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Crazy Crazy Plant Swap! 2

15 years ago

LINK To Check Request Status:

CLICK HERE TO check your Request Status -- make sure you are where you should be AND to check your request numbers...


And now the original rules...

Crazy Crazy Plant Swap!

OK I know Im going crazy hosting another swap so soon after that water one but hey what can I say, I think I'm addicted!


Alright I guess 'suggestions' would be in order:

1. First thing - Sign Up

2. List some of your plants for selection by others

(you do not have to list them all but a couple would be nice so we know we are getting some things we have requested) **(Be sure to select the ones you are interested in from others list)

Example: I may be planning on sending in 100 plants but only want to make 20 available for selecting that would be fine. (Of course if you want to post all that is perfectly fine)

I will be keeping track of requests and toward the end will have you review them.

3. Label all plants with the Plant Name, Your name, and who they are to go to (if you are letting other select them).

4. You will recieve the number of plants you send in (That actually make it to me alive, so please be sure to pack your plants correctly -see #5). Please send plants in good health that you would not mind recieving in return. I would also request that you send in 'clumps' of smaller plants instead of just one little one so that each person will have a nice start of whatever it is.

***** IMPORTANT NOTE: If you request 50 plants then you will need to be sure to send in 50 plants so that someone is not receiving less than they send in. Each person will be back what you send in.

5. Be sure to pack your plants correctly. Please Do not Overwater. This will cause your plants to rot. The correct moisture level for shipping plants should be barely moist, if you can feel the water it is too much. (unless of course it is a water plant) LOL

6. Cuttings will be allowed but please be sure to list those online for others to select the ones they want, some people may not want cuttings so it is best to let those be selected, and you must label them according to #3. Please be sure to send 3-5 cutting for each request so that the success rate will be better.

7. Be sure to include in your box the following (put it in a plastic baggy so it does not get messed up):

- Return address label

- Postage for returning the box

- If you want del. Confirmation please be sure to purchase the tag and send in the box with the postage.

- List of plants you sent in and how many of each

8. All boxes must be postmarked between July 12 - 15. This will insure they all arrive in a close space and I can get the plants back to you in a timely manner.


NO LIMIT to how many plants you send

10 of Each kind or less (unless you want to post them up for unlimited requests then you can send as many as are requested)

SEND OUT: July 12-15

Have FUN!

Comments (150)

  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    2 Seedlings of Night Blooming Jasmine, the are about 4 inches as of right now.

    :) Fran

  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    OH Fran you sooo know I want one of those for my night blooming garden (which is a work in progress)
    1 Night Blooming Jasmine.

    Like all the rest aren't! LOL


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    I'd like to request from Fran 1 Troical White Canna 1 Jewel of Opar 1 offers of 3 bulbs/sets Egyptian Walking Onion they MAY not have tops on them BUT I just put them in dirt so the SHOULD by shipping time 1 offers Agastashe Honey Bee Blue 1 Thalia dealbeta (Water Canna) 1 Hosta S. Elegans 1 Pennywort Start 1Daylily Romantic Rose these are starts 1 E.T.Fingers Jade Plant Fran you keep this up your're gona need an 18 wheeler LOL I'm not far behind ya.:o) HI to everybody else I hope you all are getting what what you want, Have Great day!
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    yup finaly got it , box looked like it was runed over, lots of plants in perill, the pond plants are more mushi than green, the susies and puple cone flowers, well we have roots we will see..the roots on the daylilys were growing through the paper towels, but they are resilaint, some were just wraped in newspaper with no wet material, we will see on those too...with this heat i dont think half will make it...i was hoping it will rain but no monsoon on sight and i ran out of pots, well ill baby them and see what happens...and it wasnt sent priority.
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    Crazy Crazy Fall Plant Swap! 2


