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Scared - 4 Eggs - Freeze/Wind

15 years ago

I'm so sorry I haven't been back to thank those who responded to my first post. It's complicated.

My BB pair (Brad and Angie) returned this year and when I was able to check the box on March 24th there was 1 egg. Then we had a lot of rain so the next time I was able to check was March 30. 4 Eggs. I marked my calender to start looking for chicks later this week. The weather has been rainy mixed with a few nice days, mostly seasonable temps here in the Atlanta area. But today the temps started dropping and we have high winds. Low tonight is expected to be in the mid 30's and down in the 20's tomorrow. I've been feeding the parents mealworms several times a day to help them through. Today I even fed the Robins and other birds and made sure there was food for everyone else.

Is there anything else I can do to help these eggs survive? Especially tomorrow night. Wednesday will be back to the 60's and sunny.



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