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Wendy's salad tomato grow out

In March I was starting several varieties of tomatoes. While eating a Wendy's garden salad, I began to wonder, "Can I get seeds from these tomatoes to grow?"

I decided to try and took a smear of seeds home on a napkin.

I planted the seeds and they came up in only a few days. It looked like most every seed sprouted. I transplanted three of them and eventually potted all three in a large patio container. The three plants grew well and produced lots of fruit. They tasted about as good as the tomatoes from the original salad :)

In mid-August I read about taking cuttings from tomato plants to start new plants. That sounded interesting, so I pinched off several stems that were reallly too big for the pot anyway and stuck them in water. I kinda forgot about the whole experiment for a few weeks. Then a garden I help with elsewhere lost most of it's tomatoes to fungus that took over during a week of constant rain. I really wanted to restore the pizza garden there. I remembered my cuttings and checked on them. They had lots of long roots. I stuck them in the ground, watered well, and hoped for the best. They did great. I hadn't pinched off any blossoms or small tomatoes when I took the cuttings. The cuttings soon were growing AND producing red fruit. I was impressed.

I certainly got alot of enjoyment out of my $0.99 Value Menu Salad!

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