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Ethnic Favorites! IE and IH September Swap!

14 years ago

Hello Everyone! This month, there will be just one swap for Icredible Edibles and Incredible Heirlooms. ALL are welcome!

The theme for the swap will be Ethnic favorites! You will swap with your partner, seeds that are of your ethnic heritage and/or your partner's ethnic heritage!

For example, I am mostly Italian, and some Irish. So I would share seeds vegetables/herbs/fruits common to or from Italy and Ireland. You would also find out your partner's ethnic backround and maybe share seeds of their Heritage also.

You and your partner can decide if you just want to share seeds of your own heritage, or share seeds of both your heritage and your partner's heritage.

Signs with go to the 27th of this month. You must send your partner's package out by the 11th of September. We got a little bit of a late start this swap, so that is why the dates are extended a little longer than normal.

When you sign up, please share your ethnic backrounds with us!

Just to list some examples, I will use my heritage.

Italy~ Is a very easy one! You can find lots of seeds from or originating from Italy! Squash, Tomatoes, Basil,Oregano,Peppers, Parsely, Zuchinni, Dandelion,Arugula, and that list goes on!

Ireland~ Well potatoes of course, cabbage, carrots, certain beans, etc.

This one should be a lot of fun!!!!

ps~ I don't know why the title was messed up the first post! Please use this thread!

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