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Droopy Tomato Plant (veggie newb here)

14 years ago


I'm a total veggie newb. I'm usually an indoor succulent fellow, but as I have a veranda with a southern exposure, I figured I'd give veggies a go this year. Of course, this includes tomatoes.

I have a 50L rectangular container filled with "soil for vegetables" from the local garden centre. As I can't read the Japanese very well, I don't really know much about it beyond that.

Anyway, I have two tomatoes in the container, and a cayenne pepper plant. The Rosso Rosso is doing really well, but this one (which was only labelled 'tomato' when I bought it at the garden centre) has been droopy for about a week. I dug through here, reading lots of posts, and thought it may be overwatering (I was watering when the soil was still damp two inches down), and have laid off the water a bit more since then. But still, this one is super droopy. I've had its branches propped up on the lattice, but de-propped them so you could see the extent of the droop.


Now, here's the thing. Even though my deck is southern exposure, they only get sunlight from about 5am to noon, then the sun is blocked by the upper balcony and a building to the west. Could it be a sunlight issue? The Rosso Rosso is doing okay, though.

Also, right now, there are super healthy "balcony gardening specialty" mini-tomato plants at the garden centre. Should I just pull this droopy mystery tomato out and replace it with a healthier intended-for-balcony-container-gardening variety?

Wow, long post is long, sorry. Thanks for your help.

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