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Renting a home; landlord question

12 years ago

Hope I can get some help here

We are renting a home from a private owner. Our landlord is very nice and although we have not had any maintenance needs, when we rented she said that she was wanting to do some updates to the house over the next few months and would just let us know in advance as she gets to them.

We were promised these things:

New sod in front yard

New landscaping in front yard

Brick work on fireplace

Replace vanity in both bathrooms

Paint exterior of house and fix some wood damage

She wanted to wait until the weather was nicer to do the paint and landscaping.

When she did the sod in the front yard, we woke up to noises at 8am on a Sunday morning and voices near our window. When I looked out it was the landlord and two of her friend's laying sod. No notice was given but they were outside so no big deal.

She gave notice that the mortar guy was coming out to do the fireplace so we gave her permission a week in advance to enter the home on a specific date while we were working. All was fine there.

She called a week in advance to notify us that she was sending a friend and a carpenter over to measure for the vanity in both bathrooms. We wanted to be home for this but since we both work, it was not possible. I was uncomfortable having people we didn't know in our home. But not anything we could do about that. When we got home the vanity had been replaced and there was a note saying landlord would be returning the next day to paint the wall in the bathroom and would be back the following week to install the vanity in the other bathroom. The paint was actually left in our living room on our carpet, which we thought was odd but I just moved it to the bathroom, no big deal. (it frustrates me when people don't put things back where they got them). The next day, it was not painted so I assumed no one had been back to paint. The following day, which was a Saturday as I'm drinking my coffee In my pj's and robe, my doorbell rings and to my surprise it's my landlord. I didn't open, I wasn't dressed. She sent an email that she had tried to come by to finish painting but we didn't answer so she would come another day. My problem with this is that 1. She didn't come the day she said she would 2. She came so early my family was still sleeping and I was not dressed.

In our lease, we are not allowed to have any pets. We wouldn't have pets any way because my husband and son are allergic to dogs and cats. I have found dog feces in my enclosed back yard. I asked her if she thought the workers had brought a dog and put it in the yard while they worked. She said no it was her dog and she doesn't see the problem. I have not responded because I don't want to have a battle but my frustration is 1. We cannot have animals bc we are not permitted to 2. She has brought a dog into our home where two family members are allergic to dander 3. I know have to pick up after her dog that was locked in my back yard.

Am I wrong for this?

I also want to know, is it wrong of her to just show up on a weekend and expect to be able to do work on our home. We work full time and would prefer to have our weekends to ourselves. What if we had plans to have company or had something going on that day? The day that she decided to do the front yard was the day we were having our family Easter gathering at our home. She worked all day long in the front yard while we had guests. Then she took my husband aside to explain the water sprinkler, then interrupted again to ask for water and aspirin, then interrupted again to let us know that she was going to check the air filter because she had an extra one. This was frustrating for me.

Is she wrong or am I just being sensitive? I just want to live peacefully in my home. This is our home. We pay rent. Sure she owns it but we should be able to not have to wonder every time the doorbell rings if she is wanting access to do something to the house. Literally when the doorbell rings I'm wondering if it's her. I don't feel like I can just have a messy house one day because I'm being lazy. I feel that since she is always showing up unannounced, I have to keep the house spotless because I don't want her thinking we are trashing her property. I feel like I'm living on eggshells. But I love this house. It's So nice here and I know we want to keep her happy so she will renew our lease at least a few more years until we buy our own but at what cost? I have to let her do what she wants so we can stay?

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