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WARNING!...don't give up on a plant till you're...

....absolutely certain it IS dead!!

I discarded my potted Calistemmon Citrinus a few weeks back and put it outside as it appeared not to have come through the winter. The leaves had all shrivelled and dropped off, all appeared dead. I scraped bark lower and lower down the stems to look for green tissue, nothing. I progressively cut the many stems back till all that remained was a branched stump of 3inches or so. Still dead, or so I thought. Today I went to re-use the pot it was still sitting in and noticed plump buds emerging from the woody stump! Yeah! There is life in the thing yet, am so pleased, its so lovely when in full flower. Realise I will have to wait a year or so to regain my plant, but I can do be warned, don't assume anything cannot regenerate given time, providing it has that essential spark of life left in it...give it another chance and you may get lucky!


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