    Comments (151)
    Yeah Denise! I can't wait to meet another GWer. :-) Big cheesy grin. AND FOR THE BIG NEWSSSSS... YEAH! I got a special early delivery (there were so many boxes that were large she had to come with an early delivery. Yeah!) We got boxes. She said there may be one or two more that will show up with the normal mail run. I already opened them all and started sorting them sooooooo.... Drum roll Please.... Here is a list of what we have so far... Tammy/Greenthumbgrow - Plants here :-) Sakura Komichi/CA - Box Recieved :-) Bhnash - flowergirl34/Vina - Box Recieved (hugh box by the way:-) Robin1962/Robin - Box Recieved Gardenmom2/Nichol - Zinaray/Toni - Box Recieved Kamiljablo/Kamil - Box Recieved Heatherbon/Heather - antiqueorchid/Denise - Stopping by Friday :-) NOTE on Fran - Sent a letter to let everyone know that she is without phone or internet until they can find another provider in their area. She said she misses everyone here and that she realllly wants to get online but DH won't take her to the library 'just for' GW. LOL. (He just don't understand. LOL) She said sorry she wasn't able to participate in the swap. Some of you sent her plants anyway I will go ahead do the postage for her and ship them out so she will get them. Just a NOTE: EVERYONE Did a wonderful job with packing this time. ALL Plants look wonderful and I am sure 99% of them will look marvelous when you get them (as long as the po and the weather cooperate) I will take photos of the piles before I box them up to give you all a previous of what is to come. I did sprites them with a little water from a bottle to keep them moist on the ones that were not sealed in the the paper bags (if they are sealed I found it best not to disturb them) Vina - Your plants are MARVELOUS. They are HUGH plants. Everyone will be more than pleased with what you sent. (I thought I was listed for one of your sedums? I may have forgot to hit submit on the post I am not sure but keep me in mind in the spring swap if you have more. I really love them.) Oh and fran sent your postage as you agreed with her so now there is double. LOL. Waiting on boxes from: Bhnash Nichol Heather Denise - Stopping By around 12ish. Hopefully the last few come in around 12ish. That would be so great to be able to get them back out today/tomorrow.
    ...See More
  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I would like one too Fran

  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Thanks about the photos. I have been meaning to get those up forever but you know how spring and planting season is. Who wants to be on the computer doing stuff but getting plants!

    I will let you know when I get more stuff posted so you can check it out!

    Also will ask Kim about a theme.


  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Thanks for the info Carmen. One more (dumb)question, so when do you consider them plants instead of just starts?


  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Tammy hon, your lagging behind on the tracking pages LOL.
    I KNOW it is a lot of work, remember I did it too LOL.
    I am glad you are covering this one hehe.
    I tried not to miss any on the other swap but when this start flowing fast and furious it was hard to keep up, but I still think you are doing a super fantastic job with this swap and I can't WAIT to get my box back.

    It would be nice if we had a few more joiners but THIS is a good group with lots of GREAT PLANTS so far! AND if no one else joins well I will be thrilled as grape koolaid with what I have now!!! WOOOHOOOO....

    :) Fran

  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    No question is dumb... We are all on a quest for knowledge and if you don't ask you will never know.

    I think that answer could vary. I personally consider it a plant once the start is established in the garden and starts to show signs of new groweth. But some may have a different opinion. -if it dies obviously it never 'start'ed. LOL (I know Im corney)


  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    We were posting at the same time... grape cool aid huh... LOL I guess I would have to be strawberry then.

    Me too. I am planning on finishing yesterdays and todays up tonight. Had to actually do work today... LOL

  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Hello everyone,

    Tammy i would like to contribute to Kim's condolenese box.I can not spell today it to hot outside. By the way the Citronella Plant is cuttings ( Tammy). Also if anyone is interested in hard Cuttting from a Purple Smoke Tree Busth just let me know.


  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    fran I will include your Hosta in the box.

  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Thanks Cindy, she emailed me asking me for a piece of one of the plants I listed and asked if there was anything I would like so I picked a hosta from her :). I hope you don't mine Tammy, it isn't a side trade it stemmed from THIS swap list :)!!!

    Does anyone have ANY:
    Zephyranthes grandiflora-Pink Rain Lily
    Zephyranthes citrina - Yellow rain lily (Liliaceae)

    I have white and this is all you can find around here and I LOVE these things they are so pretty when you can actaully get them to bloom LOL....

