinence free.

Also, I might want to simplify the exterior just a bit too. I'm not sure of the correct terminology, but I think the smaller gable? to the right could be just one instead of the double gable as they have it. I also like shed dormers quite a bit, not sure if it would make sense to do that instead.

Here is my favorite inspiration photos I keep coming back to

I also like this

What I think I like so much about the inspiration photo are the simple lines and the combination red windows and stained cedar siding. There's a little bit of stone too. I'd like to do something like this with the exterior. Maybe stone by the front door and then shingles on the larger bump out gable thing, and maybe b&b (stained red?) on the other smaller bump out. Not sure what to do with the garage area.

So anyway, sorry for rambling. Do you think the exterior would look alright if I went for a look more like my inspiration photos? Or would it look like a mish-mash?

Here is a link that might be useful: Mascord Farnsworth

This post was edited by olivesmom on Fri, Mar 8, 13 at 2:38

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