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UPDATE: Sounds of summer Make new friends #5

16 years ago

Don't mind if I do, Tracy!!!

Comments (150)

  • letha1971
    16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Traci,It's okay(lethal).It reminds me when I was in high school and the movie Lethal Weapon came out.I couldn't change a class without being razzed.I love the Puss-in-Boots,he's soooo cute.Hey Pixie, glad your feeling better.I got to figure out how you guys get all those cute pics on your posts.See ya, Letha-lethal

  • hermitonthehill
    16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Hey Tracyvine... not so unusual (28-29) things taking a turn. What the medical/scientific community is slooooow to catch onto that so many generations of women have known for a loooooong time is that the whole transition into menopause starts much, much earlier in life than previously thought/believed. Testosterone is usually what gets us aggressive (like men)... and there is a specific chemical/hormone in our body that enhances/encourages cramping/uterine contractions to "flush things out" and there are practical ways to enhance that chemical/hormone to be released as well. Though cramps can be a real pain (literally), count your blessings. Cramps means your body is working to get the old stuff out and clean house, so to speak. If the old stuff doesn't get flushed out, then it can actually set up, compound, and even lead to infection. My mother (who hadn't had a period in like 15 years) had us all a bit spooked here recently with some bleeding. No cancer - thank goodness - everything has checked out, but what has happened is that in the fifteen years that she has figured herself to be post-menopausal, blood was building up to the tune of an inch thick wall within the uterus... so while she doesn't have to contend with our worst fears, she does have to have a D&C to have things "cleaned out" lest it does set up with infection. The sloughing off that her body is doing I gather is too slow for the doctors' approval so they are going that route. Maybe too slow for her too, since she was having light but consistent bleeding/spotting for weeks on end.

    Tea almost always makes me feel better... real tea I mean, rather than various herbal blends made into infusions. Tea contains a natural form of estrogen. :) There's a lot of things grown in the common garden and/or kept as a staple in the kitchen that can help though depending upon one's "symptoms". I am a firm believer though that mood swings can be greatly controlled simply by recognizing them before or as they come on, and knowing what they are. Chocolate - which is almost cliche - actually does contain a natural chemical in it that combats "PMS" symptoms. Sometimes, with cycles, we can be a bit dehydrated and not even notice it - so boosting things in the way of hydration can also be helpful. With my migraines-related-to-cycles, I usually knew well ahead of even visual disturbances that one was around the corner because I would crave two things: (dark, bittersweet) chocolate and salt. I tried denying both, selecting just one, different timings of intake, etc. to see if that had any effect on things, but in controlled trials for me it didn't help or hinder so it's just a "sign" for me.

    I CONSTANTLY gripe about the little and big things myself - that's totally unrelated to hormones and cycles, and 100% because of four kids and a husband who don't seem to give a toss!

    Hmmm got a call, fresh squirrel over the fence for the wolfdog, got to go make sure she gets it!

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    UPDATE: Make New Friends: Dreamin' of a Green Spring


    Comments (117)
    Hi all, I've seen a lot of tomato and pepper swaps, and "edibles" swaps here on GW, but I think it will be fun for me to host one focusing on Greens & Salads for St Pats!! I've done a salad swap on GW before, a few years back. Rules: Newbies welcome, but if your email address is blocked, you won't be able to participate in this. Your seeds must arrive by St. Patricks Day (March 17). I won't hold up the swap for late seeds. They must be in a bubble mailer big enough to hold all your seeds, with a little extra room to spare. Please enclose a return address label and also enough return postage to get your seeds back to you... Whatever it costs to send it in, please include that much in the way of stamps so I can send it back. If your package winds up more than .15 short on postage I won't be able to send it back to ya, cause I live on a tight budget! No more than 3 packs of the same kind of seeds, please. Minimum 5 packs, maximum 20 seed packs per person. Seeds should be no older than 2007 unless kept in a refrigerated seed bank. Heirlooms and hybrids are both OK. If hybrid, they need to be commercial, not saved seed because otherwise they may not grow. The seeds should be for things you might use in a salad or its dressing, such as lettuces (NOT Iceberg though please). Purple cabbage, mesclun or "baby greens" mix, arugula, watercress, radishes, salad-dressing herbs like oregano, sage, parsley and marjoram, green onions, garlic and chives also are all good. Also welcome are cooking greens, including Asian greens like tat soi and choi sum, spinach, broccoli raab, kale, turnip greens and mustards, goosefoot, asparagus, etc. In this swap, MILD salad peppers (no hots!) are welcome too, as are cherry tomatoes (no big tomatoes, we want salad-specific bite sized ones.) Edible annual flowers that can be used in a salad like borage, salad burnet, fennel, violet, pansy, calendula, etc are welcome too. (No perennials such as roses!) Please include a list of what you are sending, so I can hopefully avoid sending you too many seeds that are identical to what you sent in. Include a wishlist of the 3 things you'd most like to get. Send packets with at least 10 seeds per pack, more is better but 10 is ok. Seeds must be clearly labeled (variety name, year packaged, and your GW ID so I don't send you your own seeds.) Growing info such as sun/shade is good too, but not required. If we don't get at least 12 participants signed up here by March 7, this swap will not "make". But I think we can get 12! :) Let's all March into some Green fun together with this swap! Post here if you'd like to join and make sure your email is not blocked. :) Thanks, grovespirit
    ...See More

