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Indian Traditionalist Green Party

18 years ago

Indian Traditionalist Green Party

Here we stand today after 58 years of independence at the edge of "destruction" of tradition, race and nature. The first obvious and natural reaction would be either to ignore the existing problems and get on with our "Americanized" lifestyle or have knee-jerk reactions like that of the conservatives. If you are one of those people who feel that the globalized capitalist lifestyle is right then we suggest you continue doing so and be blissfully ignorant of the coming collapse of the global society. If you are not one of them, then you might be a conservative. The conservatives have failed, in their ideology and it wonÂt work. Conservative nationalists and their supporters are like very similar to the liberals. They have very little to achieve and create "noise" to generate public fame and political mileage. The so called right-wing nationalists cannot succeed and will not succeed. Their methods are flawed so is their ideology. Conservatism and liberalism are not very much different since both have similar reactions to issues that arise, whether the question of race or environmental protection.

Now you may wonder what if I donÂt belong to either of the stereotypes, then what are the alternatives? To that we say you have come to the right place. What we need is independent thinking, a new system by which we can seek long term solutions and not immediate overnight results. We at the ITGP are not leftists or right-wingers. We are the true third front, even though many parties claim to be the third front by forming alliances with other parties. As of now the ITGP is not a political party due to many reasons, one of them being security. Indian politics as we know it is ultra-corrupt and also partly controlled by big businesses. A direct involvement in politics would prove harmful to this party and its supporters. We seek changes through apolitical means by making citizens more responsible and to take back power into their own hands. By this we can achieve much more than a bureaucratic governments like the existing ones since independence.

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