    Just thought I would check to see :)

    :) Fran

  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    yep got some of those, have any white to spare, i think i even have red, im going to have to look, they should bloom soon but ill try to remember ill see if i have an extra to offerbesides fran...tammy, that bt is a looker..bigmama

  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Hey bigmama,
    Yes, I have some white I can send you. I sure do appreciate it, thank you!

    OK, after MUCH MUCH MUCH consideration I am going to remove me from any cuttings offered. It is really hot here and I have not had ANY success with ANY of the ones I have tried this year. I want to make sure the items I receive will make it and giving make track record with ALL cuttings so far I know any cuttings I get will fail. I even FAILED at rotting SEDUMS that is TERRIBLE because sedums are FOOL PROOF!!!!

    SO TAMMY-CARMEN, I am sorry but would you PLEASE remove me from:
    Clerodendrum starburst 5 of 4 cuttings
    Tibochina Grandiflora 2 of 3 (THE PRINCESS FLOWER) -cuttings
    4 plumeria bridal boquet-white CUTTING
    5 bleeding heart-white CUTTINGS
    5 of 3 english dogwood-cuttings

    I REALLY am sorry, but when I realized some more cuttings that I just got in another swap isn't going to make it and the fresh cuttings I just took about a week ago all melted and look really bad I figure I better not take a chance on having cuttings sent to me after all. I mean since I am only getting credit for plants I send in I need to get plants in return.
    I hope you understand this, I really truly WISH I was better at rooting things and maybe someday I will be, but I am not right now.

    :( Fran

  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Ummmm...I would like the Plumeria Bridal boquet White cutting that Fran doesn't want.


  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Hi everyboby, I just draged my self in from work, whew what aday.

    Fran, I will start all the cuttings you wanted and I'll send them to you for postage as soon as they are ready.
    (about six weeks) OK miss cutting killer LOL.

    One way that I root cuttings and rarely kill any is
    I use a 3 in. pot fill it with good sanatized
    (store bought) potting soil, pat it down nice and firm and use a pencil or something like that to push a hole into the soil and put my cutting in the hole and with my fingers I press on the soil to make it nice and firm around the cutting, water it just a bit and cover all of it with a plastic bag so that the bag is firm around the pot. I set it in a shady place and don't bother it for a couple of weeks. never water it or take the bag off. some times the leaves will all fall off and wala new growth

    Oh well I don't know how I got on that but there it is LOL
    Thanx for listening Carmen

  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    good to know, ill try also..

  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Carmen, that is so sweet of you! You made me laugh when I read, OH well I don't know how I got on that but there it is LOL. I KNOW how you got on it and thanks, I will try that myself, I am good at forgetting things so maybe your method will work for me.
    I DID start some cutting from my Honeycomb Butterfly Bush last year, I am not sure WHY nothing is working for me this year. Maybe not enough shade, maybe too much moisture. I am not sure but I need to find a fool proof method of starting things so I will try this too so thanks so much for sharing!

    :) Fran

  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Every time I look at the list I want more!!I`d like to request Toni-red hot poker
    blue catnip
    April-2 more offers mixed TB iris
    Janie-gooseneck loosestrife
    2 offers strawberry plants
    another TB iris-pallida
    Sakura-white yarrow
    I`m really,really enjoying this!!I can`t wait to get my plants!
    Tammy,THANK YOU SO MUCH!I`m sending you a couple of surprises!I just love surprises!! Robin

  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I love sureprises too. Thanks Robin!

    FYI - I didn't have time yesterday with working and all to update the site but will get it done today!

    Yeah! I can't wait until boxes start to fly and I hope you all are really happy with what you are getting.

    Fran- That is fine - whats another plant LOL! I have help on the way to help sort. You know danae will help and I just found out shadyside -lisa lives not too far away and she offered to come help also. Yeah! I get to meet one of my GW buddies! Anyone else live close by and wanna come over. LOL!