    UPDATE: Update 2: Make New Friends


    Comments (150)
    I vote we keep this going month by month and we have an option to play that month or sit it out.Also it would be nice for us all to update our members page so we can go and see what our partner for the month is interested in and the color themes they are using.That is not saying we have to go by a list boballi,but to give us ideas.I have several gardens and several in progress and several planned,so I can use anything.The etc. part is a good idea also.I have a bird house village and maybe someone is interested in swapping birdhouses or garden art.I am not sure I would want weeds.I pull about a wagon full almost everyday This has been alot of fun for me and am glad of having the opportunity to meet you all.Thank you Diene for bringing us all together.As our group grows,it will become more and more interesting.Don't you all think we should have a name for our group? Or keep it as making new friends? Vela,thanks for taking the next swap.Maybe we can do a mo. by mo. volunteer hosting or have someone to keep up with who swapped with who.I like the idea of the host passing on the info to the new host.That way we won't have to keep going back sending it repeatedly. I sure hope you get your box today Wendy.I shutter that it may sit until Monday in the PO.If this happens and the plants do not survive,I will gladly send another box right away.Please let me know about the passion vine. Vela,thank you for the offer of your lilies but my ditch here in Ga. is full of them,but send me a picture and let me see if they sre the ones we have here.I am thinking they probably are. Well,I am going outside to play in the dirt.Have a great day everyone. moonphase
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    UPDATE: Make New Friends: Mirth in the Manure Pile #3


    Comments (150)
    Thank you so much, everyone! I had so much fun making that cake and all the sheets, but it was a lot of work, and I would think twice about offering to do anything on that scale again! Tracy - the flowers and bow were fondant. I was going to make everything out of chocolate melts, but everything was coming out lumpy, and I didn't have time to work with it, so I tried fondant for the first time. What an easy thing to work with! I was pleasantly surprised! The only real problem I had was that I used sheet cake pans from two different comapanies - it appears their rulers are not the same! The Wilton 15" x 12" x 2" was a good 1" bigger than the cheaper ones I bought - so we had some beveled sheet cakes! Weird, but it worked! Just put a smaller layer on top of the larger! The spa day was fun! My feet were halfway soft for a while! Now they are back to normal - time to start taking care of my feet a little better, I guess! The only problem with the day is that things weren't going well at home or for my husband with our business, so I got constant phone calls while we were there and all the way home, so it wasn't the most relaxing day! But, such a wonderful treat from my sister! She was the most beautiful bride I have ever seen - can't wait to show you all a picture (of course, I am a bit predjudiced!) Okay, for the peony - I cut all the foliage off, as it all looked bad - same for the peony I had several feet away - looking the same way. I cut them both to the ground. The stems looked bad and everything. So... do I need to dig them up? Or should they grow back okay next year? Thanks so much for all the help, girls!
    ...See More

    UPDATE: Sounds of Summer -4


    Comments (2)
    On #4 now. As far as I know we're still open to new members.
    ...See More
  • hazelnutbunny
    Original Author
    16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Hey Girls!
    I might not be posting much this weekend, because of the holiday! :O)
    I hope everyone has a great weekend!
    Be safe!!! :O)

  • tracyvine
    16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Have a great time this weekend Bunny! Hope you get some good BBQ!

    Thanks for understanding Letha! Can't seem to get my fingers to stop typing that L at the end! Something is seriously wrong with me! LOL! Glad you liked my little kitty... Love his big soulful eyes.

    Hermit, I am a lucky girl that has a very good older girlfriend who happened to give me the heads up on what women go through when they hit their 30's. I remember listening to her in my mid 20's thinking this can't happen to all women! Every time I hit one of those milestones I email her and tell her this is soooo gross, thank goodness you told me this was coming or I would have been so freaked out. LOL! Thank god for good girlfriends!

