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Pictures of my first veg garden

11 years ago

I posted a thread about cucumbers looking bad as my first thread here and had a nice welcome from a number of folks. I thought I would share some pictures of what I am doing with my garden. If you read the other thread, you know that this is my first veg garden. I used to help my dad when I was a kid (forced labor!) and decided it would be a great endeavor to spend more time with my 7 year old daughter and my wife. We are having a blast so far!

This weekend, we got the posts up for the fence. My wife was a great helper leveling the posts while I braced them and poured the concrete. Next will be stretching the fence wire and installing the water line.

I did a hybrid type garden if you want to call it that. I dug down about 18" into native soil with an excavator and picked out all the rocks. I then brought in some sandy load to make up for the loss of volume due to the rock removal. I then built the raised beds (4'x16') with 2x6's and filled them with mushroom compost. Next I used the excavator to mix it all in well and deep and then tilled it 4 times with a garden tiller. I have good, loose soil at least 2' deep.

My first bed has Porter, Black Cherry, Celebration, and Rutgers tomato plants that were given to me by a gardening mentor. The second bed has Burpless cucumbers, Black Beauty zucchini, and Crimson Sweet watermelon. One half of the third and fourth bed is planted with Ambrosia sweet corn to make a 8'x8' block. The other half of the third bed will be planted with 3 different species of green and wax beans. The remainder of the fourth bed will be planted with 1 row of Okra and some Texas Cream peas. I also plan to plant some Kentucky Wonder pole beans i the corn and see how it does. Along the right side fence, I am going to make a couple of more, smaller raised beds with Brazos blackberries and another bed of Kentucky Wonder beans.

I am going all organic and even set up a worm composter and will be building a rotating composter. I intentionally used yellow pine lumber for my beds even though I know they will rot out but did not want treated in contact with my soil.

So far, this project has really been good for my wife and my relationship working together to build it. We even had our daughter helping by adding the water to the concrete for the posts.

Anyway, sorry to bore you with this but thought I would tell more about what we are doing as a way of further introducing myself on this forum. Thanks for looking!

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