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somewhat ot: mice and bird feeders

17 years ago

I've got a bird feeder in what turns into my daylily bed in the spring. I've had all kinds of birds flock to it this winter, but now I've got a problem I've never encountered. I have a mouse that manages to climb the 1" metal pole (we're talking several feet up, probably 3-4) and hop onto the seed tray to snack. He then leaps gracefully to the ground and runs under my ugly juniper when he finishes.

Now, I knew the squirrels were having a ball out there all winter until the dog chased them, but this is the first time I've seen mice climb up there. Perhaps I am spoiled in having had the neighbor's cat down the street do some serious mousing over the past eight years we've lived in our home, and now that I believe she has passed on the mice are getting bold. I've got a scottie that's more than willing to take on the challenge, but I'm not so comfy with the thought of her hanging with Mickey, esp. since she has to forego the Leptospirosis vaccine due to her allergies.

So any thoughts to how I can keep mickey off the feeder, other than removing the seed tray (which the cardinals and mourning doves won't like)? Nothing toxic, mind, I have a dog. I liberally sprinkled today's seed with cayenne pepper, but I'd like to do more. I have a round squirrel baffle, but it never stopped the squirrels (and fell to the ground under their weight)and is now frozen to the ground.

PS - we're talking mouse, not vole. Boy, do I ever miss old Sox the cat.


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