  • beckilove
    16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Hiya, girls! What an afternoon/evening I've had! Nothing too exciting, just different! Dylan had his first high school football game tonight, about an hour and a half from home. First, Dave and my sister were going to come with the kids and I. Then, Dave found out he had to get work done quicker than he thought, so he couldn't come. Then, my sister said things weren't shaping up like she had planned, so it ended up being just me and the kids. So, Lily and I picked up William and Elizabeth at their respective schools, and we all headed up to the game. Now, some background on his football team. First off, in our town, they don't start tackle football until 7th grade (before that it's only flag.) Then everyone wants to play, so you have so many kids on the team, that they have 2 teams. And "A" team and a "B" team. The better kids of course are on the "A" team. Well, in 7th and 8th grade, Dylan was always on the "B" team - he's not the biggest kid, and doesn't work out year round like he should. Anyway, last year, while the "B" team did really well, the "A" team was phenominal. They did not allow a single point scored against them all season. They blew their opponent away at every single game. It was absolutely amazing, and everyone was talking about how this team was going to be the one to get Pella (our town) the State Championship. Fast forward to this year - Dylan still wants to play football - he really enjoys it. None of the other "B" teamers do (who would want to, when you have been told all along that you aren't as good as the other kids?) My Dylan just loves playing on the D-line! He said his coach said, "Dylan, you really are not built to be on the line, but you are just always volunteering to be there!" He said in scrimages, he is always playing, and was so excited for his first game. Well, we got there, and watched as several kids played pretty much the entire game - both offence and defense, and my boy stood on the sideline, until the last 2 minutes of the game, when we were ahead 48-14. Okay, so I'm not totally complaining, at least he got to play. But, to not put him in until the game was a sure thing, and there was no way to screw it up (not really at least), was sad to me. I drove an hour and a half each way, to see my son play 2 minutes (3 whole plays). Disappointing, to see a boy who is so eager to play, not really get a chance. Anyway, it's just the first game, and hopefully things will turn around on that. Okay, so during the game, Dave called to ask how it was going. I told him good, and when he asked what Dylan was doing, I said, "Nothing." Kind of the same thing we went through with another of our sons. Anyway, he was of course upset. So, after I hang up, I accidentally drop my phone through the bleachers. Fortunatly we were only a few bleachers up, so it was easy to get too. Lily got it, and wanted to play with it a bit. I made sure the keys were locked, and told her to stay "Right Here", and let her pretend she was calling someone. Well, my little Lily has this habit of throwing things when she is done with them (a bad habit that needs to be curbed!), and she decided to throw my phone. Sadly, she has pretty good aim, becuase she got it right into the trash can that was close to us! Oh, and this trash can had about 6" of water in the bottom of it. So, I go down to look, and sure enough there is my phone sitting in the bottom of the trash can covered in trashy water! Do I reach in and get it, in front of a bleacher full of people, or do I leave it there? Well, yes, I lean into the trash can in front of all those people, stick my hand in that disgusting water, and pull out my phone, which is not hopelessly done for! Ick!!! Now, I'm 80 miles from home with three kids, it's getting dark, and I have no phone! (Something I'm just not used to anymore!) So, we stopped at a gas station to get some supper, and I used the pay phone (thank goodness there are still some of those around!) and call Dave to explain why I won't be answering my phone for the next little while. Anyway, we made it home fine, and here I am! Kind of a frustrating night. Now, I am just waiting for Dylan to call that they are back home (which will likely be very late.)

    William is having his birthday party tomorrow, as he turns 10 on Sunday! So, tomorrow night we have 4 boys coming over for a sleepover. Fun! It wouldn't be so bad, except he has one friend, who he really likes, that is very difficult to get along with. He is not from the most stable home, from what I can tell, and he whines, very loudly, very much. When they play video games, which is pretty much all the kids want to do when they have sleepovers, he is contantly yelling, "You guys aren't letting me win!" "It's no fair!", and all kids of things like that. And I do mean yelling. It is very difficult to get him to calm down. But, he is William's friend, and we will just deal with it the best we can, as we have in the past! But, I'm not looking forward to it, to be honest. I'll make William's cake tomorrow, which I am excited about. He told me a while back how he wanted it, but then I told him I couldn't get the things he wanted on it. Well, I was able to today, so I hope to suprise him with a cake pretty close to what he drew out. I think he will love it!

    Sunday night, we are planning to go to the drive in! We haven't done that yet this year, and the kids are very excited! Rattatui (or however you spell it) and Shreck the 3rd are showing, so the kids are thrilled! It should be a lot of fun, especially as once it gets dark now, the temperature is dipping into the low 60's. Very nice! We are looking forward to it!

