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Oh god.... What disease is this?

14 years ago

Have been around decent sized (100+) tomato gardens, for 15 years now, and haven't had a single significant disease problem, and then this year I decide to till about a 1/2 acre of field and plant over 700 tomatoes and this happens.... It's most apparant on the 12 oldest tomatoes in the garden which were purchased at one of the larger nurseries in the area. It's also apparant in the same row and the first row nearest it but at this point not widely visable on the other 600 or so, the pic I have isn't great because I'm doing all this on my iPhone. The disease is most visible lowest on the plant where the bottom leaves are completely dead, but it would appear to be moving up onto the center stem and fruit. Doesn't look like any late blight pics I've seen, and if I were to guess i'd say it's leaf spot listeria. But I've basically only been able to search from my phone since the garden isn't at my home.

Only possible thing I'd think of is that there's a chance thatvehen I sprayed my plants with insecticide recently if couldve been contaminated although I rinsed the sprayer 3-4x before using it.

Pic :

sorry for the grammar/run on sentences, typing on this thing isn't fun

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