  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    @ Tammy - I wish I could - it would save on postage!


  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    After checking around, I have two other offers:

    5 creeping germander- Teucrium chamaedrys (touted as xeriscape/full sun ground cover, but this grows in light shade for me, spreads, and has a small pretty purple flower)
    3-5 catmint - Nepeta, not sure which one; sprawly, but nice color with the coreopsis

    I also have a LOT of liriope, so if people want that let me know. It's something I freecyle every year for people who want to edge in a hurry.

    Add to WANT list:
    Ajania pacifica "Gold and Silver" Pacific Daisy
    Anemone japonica
    Baptisia australis false indigo
    Epimedium, especially "sulphureum" and
    Epimedium sempervirens Bishop's hat
    Saxifraga stolonifera Strawberry begonia

    Tammy, my husband, who is home on a business trip but has no meetings that day...yet, says he'll come too. We'll whip right through the sorting and posting! We'll bring some lunch stuff so you don't have to worry. Lisa

  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Requesting From Lisa-shadysite:
    creeping germander PLEASE

    Lisa I am glad you joined this swap, it is always nice to meet you. I should have said HEY sooner but I have been busy and not focused on the newest member of this little swap group SO HOWDY lol.

    Tammy, I hope you do get a chance to work on the site page, you know once you get behind you stay behind OR that is how it is with me anyway LOL...
    :) Fran

  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Ok Everyone. The site is completed updated! Please review and make sure I didn't miss anything. It was a LOT this time because I got behind and I caught myself making two mistakes so I am sure i probably made ones I didn't catch!

    Here is the link:
    click Here to verify your requests

    I would like each of you to verify that everything you requested is correct please so that it will make it easier for each person when creating the labels for the plants.

    Lisa - I picked 3 others of yours. Just see the list.

  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    hello all
    I'd like to request from

    sakura, verigated tall sedum

    geranium maculata
    sedum autunm joy
    creeping germander

    than you sakura and thank you lisa and welcome

    Tammy, Fran said she did not want any of my cutting, did you want to still leave them on the updated list?

  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    OK Tammy,
    Here are corrections:
    Requesting from Lisa-shady site
    creeping germander- Teucrium chamaedrys 2 or 3 if no one else wants

    Remove me from (and again I apologize)
    Clerodendrum starburst 5 of 4 cuttings
    Tibochina Grandiflora 2 of 3 (THE PRINCESS FLOWER) -cuttings
    4 plumeria bridal boquet-white CUTTING
    5 bleeding heart-white CUTTINGS
    5 of 3 english dogwood-cuttings
    explantion above....

    Ok, I am staying with the willow cutting because I have actually rooted those before even though I kilt is later! :( (YES I KILT it!)

    Ok, well I guess that is all the corrections at the moment for me, I need to go get some stuff situated then get in bed.
    Tammy thank you for all the HARD HARD work you are putting into this! You are doing an excellent job! Kudos to you girly.

    Lisa I am glad you will be able to help Tammy, Tammy you KNOW I will do everything I can to make it easier on you. :).

    OK, night all have a GREAT WEEKEND AND

    :) Fran

  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    No I remember reading that but think I must have missed it when I was updating. Thanks!

    Oh my gosh! I am sick again! this is ridiculous! I can't believe it!

    whew that feels a little better now....

    I have hardly ever gotten sick my whole life maybe once in a couple years -maybe. I eat health, don't drink don't smoke blab blab blab
    And since january I have been sick like 5-6 times! The docs seem to think my immune system is a little screwy because of loosing the baby in january and all the stuff that went on with my body and all January-March (not her terminalogy obviously but the jest of it). I just can't believe it though. I was feeling great, just started working out again and bam now I have strep throat. Danae had it a couple weeks ago so I know how I got it. But thats been a couple weeks. I must have had it and not known. So antibiotics again. I HATE taking antibiotics... uck! well its only a 5 day zpak course so I will be done on Tuesday but man I feel like crap! I thought it was just a sore throat on wednesday but it got worse so doctors I went today and bam strep....