    And Monday, I think we are having over a neighbor and his son who have both been working for Dave. I'm sure that will end up being a very drunken night for the 3 of them! But, I'm sure it will be fun!

    So, that is how my weekend is shaping up. How 'bout the rest of you? Any big plans! Sorry to ramble on so much! I've just needed to get that stuff off my chest! (Oh, and in case you didn't catch on yet, I'm a bit of a football junkie! I love it!)


  • dirt_under_my_nails
    16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Evening All! We finally have someone coming to look at the house. YaHoooo! They'll be here at 10:00 am. Sorta early for a showing,but hey beggers can't be choosy.Wish us luck!

    Becki, sounds as if you have a VERY busy,but fun few days ahead.Be sure to post pics of B-day cake.
    No plans here. Just chillin at the house.Family too far away & we don't really know the neighbors other than their names & that one next to us is a young fireman & EMT.Good to know when you have a dare-devil 4 year old son! LOL!

    How is the swap list coming Autumnfairy? Can't wait to see it!Later .....April/dirt_under_my_nails

  • beckilove
    16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    That's exciting, April! Have fun showing it! Maybe they'll make an offer! That would be even more fun, huh?

    I will definitely post a picture of the cake! I'll be making plenty of cake over the next week! Birthdays this week - William (10) on Sunday, Carl (24) on Monday, and Lily (3) on Friday. It is birthday week at our house!

    We really don't know many of our neighbors either. We actaully live in a very small "village" (we are unincorporated, so we don't even have our own post office.) Everyone is supposed to know everyone else. And, most people like to think they know everyone else's shi*! But, not many people get to know you. Our neighbors right next door, we have gotten to know fairly well. We have our ups and downs with them. They don't like that we farm, and have made that pretty clear. But, they have kids that are friends with ours, and on holidays (4th of July, New Year's Eve, etc...) we usually hang out together. Once in a while, they will come over just for the heck of it, but there is almost always booze involved. And she gets wasted! She will stay here till all hours of the morning, and then be so drunk she can hardly walk back home. Don't get me wrong - I like to inbib once in a while too, but getting a bit tipsy is about as far as I go. One drink, and you can believe I will NOT get behind the wheel, because I know it reacts to me that quickly! For as large of a woman as I am, I am a real lightweight when it comes to alcohol. That one night when I had 4 White Russians (some of you may remember that one), you can believe they were very heavy on the white and incredibly light on the Russian! My husband gets frustrated sometimes that I just won't let go and get really drunk, but I just prefer not to. He says it's because I always have to have control. The way he says it, it's a bad thing. But, in my opinion, it's a good thing. If I am going to drink so much that I don't have control of my emotions and actions, I don't think it's a good thing! But, that is just my own personal preference. I just don't like to do stupid things, or want to be viewed in that light, I guess.

    Okay, I'm really chatty tonight! Dave just called and is coming home (yeah, he is just quitting working.) Dylan hasn't called yet, and I'm guessing it will still be another hour before he gets home, so please girls, liven it up a bit! On an awesome note, Dave just told me that tomorrow I need to get Dylan a Trac Phone! Dylan will be ecstatic! It is really getting necessary though, with all the things he is getting involved with now. And he will have specific instructions that it is only to be used to call us. Trust me, there won't be much money put on it! But, it will be a good thing, I think! Okay, anyone else around, or am I talking to myself?

  • beckilove
    16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Yep, I guess I am just talking to myself! You all are usually so lively at night! Where is everyone? Oh, well, it's the story of my life. Always wanting to talk when no one else can! Boo hoo! : ) Hope you all are having exciting evenings! Off to work on my seed box and update my trade list - I have WAY too many seeds, and lots that I really want, so why not trade the ones I don't love?

  • tracyvine
    16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Poor Becki, Sorry I wasn't around, darlin! I watched a really good movie that came on late tonight and didn't want to miss a minute of it. Bagger Vance. Loved it. Anyway, I totally sympathize with waiting to see your boy play ball. Did that quite a bit last season when Ted was on JV at the varsity games. They started putting him in later in the season a lot more often after the coaches could see how fast he was. Broke his hand midway through the season but still played on with the cast to finish the year. I LOVE Football games. Hubby is not such a big fan so I spent a lot of games up in the bleachers by myself. Not as much fun getting rowdy when there isn't someone egging you on. LOL! But we did have a good season. We finished 1st in our conference and 2nd in the regionals. It was an amazing season and quite a few of our guys got some scholarships to colleges. Man those boys can play. This season we are 2-0 so far. Wishing them lots of luck. The bench warming is a right of passage. Be glad he still loves the game, it will give him a certain strength when it comes to the HS level. Those coaches look for heart as well as size and ability. Sounds like Dylan has quite a bit of all those things. That will take him far. Take it easy on the coaches in front of him. You don't want him to hear you badmouthing the bosses, let him know he is still learning and his time will come in spaids!

