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Harvesting Tomatoes question

We are still bringing in a few tomatoes from the garden. Lots left that are green, for some odd reason, they were really slow to ripen. We also had a woodchuck for awhile so I was picking them before they were fully ripe. I would try to ripen them on the counter, but that would attract little Knats that my husband can't stand lol. So he put some in the refrigerator.

I've just not been happy with the full size tomatoes this year. A few of them developed a few small black spots while they were ripening. Those that appeared ripe, had o flavor.

So, what are you supposed to do with tomatoes that are not fully ripe? What is the reason for a few black spots? Are you supposed to keep tomatoes out of the refrigerator?

And should I be concentrating on cherry tomatoes if I'm having trouble with the larger tomatoes?

Anyone else having issues with tomatoes this year?

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