    What is one to do??? I even started taking acidophilos to boost my immune system but obviously that isn't working. I am a little ticked off at my body right now. LOL

    Anyway wheeew wheeew deep breathes and calming down and getting ready to hit the sack so my body can rest and heal.

    Looking on the bright side: well at least we didn't move the mail date to next week and it shouldn't effect the swap any. LOL.


  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Tammy hon, thanks first off, second. Vitamin C, I am telling you it WILL help a lot, load up on it. IF you can eat lemons, grapefruits, strawberries even bell peppers.
    But get it in your system, even pill form, you just need to load up on it and keep it that way until your immune system is healed.
    Also, take some iron this will help boost your blood too. Anything you can do to boost your body is a good thing, you know miscarring is bad for your body. And your body rejected the baby for a reason SOOOO, you need to load up on the vitamins and minerals and getting them as much as possible from your foods is the best thing to do.

    Bananas, too. Ok NOW I am really getting off here and going to bed. I hope you feel better girly strep is nothing to play with. GO TO BED and get some rest tomorrow too! The rest of the weekend even!!

    :) Fran

  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I've got to get on the road, but this is so exciting. I'm thrilled that people want what I have and it is terrific to muse through Tammy's lists and photos (thanks for going to that extra work, Tammy).

    Additional Requests (I've put in for things that are taken, in case there turn out to be extras)
    Fran -Mexican petunia
    Cindy - yellow four o'clocks
    -plum magic trailing verbena (2)
    Janie - gooseneck loosestrife
    -evening primrose
    -Jacob Kline monarda
    -iris Indian Chief
    sakura-komichi - rose campion (2)
    Carmen -Mexican bush sage
    Bigmama4ever - grab bag arrowhead

    Toni/Zinaray - purple blazing star (2)
    Amy-Centaurea montana
    - purple bee balm

    I will try to fill the extra pachysandra and coreopsis.

    bibmama4ever, does epis stand for epimediums? Do you have extras? Is your arrowhead an indoor plant or are you growing outside? I have one native plant arrowhead under a pine tree and would love more....

    I have one large area that is very shaded by old, old beech trees and need woodland type plants and shady ground covers as I am tearing out tons of invasive ivy(and discovering mayflower, crocus,etc. along the way). Then I have a sandy soil area on a river, lots of sun, fairly dry most of the time because the drainage is instantaneous! I'm happy to take suggestions about things on the list that I didn't recognize as fitting my habitat.

    Thanks, and have a great weekend,


  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Hi tammy, hope you are feeling better,
    correction-from Lisa:pachyansdra/eupherbia robbia/geranium maculata/pulmomaria
    thanks Toni

  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Just one correction to my offer list - I think gardencraze also asked for a variegated sedum

    Some more requests, should finish me off:
    from Lisa/shadysite: geranium maculatum, Iris Indian Chief (I think I missed this iris by two hours - I'll list it anyway)
    from Carmen: yellow LA iris
    from Toni: purple blazing star, I. brevicaulis, I. hexagona



  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Hello everbody and happy forth to all!!!!

    Tammy how do I know how much postage to send you to for my box? Looks like I have about 70 or so plants I've not done this type of swap before, scareeeee!
    I've got all my tags done except for what comes in late. So I'm just trying to get all my duckies in a row LOL.

  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Please add (if still available)
    *From Robin-3 more Pampas Grass, 4 Forget Me Nots, and 2 Sweet William
    *From Fran-2 datura
    *From Toni-2 Toad Lilies
    *From April-4 Hot Pink Rose Of Sharons


  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    firt of all welcome to the crazy people, oops plant swap, isnt this funnn..second u need to go to your page and fix it, for instace i deduce youre in zone 7 from healping tammy, so the arrow heads are house plants but itake them outside in the summer, and bring them in in winter. the epiphyliums are white night bloomin and a perrty pink and yes i do, would you like some..happy fourth, later ladies..