  • beckilove
    16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Thanks, Tracy! When he finally got back, at midnight, he was in a really good mood. He didn't seem to really mind. Not that he was showing at least. Don't worry, it's not me you have to worry about badmouthing the coaches. But there ain't no telling Dave it's not a good idea! He is a very outspoken person! Anyway, that is wonderful how Ted's team is doing! We talked about the whole getting hurt thing the other day. Dylan said a lot of kids didn't want to play this year, because they didn't want to get hurt. He said he wasn't really that worried about it. He is really growing up! We talked about how in every sport it is possible to get hurt. And if you do get hurt, usually you heal, and it is rare to get a really bad injury that is going to affect you for the rest of your life. The majority of football players make it through high school football just fine.

    Okay, so off to make hubby's coffee and get started on that cake! Have a great day, everyone!


  • tracyvine
    16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Hi Becki! Tell Dylan We said

    Hope he has a fun sleepover birthday party Tonight!

    Ted was In a Varsity Game and got his hand stomped on after a tackle. The bone broke that leads from his finger to his wrist. It was a small break that heals quickly. He had a cast on that covered the tip of his first 2 fingers and went past his wrist on his right hand. The cast ended up getting replaced after nearly every game because of the abuse it took. They had varsity games friday and JV on Saturday. The dang thing stunk to high heaven so we were happy to see the replacements. There is no smell in the world like a teenage boy with a sweaty cast after a football game. The rides home afterward were HORRIBLE. I made him hold the cast out the window because it was just that bad.

  • fishymamas
    16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I just got this mential pic of you frebreezing the boy's cast. One of my student's mothers has been in the hospital since monday, so she has been having a "sleepover" at my house (there is no family for this girl other than her mother, I'm named the guardian in mom's will). We took the ENTIRE preschool to legoland on a fieldtrip (Under 2 stayed at the center, rest were with me). By far the best part of the day was Steve getting on a coaster with some of the older kids, the kid running the coaster told him, he didn't think he'd fit... so Steve smiled, handed the guy his leg and sat down. The kid just about fell over, and said "wow that's a first" (the kids all know about Steve's leg being artificial, they call it his "robot leg").
    This weekend I'll be studing and shopping to restock the freezers at home and the center (gotta love sam's club click n' pull).

  • beckilove
    16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    OMG, Fishy! That is SO FUNNY!! I'm sure everyone else just about fainted! Dylan went to Legoland once with his dad when he was out there to visit, and he loved it! William though is my lego freak, and he is dying to go there sometime!

    Okay, so we just finished the cake. William thinks it is the BEST cake ever, so I am happy. He is a big Pokemon fan as well, so it's a Pokemon cake.

    Just a half hour till we get the kids. I'm sure we'll have fun!

  • dirt_under_my_nails
    16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Love the cake Becki!! Would give my right arm for slice & big glass of cold milk.MMMMMMMM!

  • tracyvine
    16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Fishy, I almost fell off my chair laughing! Wishing you had a camera for that priceless moment! LOL! if I wasn't allergic to febreeze you bet I would have sprayed that sucker down! Blah! Grosssssss!

    Becki I love Williams B-day cake!!! That is awesome! My oldest would have killed for that cake when he was 10. He was a huge fan of the show and used to save up his money for the trading cards. He still has them all and I catch him watching once and a while when the little ones have it on. Tell william I said happy birthday to him, not dylan! woops Sorry Kiddo!

  • beckilove
    16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Thanks, gals! It is so funny - as soon as I picked up all the boys, they were trading Pokemon cards. I started to think to myself how funny they were, and then I all of a sudden realized that I am just like them. Just seeds and plants rather than Pokemon cards! I'll give you my Coral Nymph Salvia for your Chocolate Silk Morning Glory! Ha, ha! They are all doing pretty well so far. The winer has done plenty of wining and yelling and noisiness, but so far everyone has handled it okay. They are all watching TMNT right now (as well as playing hand held video games.) Yeah, all William wants for his birthday this year is Pokemon cards, just like most years. He has always wanted Legos in the past too, but this year it is just all about Pokemon!

