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Yeah, definitely a newbie. Doh.

I have 3 4 X 4' raised beds, and I started a bunch of seeds a while back and transplanted around Mother's Day.

My sweet 100 tomatoes have been frozen in time ever since I transplanted them. We've had a really weird spring around here- a few spells of nights down into the 50's and wet days not getting out of the 60's. I thought I was safe transplanting when I did, but nothing's really happened... they're not dying, but they haven't grown, either. Fuzzy purple stems.

Just figured out by reading another thread that I planted them wrong... they were really gangly and tall by the time I put them in, and I didn't bury the bare part of the stem as deep as I should have. So I'm assuming all that fuzz are tiny roots desperately looking for something to grab onto, and I've left them out there twisting in the wind. Poor tomatoes.

Last night I dug them deeper- it may have been a huge mistake but they were already struggling, so I won't be out much. I cut around each plant with a spade (tried really hard not to disturb any roots), dug a much deeper hole, dropped them down in and buried them up to the first level of leaves. I also tented them last night... hoping maybe that'll bring them back and get things going.

Learning so much already, thanks to this forum. Thank you. If anyone has any further words of wisdom, I'm all ears.

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