  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Hey Lisa-shadysite,
    What bigmama is trying to say in her bigmama way LOL, is you have NOTHING listed on your trade page as of yet, nor do you have an email contact listed, you can start one at hotmail, live, gmail, or even mail. com with your handle shadysite@anylistedabove.com (OR use one you already have set up) because THIS tends to make us nervous here on GW in the exchanges when no one has any info listed at all.
    Not only can no one contact you with no email addy, no one has any idea what you might wish for IF you have no wants listed and we don't know what you already have or IF you have anything to share.
    So please if you will make a email contact available to your new GW family and list something on your trade/exchange pages.
    All you have to do is go to the members pages in the links below in the green tabs at the bottom of the site and a list of things will come up and one is Edit Your Personal Information, Page, and Preferences THIS is where you add your zone information AND your email information. Then you can go back to the members pages and go to Edit Your Exchange Lists this is where you add your haves and wants info.

    Tammy, I hope you are feeling a little better today. I hope you are out enjoying your 4th of July and not hold up in the bed.

    Ok well, I have seeds I need to go check on and some more I need to start.

    Hope everyone is having a wonderful 4th!

    :) Fran

  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    hi 5 fran

  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Hi everyone!!
    I have been out of town this weekend and just got back. We were at a family cabin for the weekend. It was so nice to just relax all weekend on the lake and bask in the sun!! Ahhhh, I wish I could live like that all the time! :-)

    I will check out the updated list Tammy and verify that everything looks good. I will also make sure that my numbers match up and I didn't go over last week.

    Hope you're all having a great weekend!!! talk to you more later. Now I get to go out and play in my gardens the rest of the day, the weather is perfect here today!


  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I have a update too add ontoy want this only if the are still available.

    Tammy yellow ground cover
    mixed colors of tall beard iris, sweet William dianthus mixed Mexican bush sage

    thank you Cindy

  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Yeah! I feel a LOT better. Went back to the docs on Saturday (yes my doc was open, finding a pharmacy was another whole story!) and they changed it to a stronger antibiotic because I felt like I was suffocating my throat was soo swollen but today I feel a TON better.

    OK I would say normally you would need the same amount of postage to recieve your stuff back as it was when it came in. (just for instance) if you used a large flat rate then that would be the same box coming back. If you are using a by the pound box I would send a little extra just in case the plants you are recieving are heaver than the ones you are sending. I would say normally as long as you send around the same it normally works fine.

    Amy - glad you had a good trip. The weather is great here too. I hope it stays like that tomorrow I have to get some plants ready for two other swaps I have to mail out tuesday.

    I hope everyone here is doing great! Please remember to confirm your plant lists.

    I took my name off a couple and added it to one or two that were available. Just see the list.

    Thanks Everyone for making this a great swap! I have had a ball!

    click here for link


  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Alright everyone I just sent out the email with instructions and my addy.

    Please let me know if you do not get the email.

    Just a couple reminder I thought I should post here even though its in the email...

    1. Don't forget to Include your postage and return label in a baggie so they do not get messed up.
    2. Package must be postmarked before July 15
    3. PLEASE use delivery confirmation and send me your confirmation number either online or in an email
    4. Your list of plants you are sending in. You can print your section out from the link but please include the list in your box so I can mark off as I go.

    BE SURE TO have each persons plant labeled with:
    Name of Plant
    Who it goes to (TIP: If you have multiple for one person you can rubberband them together and lable the bunch with the persons name instead of ea plant)
    From who (optional but I like to remember who gave me what)

    OK I hope I covered everything. I am consider doing a fall swap. I have each of your emails saved in my contacts and will send out an email to you to give you a heads up in case you are interested. If you do NOT want me to send you a reminder please let me know as I have everone in this swap saved under a distribution list in my outlook and I will remove your email after this one is complete if you do not want to get any more emails from me.

    I really hope everyone has had a wonderful time and I am going to close off the "auction" this Thursday for any final changes so that there will not be last minute request/changes which may make things difficult for some people, so if you have any more requests or offers you may want to get them in as soon as possible.

    Thanks again everyone for a wonderful swap.

