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99 Chevy Blazer hard starting when cold

18 years ago

My mother's 99 chevy blazer(4.3 V6/auto with 83k) has a hard starting problem if it has set for a day or two. The longer it's set the worse it is. I went ahead and did a tune up(wires, plugs and cap/rotor) and the fuel filter was due. Dad had run the batt down on it trying to start it before I tuned it up.

Truck boosted off then and ran that day fine. Next day it wouldn't start at all, crank but not start up. Batt did test bad this time, replaced batt with a 900 CC batt.

It starts easier now but it still has very long start times if it has set over night or long enough to totally cool off. Any idea what else I can check out. Fuel pressure was spot on with key on and then with truck running too. Love pesky problems. Thanks

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