    I've been programming my new phone. And Dylan's phone. When I went in to the cell office to get my new phone, I was happy to realize that my contract was up for renewal so I could get a really nice phone, really cheap! I REALLY wanted to get the Razr, which I could have gotten for $40, as I REALLY wanted the MP3 capabilities! But, I let my head decide on this one - is was only $20 and much more rugged. Not nearly as delicate as that cute little Razr. But, it is a camera phone, so that will be cool! And it's really nice, so I am very happy. The only thing was, when they went to fill out the contract, it said we needed a $600 deposit! I just about fainted! The gal didn't think that was right either, so I had to wait for like 40 minutes while she got ahold of the cell people (lots of waiting on hold), and found out that was a mistake. Boy, was I a happy girl! No way could I pay them $600!!! The cell agent and I were both doing the happy dance, when the guy finally said to scratch that part off of the contract!! Anyway, I know I can get MP3 ringtones, now I just have to figure out how! And I have bluetooth, though I really have no idea what that is! All I know now is that it means I can share things wirelessly with other people with the same make of phone as me, and I can use a wireless head set. (Yeah, like I use a headset!) Anyway, I'm glad it ended up being okay that I ruined my old phone! And Dave is excited, as his contract is up too, and he can go get himself a new phone. Funny how those phones really start to give out after 2 years!

    Okay, yep, up way too late last night, and now will be up way too late again. And I will be again tomorrow! So, you can believe Mt. Dew and I are good friends right now! I really try to drink the diet kind, but once in a while I indulge in a regular one. Well, tonight as the kids were eating supper, one of the kids said to me, "You know in a big 2-liter of that stuff, do you know how much sugar is in that?" I said, "I'm sure it is WAY TOO MUCH!!". He said, "Yeah! If you taped all the little sugar packets together, it would be longer than this table (and we have a long table!)" I was so embarrassed! I thought, yeah, leave it to a 10 year old to tell me I shouldn't be drinking that, when I know it myself!!

    Okay, enough ramblin' - yep the caffiene is good!!


  • letha1971
    16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Becki,The cake looks great!My son was into pokemon for a long time.Not so much now but boy has he got the cards.Everytime he got any money it was off to the store for more cards.He tried to explain them all to me but I still don't have a clue. Two beautiful chrisp mornings in a love fall weather.Yesterday I dragged my hubby out of bed and made him go outside in his pjs just to feel the air.Sounds crazy but when temps are 98-100ish for a month it makes you feel crazy. And I got a pleasant suprise in the flower bed this morning.Some zinnias I ordered from a catalog are blooming and WOW I was excited.I planted them a long time ago but forgot about them.They aren't your everyday zinnia,they are tiny...small bushy type but the color is like a sunburst.Well,kinda quiet around here.Everybody enjoying the long weekend I guess,I get to stay home and clean the fun.I was supposed to get to go look at a nursery that raises iris & lillies but someone called in at the store and the hubby had to go work their shift yesterday.Would have went by myself but I'm not sure where it is.While he was there one of the stone company guys came in and said they would give me a pallet of stone if I wanted it so maybe it paid off that he worked after all.Becki,I got a new phone a few months ago with all the bells and whistles and I'm still trying to figure it out.I liked the color(bright green). Well everybody have a good day..See ya,Letha

  • dirt_under_my_nails
    16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Hey All! Do you guys know that this swap was posted on Aug 8,& we still don't even have buddies yet? This is the worlds longest swap!By the time we start swapping it will be cool enough to send plants again.LOL!Later...April/dirt_under_my_nails

  • tracyvine
    16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Alright, I am fed up too. If everyone would like, email me your addy's and I will draw names and post partners as soon as I have them all. I am busy today but will be free tomorrow to organize it all and post if everyone's info is in. Email me at

    If anyone objects just say so. I won't take any offense.

  • hazelnutbunny
    Original Author
    16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I'm sure Laurie won't mind, Tracy. I know it's hard for her to get online, but maybe she should have delegated responsibility to someone else? So since she didn't do that...I suppose we can all nominate you. :O)

    Here is the list she posted on the last thread of the players she has:


    Maybe you should take her off of the list since we haven't heard from her in over a week? The only others we haven't heard from are debbya & jennid. We know everyone else is around. We might want to check with medontdo to see if she still wants in the swap.
    So I guess it's all up to you? :O)

    Oh, and by the way....I'll be in the swap also, since it'll just be chimes. :O) I may have a bulb or two to share, but my garden is pretty much wiped out!!