    Tammy :-)
    AKA - Greenthumbgrow

    BTW - Any extras you send in will be a filler for those that are not over their requests (which is only a couple)

    Please include the total number of plants on the sheet I mentioned above so I do not have to total each of them.

    Thanks Again!

  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Ladies, Thank you. I had asked Tammy a question and she went out of her way to suggest I join the swap if interested, so I became a member at gardenweb in order to exchange on the swap and never thought about anything else I should do. I am a novice, live much of the year overseas in a desert where I buy flowers for our apt., and am learning how to garden in mid-stlantic woodlands and a sunny sandy riverside site - both in MD and totally different. The good news is if it doesn't work in one garden, it sometimes works in the other.

    Bigmama, I would like both the epiphylliums and the arrowhead to try them out and, Fran, thanks for explaining more.

    I do have some wormwood (artemisia) also which was in the river garden when we bought it and seems to love sun, sand, and spreading, if anyone wants that.

    I also have a rooted French lilac, about a foot tall, that I am going to have to toss...anyone up for that? I'd love to pass it on. It will probably bloom spring after next.

    I just saw purple smoke bush today and thought it was wonderful. Would I root the cutting in vermiculit/perlite under plastic?

    Thanks, Lisa

    Thanks to all, I am looking forward to trying many new things....andmoving them if they don't take!

  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I would love the French lilac Lisa!

    I'll check my list tomorrow.

    Good night everyone!

  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Can I go on the alternate list for that french lilac? LOL

    Also (I know I don't need to add anything but..) was wondering if anyone is looking for some purple perilla?

  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I took a quick look at the list on your page Tammy and I only have one change...you can take my name off the goldfish plant since I already have that.


  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    OK. gottcha covered and let me know if there are any other changes.


  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Hi Lisa

    I am not sure exactly how to get a cutting of the tree started bit I would sure be happy to send you a few branches


  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Can I request more please?
    Tammy-succulent yellow flowering(whatever`s left)
    lilium similar to red alert 3 more offers
    rose of sharon 2 offers
    Carmen-unamed bromelaid
    Cindy-2 more crepe myrtle
    purple smoke bush
    Lisa-autumn joy sedum
    Bigmama-asterlooking flower 4 offers
    Janie-daylilies stella de oro and purple de oro

  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Robin -

    Janie's current stella daylily slots look full, but I can provide some. Actually, if anyone else wants some, I can do about 3 offers.

    Tammy - I'd also like one of your lilium similar to red alert.


  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Changes: Tammy let Lisa-Shadysite have the Regular Pussy Willow (rooted cutting) - 1 offer I will get one some other time.
    From Carmen, let Amy-deigo have the Clivia, I'd prolly just kill it anyway.
    From Amy, let Lisa-shadysite have the purple yarrow
    From Janie-janie1leigh, let sakura_komichi have the TB Iris Indian Chief (I think)
    From Janie-janie1leigh, Robin-robin1962-2008 have the Stella d'oro I just got some so I don't need more
    TO THOSE I AM CHANGING MY REQUEST FOR IF YOU'VE ALREADY STARTED MAKING TAGS PLEASE BE SURE TO CHANGE THESE, thanks and sorry but I wanted these to go to the others who asked for them after me. :)

    I just counted my request per what I KNOW I am sending in and I am right on it with these changes. I WILL have a few more over because I am sending in a few not listed here.
    Tammy, you can just fell in with anything that might be extra, although I would prefer DAYLILIES hehe. You KNOW I need all the plants I can get lol.
    I am glad you are feeling better and went to the doc, I hope you get on the right track soon and stop getting sick so much!

  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Hi everybody,hope all is well,
    I have one change

    remove me from Frans ditch lily

    Welcome to shadysite good to have you on board.

    you all have a blessed night.

  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago


    I would like for someone else to have mexican Purple Petunia and Hemerocallis Route Sixty Six daylily and the angel trumpet. In exchange i would likepink 4 oclocks
    yellow Evening Primrose
    Carmen bleeding heart
    plumeria bridal boquet-white
