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My Love is like a red, red tulip..table

15 years ago

I couldn't find a poem to match my tablescape, so I wrote one...:) (apologies to Robbie Burns)

Your love is like a red, red tulip,

I found at Michael's, really cheap.. ( 9 cents)

I sorely wanted live ones,

But the price was way too steep!

The plates and bowls from Horchow

By way of TJMAXX,

The swirly candles so pretty..

Of course they're made of wax!

The inspiration from the placemat,

From Pier One and made of felt..

On sale for a dollar fifty,

That's not a lot of gelt!

Those pretty heart shape dishes

A bread plate with no dents..

I think I bought a boat load

Each was 40 cents..

Lions head bowl with the tulips.

Is a covered soup tureen ..

It is made in France by Apilco,

At a price that was supreme! ($13)

Wine stems are from Pfaltzgraff

Flutes by Luminarc..

Napkin rings from Dollar Tree

Where it's always hard to park. :)

Deep red cloth is underneath,

Snowy white on top,

I think I am about finished,

You're begging me to stop! :)

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