  • pixiesluvplants
    16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Hi Ladies,

    I think thats a great idea Tracy and Melissa. Tracy, if you need my addy let me know.

    I think Debbya has alot going on this weekend, so that may be the reason we haven't heard from her.

    I hope everyone has had as good of a weekend as I have (so far).


  • dirt_under_my_nails
    16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago
  • hermitonthehill
    16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Tracyvine - emailed you at the addy above and provided my addy, along with some other info.

    Et al... I may be more out of pocket than usual for "awhile". As things currently stand, I will be taking my "tried and true" Abu (pet name,not his formal name) to our vet after some hours to have him PTS... it's been a really sucky holiday weekend here for us and unless the vet thinks I'm way off-base on diagnosis, this will be the second dog to cross the Rainbow Bridge in less than a month - though for different reasons. This is just so NOT our/my year here... we'll still have 7 canines (this will make it 5 Rotties, 1 wolfdog, 1 "mutt"), but I'm sure going to miss this 'guy'... he's saved my life, caught "bad guys", tracked and found "the lost" and brought them home... had a good working life and retired from his "career" and settled in so well to a pet/companion lifestyle, albeit never lost his "on duty" way of being/living... if he were a younger dog, treatment would be more seriously considered - but the treatments available aren't a cue, just make things less obvious... to go that route at his age, would just be more trauma and for us, not him... nothing humane in subjecting him to that IF my diagnosis is accurate. Vet didn't indicate I was the least bit "off" though... wish I knew "then" (years ago) what I know "now"... guess we will pray for an overnight miracle, but otherwise count the blessings for him that it came to a head when he became a "senior" dog instead of in his prime....

    Hope everyone has a safe holiday - drive carefully, or better yet, stay at home...


  • tracyvine
    16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Hi girls! I emailed Medontdo and ask her if she wants to be in it still. She is down for internet and can email only right now so I offered to copy/paste any postings that she wants to put on. I already got the addy's from:


    This swap is confirmed for windchimes only. If anyone wants to put extra goodies in their box that is totally fine, please note that since this is not for live plants that Parcel Post shipping is totally fine. Be aware that delivery can take up to 9 business days and sometimes can take a little longer. First Class Parcel is also a great shipping method as long as the weight is 13 ounces or under.

  • karenh71867
    16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Hi all,
    Tracy, I sent you my addy. Let me know if you don't receive it. I have a few extras to send with the wind chime, and understand that I may not get the same in return. That is okay with me though! I had already bought these extras before we decided to do chimes only.
    Well, I have work to do in my new garden bed (yippee!! It's done!!!) I'll be checking in though!

  • tracyvine
    16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Hi girlies! Alright we have confirmed addys for:


    Medo is in! Yippee! She is doing great and excited to swap. She happily has lost some pounds and is feeling good. Did some shopping at the mall for the kiddos and ran into some friends of theirs and they didn't even recognize her! Woo Hoo! Congrats to MEDO! As far as a swap date I am thinking that we will trade boxes within 10 days of posting partners. Hopefully I will be getting everyone else's addy's in the next two days. Pop in often and let everyone know that the swappin is on!!!

    We had a super busy weekend. Grilled on Friday night with my mom and the family, had dinner out with the inlaws and the kids on Saturday at an all you can eat Buffet on Saturday (grazing, grazing, grazing!), Sunday we went to Our Nieces 2nd Birthday Party and then later went to a bbq at our friends house. We Started out at noon and didn't get home till almost 1am. Busy, busy. The kids had a blast with all of the cousins and friends. Emma was so exhausted she slept until noon today. I finally had to go in and roust her little tush out of bed. Lazy bones, can't party with the bid dogs! LOL!

    How has everyone's weekend?

  • tracyvine
    16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I am only waiting on Addresses for


    Trina I got yours, Thank you!

  • tracyvine
    16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    One thing I was thinking of doing to add a little anticipation was to keep the swap partners a secret. What do you think of me sending the addy to you and not knowing who you are receiving from. I thought it might be a fun surprise...

    Instead of posting partners on the forum I will just send you an email and you let me know that you received it. After everyone has their partner I will just post when it is time to send.

    What do all of you think of that? Please say so if you think it is a goofy idea, I won't be bummed out.

  • karenh71867
    16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Tracy, I think that would be fun! Either way, I'm in!

  • tracyvine
    16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Awesome Karen! Thanks, anyone else? Becki wrote to me and said she is in, she also thought the secret sender might be fun! Yippee! So we are adding her back in! Yay!

    Still waiting to hear from FishyMamas, Debbya and Jennid. I sent them all emails and am waiting to hear back.

    So far we have:

    Letha and Nicole, did you two want to join in? We would love to have a couple more nuts to add to the mix!

  • pixiesluvplants
    16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago


    I think that the secrect sender would be fun sweetie.


  • tracyvine
    16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

  • hazelnutbunny
    Original Author
    16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Yay! I think the secret sender thing sounds fun too! Oooh ooh...but I"m SO not good at keeping secrets!! Like, just last week, my sister in law told me that the Easter bunny wasn't real..and so I asked my mom..and then I asked my dad and then I asked my brother...but he won't speak to me after the golden toilet brush thing, seems he got teased...and ..and..and........

    Hmm. Too much headache, and not enough caffiene. :O)

  • tracyvine
    16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I figure you've got to be the one that posted this sign then!

    You better tape your fingers together so you can't tell! Shhhhhhhhhh!

  • hazelnutbunny
    Original Author
    16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I need a favor from ya'll, if you would, please??
    I just had a short meeting with the boss, and it appears I probably won't have a job much longer. Lots of reasons, but unless something works out by tomorrow night, I will have to be finding something different.
    So I just wondered if you girls wouldn't mind praying for me & my family? This job is the only thing paying for our groceries at this point, so it's going to hurt us if I can't find something else FAST.
    Thanks girls! Luv ya'll and I really appreciate it!
    Melissa :O)

  • tracyvine
    16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago


    I will pray extra hard for you. What in the world are those people thinking?


  • beckilove
    16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I am praying for you too, girlfriend! I hope things work out the way they are supposed to. It things get really bad, please do not feel bad asking for food assistance. That is what government programs are there for! But, I know that is hard to do, and none of us really wants to do that, so I really hope things work out for you! Sending lots of big hugs (oops, I accidentally typed jugs first!) to you!!! : ) Love ya, girl!

  • sassyd
    16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Wow! You girls have been having way too much fun since I left, lol. And Tracy, I didn't have time to read all the posts but hope you have a good reason to to be spanking the dust out of Pixie! (She gotta save some, don't ya know? lol) Hope all of you girls had a great weekend, will try to read and catch up.


  • hazelnutbunny
    Original Author
    16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I'll take the big hugs AND the big jugs, Becki! :O) (goodness knows, I need all the help I can get!)
    Thanks, Becki...I really appreciate it. :O)

  • pixiesluvplants
    16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Welcome Home Miss Sassy!!!

    Melissa, you are in our prayers girlie girl and I have also put you and your family's name on our prayer group list and ladies prayer group list. Things will work out for the best sweetie. We love you.

    I hope everyone has a wonderful evening.


  • tracyvine
    16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Sassy Pants! How was the weekend away? Hope you had a blast! You bet I had good reason to spank that little hiney! She wasn't resting, she was out working in the yard like a bad little Tinkerbell! She's better now so I will leave her alone. I'm sure she is still full of it (dust I mean)!

    Bunny, I got your jugs right here! Told you I had Double D's. You just didn't know I meant Vitamin D! LOL!

  • hazelnutbunny
    Original Author
    16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

  • tracyvine
    16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I can't help it, they're throbbing on my screen! LOL!

  • tracyvine
    16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Sound advice! Do NOT google Jugs! I think I poked my eyes out!

  • hazelnutbunny
    Original Author
    16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Ooh...BAD images!! lol
    Hey, here's another tip...NEVER (and I do mean NEVER) type in "love" and "chocolate" together in the search engine on photobucket.

    I'm STILL trying to get those pictures out of my head.
    Oh...and "nuts"...NEVER type in that, either....

  • tracyvine
    16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Great! I just spit my coffee at the computer screen again! LOL!

  • hazelnutbunny
    Original Author
    16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago computer is giving me fits, and won't let me send or reply to email....GGGRrrrr! (which brings up another point, we're losing internet at home on the 5th, and if I don't have a job anymore...I wont' be able to get I go MIA, THAT'S what happened....)

    Anyway...Tracy- I will work on that today. I need to wait until I get to work to put in the computer software stuff, I know the SYSTEM I use, but not the specific programs. :O)

    ICK! I am out of cream..and I'm having to drink my coffee black!! YIKES!!! Icky icky icky!! I need to skip the cup and just do an IV. 4 hours of off and on sleep are NOT going to work today. Nope.

  • tracyvine
    16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Oh no way am I letting you disappear! LOL! I will be sending you the monthly installments for your internet access! What on earth would we do without a bunny in the middle of rabbit season?

  • tracyvine
    16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

  • tracyvine
    16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I started a new thread with the updated information on the swap!
